Join us for Holy Week and Easter at St. John’s!

Join us for Holy Week and Easter at St. John's!

We hope you’ll join your St. John’s family—whether virtually or in-person—in these various ways! Note: if a service is listed as “hybrid” it will be in-person and on Zoom. Click here for all Zoom connection and other information, including COVID protocols.

  • Palm Sunday, April 10, 8:30am Morning Prayer (in-person, spoken) & 10am Eucharist (hybrid with music/children’s talk) – Experience the roller coaster and drama of Jesus’ journey from the crowds welcoming him into Jerusalem with palm branches all the way to the agony of the cross. We will bless palm crosses with those attending in-person. For those attending virtually, please join in the fun of our palm procession by lifting up a local plant from your garden or household (could be a branch, some leaves, a potted plant…)!  
  • Maundy Thursday, April 14 – join our larger diocesan family either at one of our neighbouring deanery churches, or virtually at Christ Church Cathedral. Please be in touch directly with the churches for more information and/or to clarify any COVID protocols in place:
  • Good Friday, April 15, 12noon (hybrid) – Join us on this most holy day, as we recall Jesus’ death on the cross. There will be sacred music and prayers, a time of Meditation on the Cross, and a Stations of the Cross reflection on Ukraine.
  • Easter Sunday, April 17, 8:30am (in-person) & 10am (hybrid with children’s program) Eucharist – the most important day of the church calendar, celebrating the miracle and joy of Jesus’ new life and resurrection, with lots of festive, beautiful music and prayers at both services. There will be children’s programming at the 10am service, as well as an Easter egg hunt and coffee hour following this service. We encourage you to dress in your Easter best (however you define that in these unusual times!), and have something colourful to wave in the air each time we hear the word, “Alleluia!”.

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