St. John the Apostle Anglican Church is a diverse, multi-cultural, multi-generational faith community. We are very accepting and welcoming of newcomers. There are numerous opportunities for friendship and service and learning.

The parish of St. John the Apostle has been part of the community since 1899. St. John’s was dedicated on January 20th, 1899. Although there have been improvements and upgrades over the years, the church still sits on the property that was donated by Captain Clarke of the Royal Engineers.
St, John’s has had an active Anglican Church Women’s group (ACW) since the doors opened in 1899, which still continues and thrives to this day.
Services are held at 8:30am (in-person only) and 10:00am (in-person & Zoom) each Sunday.
Children are always welcome and there is a children’s talk each month at the 10am service (usually the last Sunday of the month).
Please check our calendar for special service dates throughout the year.
Service to the city and the world around us continues in a number of important ways, as it has done for more than a century.
Food Bank (on hiatus since the pandemic) is held on the first and third Thursdays of the month, assisting families in the Tri-City area by providing a gathering place for friendship and mutual support along with a nourishing lunch and groceries to help supplement the families’ diets.
The parish also provides space for three AA groups for their weekly meetings, the Port Moody Korean Presbyterian Church for their weekly worship, and other community groups throughout the year.
Among other events, we have a Spring Tea in May, Garage Sale in the summer and a Fall Bazaar in November.
You can check us out on Facebook at “St John the Apostle (Port Moody)”.
We would love for you to come and be a part of our community, where you will find an inclusive atmosphere filled with those young and old. Everyone is welcome!