The E-postle November 10, 2019
![The E-postle November 10, 2019](
Remembrance Sunday
November 10, 2019
“The Parish of St. John the Apostle is called to be
* A Spirited Community at the heart of Port Moody
* transformed through the experience of the presence of Christ
* and sent out to share God’s Love”
Upcoming Dates
Sunday, November 10 Remembrance Sunday; after 10am service – Parish Forum on Marriage
Tuesday, November 12 10:15am–12noon – 5th “Holy Envy” Book Study – in the Parish Hall
Wednesday, November 13 1pm – Seniors’ Birthday Celebration
Thursday, November 14 1pm – Doreen Brown Funeral
Thursday, November 21 1pm – ACW meeting
Sunday, November 24 after 10am service – Welcome Coffee Hour for ReSponse Refugee Family
Monday, November 25 7–9pm – Parish Council Meeting
Thursday, November 28 5:30–7:30pm – Family Advent event with Inlet United Church
Stewardship Reflection
From Sunday by Sunday Reflections on Stewardship:
Luke 20: 27-38
How long will talking about hypothetical situations help God’s kingdom/God’s dream become a reality? As Stewards, we mustn’t let ourselves get sidetracked.
Pastoral Message – Doreen Brown Funeral
We are very sad to announce the recent death of parishioner Doreen Brown, and offer our deepest condolences and prayers to her family and all who held her dear. A Service in Thanksgiving for Doreen’s Life will be held here at St. John’s this Thursday, November 14, 1pm, with a reception following downstairs in the hall. In lieu of flowers, donations in Doreen’s memory may be made to St. John the Apostle Anglican Church, Port Moody, or to the charity of your choice.
New Members for the Altar Guild
The members of St. John’s Altar Guild are looking for some new members to join us. We work in groups on a 4-week rotating schedule, usually on a Saturday morning, arranging flowers, cleaning the brass, setting up for the Eucharist and laundering the altar linens. Please speak to a member of the Altar Guild if you are interested in joining us. Contact us at
Rector Away
Vivian is taking vacation and then away for spiritual retreat from Friday, November 15 through Friday, November 22. Please connect with Sarah in the parish office at or 604-936-7762, or Geri or Ruby at or for routine parish matters during this time.
For pastoral emergencies, to be connected to the on-call priest, please call the office at 604-936-7762 during business hours (Tues/Wed/Thurs 9am-1:30pm; Fri 9-11:30am) or Ruby at other times.
We are grateful to the Rev. Michael Chin, serving as presider and preacher at worship services on Nov. 17.
Online Survey & Nov. 10 Forum – Parish Council Message Re: Marriage at St. John’s
Thank you to those who have given feedback to us on marriage at St. John’s. At our October 28 meeting, we discussed information and suggestions received so far, including the desire for more space for parishioner input to Council. In that spirit, we would like to offer some additional ways for parishioners to share your thoughts:
- We have created a short online survey, so that you may indicate anonymously where on the spectrum of agreement you currently fall, and give any further comments through next Sunday, Nov. 17. Paper copies are also available at church, or if you are interested but unable to attend worship this week, contact for an emailed form. [NOTE: Please be sure to fill out either online or paper – not both! Also, we invite each adult person in a household to fill out a separate survey.]
- We are holding a parish forum this Sunday, Nov. 10, after the 10am service, and we invite you to attend so that we may all have the chance to hear people’s viewpoints.
We hope that after prayerful reflection and consideration, any who wish to share their thoughts will do so through these two spaces. We are hoping to have a wide representation of parishioner voices. As always, please feel free also to speak directly with any Parish Council member (The Rev. Vivian Lam, The Rev. Anne Anchor, Geri Grigg, Ruby Ng, Cedric Miller, Mary Lou Kyle, Adelaine Miller, Tony Pellett, Sheila De Vaal, Rosa Wiesensel, or Brian McGlashan).
Financial Status
Statement of Income and Expenses as of YTD to Sept 2019
INCOME | $ 156,619 | $ 160,200 |
EXPENSES | $ 163,611 | $ 160,200 |
Surplus (-) Loss | -$ 6,992 | $0 |
Fall Bazaar Wrap-Up
An enormous thank you to everyone who attended, participated in, volunteered at, contributed to, or invited someone to our bazaar. A huge extra thank you to the many coordinators who worked so hard to make their individual tables and areas so successful. It was a lovely day of fellowship and fun and an amazing display of the creativity and willingness to serve of our community. If you did miss it, there will be a mini “Bazaar Revisited” display on December 8 following the services that day.
If you are interested in participating more in our event, there is a group of volunteers that meets the 1st Wednesday of every month that works towards planning this event (among others) and everyone is welcome to join us. This team meets in the morning…but if you would like to be involved and cannot participate in the daytime, we could accommodate ways for your full participation. If you have an idea, a talent, or an ability to share, or if you love to cook, craft, sew, serve, plan, organize, or liaise with our surrounding neighbourhoods… consider joining us. The funds we raise in this event help to support the ministry of our church and our many outreach ministries. The event also helps us build fellowship within our parish and allows us a way to reach out into the greater community around us and carry out our mission to share God’s love in our world.
We hope you are looking forward to next year’s event already ☺️
2019 Fall Bazaar Raffle Prize Winners:
1st Prize: A Handmade Quilt – Nancy Stewart
2nd Prize: Prada Perfume – Joyce Young
3rd Prize: $50 Gift Certificate plus discount card and gifts for White Lotus Divine Healing – Kathleen MacDonald
4th Prize: Large Gourmet Food Basket – Naomi Schunselaan
5th Prize: Large Toiletry Basket – Ros Lecompe
6th Prize: $50 Gift Certificate for Saint Street Grill – Kurt Woodman
7th Prize: Small Gourmet Food Basket – Georgie Green
8th Prize: Small Toiletry Basket – Sylvia Bradley
9th Prize: Entertainment Book – Nancy Chong
10th Prize: $25 Gift Certificate for The Keg – Bob Kuhn
Total raised at this year’s Fall Bazaar: $ 6,278.80
Anglican Church Women (A.C.W.) Meeting
The next A.C.W. meeting will be held on Thursday, November 21st at 1pm. Please note a change of time from our usual evening meeting.
A.C.W. Calendar Fundraiser
The 2020 Anglican Church calendars are available to purchase for $7. Please see Sharon Cooper at the 8:30am service, or Antoinette Woodman or Joanne Walton at the 10am service if you would like to buy one.
Seniors’ Birthday Celebration
We will be celebrating the birthdays of our parishioners that are 80 years old or older, who have birthdays between October to December, with a light lunch and birthday cake in the Parish Hall, at 1 pm this Wednesday, November 13th. For more information, please contact Ann Adair-Austin by phone: 604-936-7256, or by email:
Refugee ReSponse Update – Nov. 24 Welcoming Coffee Hour
On Wednesday, Oct. 16, our refugee family arrived at Vancouver Airport! The family (including 4 children) were greeted by their parents/grandparents and other relatives.
Over the next several weeks, the family is being invited to visit with all the parishes in our deanery who have been involved in their sponsorship. We look forward to welcoming them here at St. John’s during our 10am coffee hour on Sunday, Nov. 24. Please join us that day to meet the new arrivals and celebrate a new beginning in their new home country.
Please also connect with Mary Lou Kyle if you/your family would like to spend some time with the family. Our responsibility as sponsors is to assist them in getting to know Canada. This includes things like taking them on outings to places like the library, rec center, parks, to local community events, perhaps a visit to downtown Vancouver or Fort Langley or out for a walk and a coffee. The adults would have some time during the week but events with the children would need to be on weekends. They require assistance taking transit until they become comfortable travelling on their own. One adult and a couple of the children speak some English but it is suggested that you load Google Translate on your phone to communicate with them in Persian.
Joint Family Advent Event with Inlet United Church – Thursday, Nov. 28
We are excited to be partnering with our neighbours Inlet United Church (formerly known as St. Andrew’s-IOCO) on a family-friendly event to get us in the spirit of Advent! We will be gathering in St. John’s parish hall on Thursday, November 28, from 5:30-7:30pm for supper, story-telling, music, and wreath-making. It will be a wonderful opportunity to fellowship with our United Church sisters and brothers – please come join us and invite friends and family!
If you are interested in helping out at the event, please connect with Vivian this week in person or at And please RSVP by Sunday, Nov. 24 with Sarah in the parish office at to help us plan well for food and setup.
An Advent Taste of Silence at St. Laurence – Saturday, November 30
You are invited to enter Advent within a setting of grace, stillness and reflection on Saturday, Nov. 30,
10am-3pm at St. Laurence Anglican Church (825 Saint Laurence Street, Coquitlam). The deep silence nudges us to say yes to what really matters in our precious lives. The day’s focus is on individual and personal relationship with God. Further information is posted on the bulletin board or contact Christine Kesans at
604-944-7447 or or visit the COGV website:
Reconciliation and the Welcome Post Project Continues
A new Welcome Post project begins. Grandmother cedar is at Noons Creek Hatchery and all are invited to see the progress of the work. The post carving story has been created in consultation with the Kwikwetlem people. These words below are of Carver Brandon Gabriel, a gracious person with whom I spoke today. Our journey on the path to reconciliation will continue through this carving and into the spring as new programs become available. What an amazing experience.
- Anne Anchor
“Day 2 (Monday, October 21st, 2019), Noons Creek Hatchery, unceded Tsleil-Waututh and Kwikwetlem territories, in the City of Port Moody.
Jonas Bige and Brandon Gabriel Art are hard at work with Dave Bennie, on the 600-year-old old growth cedar log that fell naturally, and was not a purposefully harvested log. Never in my dreams did I ever think I would ever be walking in an intact old growth cedar rainforest to go and do ceremony to bring a log down to the valley to create artwork for anyone, let alone a project that is honouring the entire Kwikwetlem First Nation and their ancestral home. Seriously, I know some of my artist friends who have been doing these projects for years, who might be a bit jaded because of all their years of experience doing this work. But it never gets lost on me. The magic of creating and working on things like this will never get old for me. I truly love it. Thank you to Tasha Faye Evans, Xwalacktun, Chief Ed Hall, Councilor George, the Kwikwetlem elders, the Kwikwetlem youth, The Port Moody Ecological Society, the City of Port Moody, and the volunteers at Noons Creek Hatchery for giving us this amazing gift to do this work for you. Thanks to my family in Kwantlen for supporting too!”
Gordon Shelter Donations Needed
A note from Patti Flanagan:
Betty Moore and I were at 3030 Gordon Homeless Shelter today working in the clothing donation room. There is a real need right now for men’s clothes. We realized the need when a man came to ask for a jacket and found only one available.
We especially need:
- warm men’s and women’s jackets, especially ones with hoods
- men’s sweaters, sweat shirts, sweat pants and hoodies
- socks, gloves, hats/toques
- men’s underwear
- rain gear including boots and umbrellas
Donations can be brought to church and will be taken to Gordon House by Mary Kyle, Betty Moore, or myself.
Extreme Weather Shelter Program – Call for Volunteers
Together with the Tri-Cities Homelessness Task Group, and funded by BC Housing, Trinity United Church offers emergency hospitality of overnight shelter and meals to those in need Nov. 1, 2019 – March 31, 2020 (as Emergency Alerts are declared). For each day that the Alert is in effect, Trinity United Church will coordinate volunteers to provide a hot evening meal; a warm, safe place to sleep; breakfast; a bag lunch; and clothing for up to 20 homeless persons aged 19 years or older.
How You Can Help:
- Volunteer for an evening or morning shift
- Help monitor our grocery supplies
- Help ensure bedding and blankets are cleaned
- Make a financial contribution to the Church
Volunteer Shifts: Evening 9pm-11pm – 2 volunteers per shift; Morning 5:30am-7:30am – 3 volunteers per shift.
Proteins needed for St. John’s Food Bank
Protein-rich foods are often the most expensive items for families to purchase when grocery shopping. People on limited budgets often cannot afford them and make do with stodgy foods to fill stomachs. Please help those who need them by donating the following to St. John’s Food Bank.
- tinned salmon, tuna, chicken, beef (not all can eat pork products)
- shelf stable nut butters
- dried or tinned beans and peas
- powdered or shelf-stable milks
- meaty stews or soups
- cans of vegetables
Bring your offerings on Sunday, arrange with the office to drop off during the week, or give some money to this ministry towards the purchase of fresh products.
Prayer Cycle
The Anglican Church of Canada – the Most Rev. Linda Nicholls, Primate, and the Most Rev. Mark MacDonald, National Indigenous Anglican Archbishop.
The Diocese of New Westminster – the Most Rev. Melissa Skelton, Archbishop, and Metropolitan of the Ecclesiastical Province of BC and Yukon.
And this week:
* St. Martin, North Vancouver
* St. Margaret, Cedar Cottage, Vancouver – The Reverend Heidi Brear
* Our partner Diocese of Northern Philippines, Bishop Brent Alawas, and especially the people of our twin church at St. John the Evangelist Mission, Balugan;
* The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada – National Bishop Susan Johnson, BC Synod Bishop Greg Mohr;
* The brothers and sisters who share our worship space: The Port Moody Korean Presbyterian Church
Readings for November 10, 2019 – Remembrance Sunday
Haggai 1:15b – 2:9; Psalm 145: 1-5, 18-22; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5, 13-17; Luke 20:27-38
Readings for November 17, 2019 – 23rd Sunday after Pentecost
Isaiah 65:17-25; Canticle 3 – Isaiah 12:2–6 (in place of the Psalm); 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13; Luke 21:5-19
Important Contact Information
Rector – The Rev. Vivian Lam – or 604-936-7762
Deacon – The Rev. Anne Anchor –
Office Administrator – Jennifer Green (currently on leave)
Interim Office Administrator – Sarah Golding – or 604-936-7762
(Office Hours during this interim time are Tues/Wed/Thurs, 9am-1:30pm & Fri, 9am-11:30am)
Rector’s Warden- Geri Grigg –
People’s Warden – Ruby Ng –
Treasurer – Cedric Miller –
Envelope Secretary – Sheila de Vaal –
Parish Council – Adelaine Miller, Secretary –
Altar Guild – Brenda Binns –
St. John Prayer Circle – Sue Elliott –
Pastoral Visiting Ministry – Joanne Walton/Alma Oldenburg –
Anglican Church Women (ACW) – Sue Hall – 604-936-0176 or
Children’s Ministry /Godly Play – Christina Anchor –
Prayer Shawls – Rosa Weisensel –
Bible Study – Lynne Milner –
Food Bank – Lynne Milner –
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