Christianity – Anglican Style

The Anglican Church of Canada is rooted in the traditions and spiritual practices of historic Christianity, which go back to the First Century AD.

We are organized pastorally, and to serve the spiritual needs of the Church, we ordain individuals to the vocations of bishops, priests or deacons. We believe these vocations are meant to serve the larger and more comprehensive calling of the whole Church, and indeed, the whole people of God.

Bishops are given spiritual oversight and responsibility in the service of districts we call dioceses. Anglican Dioceses are always part of a larger grouping of dioceses, in our case the Anglican Church of Canada.

Priests are given responsibility for the pastoral and spiritual oversight of parishes, and their primary focus is pastoral care, preaching, Christian formation and support, and presiding in worship (especially at the Holy Eucharist or Holy Communion).

Deacons are people called to a special role of servanthood, aligning and identifying with the poor and the marginalized, and keeping the Church’s mind and heart open to the real needs of the world beyond its doors. They also assist in acts of worship, and may also preach and teach.

Archdeacons are given responsibilities of oversight in the areas of the Diocese we call archdeaconries, and Regional Deans serve a primarily pastoral role in areas within archdeaconries called deaneries.

Those who are not ordained also have ministries, as they live out their Christianity at home, at work, and in wider society.

St John’s, Port Moody, is a parish in the Diocese of New Westminster, the Archdeaconry of Westminster, and the Tri-Cities and North Burnaby Deanery.


The Anglican Church of Canada operates according to these FIVE MARKS OF MISSION:

  • To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom;
  • To teach, baptize, and nurture new believers;
  • To respond to human need by loving service;
  • To seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind, and to pursue peace and reconciliation;
  • To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and to sustain and renew the life of the earth.



The Diocesan Handbook includes the Act of Incorporation, Constitution, Canons, Rules of Order, and the Policy Manual of the Diocese of New Westminster.

You can download the Handbook here: DIOCESAN HANBOOK

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