The E-Postle January 6, 2019

The Epiphany of the Lord
January 6, 2019
“The Parish of St. John the Apostle is called to be
* A Spirited Community at the heart of Port Moody
* transformed through the experience of the presence of Christ
* and sent out to share God’s Love”
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday Jan 8 10:15am – noon, Bible Study in the parish hall
Wed. January 9 9:30am – Coffee & Crafts
Rector’s Note
A very Happy and Blessed New Year to everyone! As we move into 2019, some of us are no doubt making new year’s resolutions. In the midst of all of this drive for self-improvement, I invite us all into settling into the wonderful and simple truth that no matter what, God loves you. You—yes, you—are beloved by God exactly as you are. Recall the message of the Christmas season—God loved us so much that he came to be with us in all of our human messiness and brokenness, and so that we would never again be separated from God. God has done all of this so that we don’t have to. There’s nothing wrong of course with the desire to improve our selves – just remember that your inherent worth is not dependent on whether you lose those pounds, eat more healthily, finally get more organized, or whatever it is that you are striving for. This new season of Epiphany that we are entering into now is all about God being made manifest – shown, revealed—to all the world. Feel free to make these resolutions for the sake of living more and more into your full potential. Through it all, though, do these things in the secure knowledge that God loves you no matter what, just as you are. In this way, I pray that we may let the glory of God shine mightily through each of us this Epiphany.
Flowers for the Altar
The Altar Guild would like to draw your attention to the new flower chart in the Narthex by the Chapel door. Please consider signing up to place flowers at the Altar in thanksgiving for something, or in loving memory of a family member, or friend. A member of the Altar Guild will contact you the week before the date you have chosen to see what type of flowers you would like and also the wording for the Bulletin.
Proteins needed for St. Johns Food Bank
Protein-rich foods are often the most expensive items for families to purchase when grocery shopping. People on limited budgets often cannot afford them, and make do with stodgy foods to fill stomachs. Please help those who need them by donating the following to St. Johns Food Bank in January:
• tinned salmon, tuna, chicken, beef (not all can eat pork products)
• shelf stable nut butters
• dried or tinned beans and peas
• powdered or shelf stable milks
• meaty stews or soups
• cans of vegetables
Bring your offerings on Sunday, drop off during the week Monday through Thursday 9:30 am to 1:30 pm, or give some money to this ministry towards the purchase of fresh products.
Prayer Cycle
The Anglican Church, the Diocese of New Westminster, Archbishop Melissa Skelton;
This week:
* Church of the Epiphany, Surrey – The Reverend Stephen Rowe
* Christ the Redeemer, Surrey
- Our partner Diocese of Northern Philippines, Bishop Brent Alawas, and especially the people of our twin church at St. John’s Mission, Bila, Mountain Province;
*The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada- National Bishop Susan Johnson, BC Synod Bishop Greg Mohr;
*The brothers and sisters who share our worship space: The Port Moody Korean Presbyterian Church and the Polish Evangelical Church.
Readings for January 6, 2019 – The Epiphany of the Lord
Isaiah 60:1-6; Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14; Ephesians 3: 1-12; Matthew 2:1-12
Readings for January 13, 2019 – Baptism of the Lord
Isaiah 43:1-7, Psalm 29; Acts 8: 14-17; Luke 3:15-17, 21-22
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