The E-postle – December 10th, 2017

Advent 2, December 10, 2017
“The Parish of St. John the Apostle is called to be
* A Spirited Community at the heart of Port Moody
* transformed through the experience of the presence of Christ
* and sent out to share God’s Love”
the purpose of prayer is not to change God’s mind, which always knows your wholeness and deservedness; the purpose of prayer is to change your mind so you can see through God’s eyes. – Alan Cohen
School for Parish Development
Think the Church needs more leaders? You are right. God’s Church needs you. Learn confidence and skills to engage in ministry, and become one of a growing number of Anglicans committed to renewing the Church. Speak to Stephanie or a warden about the opportunity to attend the Diocesan School for Parish Development on 4 weekends through 2018 or 1 week in the coming summer. Bursaries and parish assistance available. See
Yours in Christ, Stephanie +
Upcoming Dates
December 10-11:30-12:30 pm, “How to take out Jesus: practicing home communion”
December 14- noon, ACW pizza lunch
December 18- 7 pm onward, Parish Council members and families welcome at Stephanie’s
December 21- 11:30 am, Christmas lunch at the St. Johns Food Bank
December 24- 10 am Advent 4 service (no 8:30 am service this day)
December 24- 7 pm & 10 pm, Christmas Eve services
December 25- 10 am, Christ Mass for Christmas Day
January 3- 9:30-noon, Coffee & Crafts in the parish hall
February 18- 11:30 am Annual Vestry Meeting
February 23-25- Spiritual Formation Weekend at Loon Lake “Prayer Beyond Words”
Update on the Interim Process
This week you will also receive an email update from the Canonical Committee. You can soon find it posted on the church website at Paper copies are available on the table near the main entrance to the church.
Wherefore No WiFi in the Church Building?
As some of our more technically savvy parishioners (especially our younger ones) have noticed, there is currently no WiFi in the church building. We do have WiFi in the Parish Ministry Centre the PMC). We are looking for a parish volunteer to investigate the possibility of extending WiFi to the church and bring a proposal with costing and options to parish council. Longing for connection? Speak to one of the wardens.
“Prayer Beyond Words” Spiritual Retreat
The Diocese is sponsoring a weekend retreat at Loon Lake, Maple Ridge, for Anglicans wanting a deeper experience of spiritual formation and renewal. One of the stated goals is to meet you where you are in your spiritual journey and to respond to your needs so you may better encounter God and be equipped to serve Christ. Curious? Talk to Stephanie or facilitators Eric or Pam and check out the pamphlets or
Cookies and More Cookies
Are you a baker? Make a batch of cookies for the Mission to Seafarers. Cookies should be delivered in a freezer-safe container by December 14 to a member of the ACW. Contact Sue H.
Too busy to bake or have talents elsewhere? Sign up after the 8:30 or 10 am service to donate $20 towards the purchase of a special box of Christmas cookies plus produce for our Food Bank clients to make their holiday bright.
Advent Wreath Making Workshop
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Advent Wreath Workshop. Thank you also for your kind donations. We collected $63 for the Sunday School Foster Child.
There are a couple of larger items left from the Bazaar which are now free to a good home. If you or a person you know can use any of the following, please contact Joanne W. or the parish office this week to pick up:
– Single daybed with mattress
– Roll-away cot with mattress
– Large office chair
– Half size filing cabinet
– Dining room table
– small round oak table (needs assembly)
There is also an older television and an a.v. cart, and a large couch that need to be hauled away.
Next Steps in Reconciliation
You are being asked for feedback about possible next steps for fostering respectful relations with indigenous peoples in our area. Please speak to one of the clergy or wardens.
Fundraising total for Fall Bazaar
The final totals are in and we raised the amazing total of $7,121. Thanks to everyone who participated in this event. All your efforts, both large and small, are greatly appreciated – Ferne
Stewardship Reflection
“In my distress I called upon the LORD, to my God I cried for help. From his temple he heard my voice, and my cry to him reached his ears” – Psalm 18:6
When we are struggling, where do we turn for help? What resources does God provide for our comfort and courage? This week give thanks for the supports in your life.
Prayer Cycle
In the Anglican Communion-
* Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby; Primate of Canada Fred Hiltz and Indigenous Archbishop Mark McDonald; BC & Yukon Archbishop John Privett; Council of the North Diocese of Athabasca (Alberta)
* our partner Diocese of Northern Philippines, Bishop Brent Alawas, and especially the people of our twin church at St. Johns Mission, Bila, Mountain Province;
* Diocese of New Westminster Bishop Melissa Skelton, and this week:
The Anglican CanAsian Ministry (ACAM) Group
The Deanery of Richmond-Delta – The Reverend Brian Vickers, Regional Dean
*The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada- National Bishop Susan Johnson, BC Synod Bishop Greg Mohr;
*In our parish:
The work of the Canonical Committee as the first draft of the Parish Profile is prepared
and the canonical committee update is sent out
*The brothers and sisters who share our worship space: The Port Moody Korean Presbyterian Church and the Polish Evangelical Church.
Readings for Advent 3, December 17, 2017
Isaiah 61:1-4, and 8-11; Psalm 126; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24; John 1:6-8 and 19-28
Important Contact Information
Interim Priest– The Rev. Stephanie Shepard or 778-773-6816
Parish Office– Karen Evans or 604-936-7762
Wardens– Geri Grigg Terry Walton terry&
Maureen Simons or through the parish office
Treasurer– Chelsea Belyk
Parish Council– Adelaine Miller, Secretary
Altar Guild– Brenda Binns
St. John Prayer Circle– Sue Ellliott
Pastoral Visiting Ministry– Joanne Walton terry&
or Alma Oldenburg
Anglican Church Women (ACW)- Sue Hall 604-936-0176
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