E-POSTLE MAY 12, 2024

E-POSTLE MAY 12, 2024

Seventh Sunday after Easter

Ascension Sunday


May 12, 2024


8:30am (in-person only) & 10:00am (in-person + Zoom) – Holy Eucharist


Meeting ID: 542 312 325

Password: 010729

This Week’s Worship & Programs – http://www.stja.ca/program-updates/ – current information on what’s going on at St. John’s, including Zoom links and bulletin and scripture readings for Sunday worship.

Click here for contact info for parish ministries

Coffee/Tea will be served after the 10am service.





Tuesdays                     10:30 am: Bible Study (see link above)

7:00 pm: Prayer Group (see link above)

Fridays                        11 am: Choir Practice


Sun – May 12              Mothers’ Day – Hats & Fascinators

Thurs – May 16            10 am: Church and Yard Cleaning

1 pm: ACW meeting

Sun – May 19               Pentecost Sunday: Wear Red

Sat – May 25                11am: Ron Barnes’ interment @ St Clements, North Van

Sun – May 26               10 am only – Trinity Sunday – Bishop’s Visit

Sat – Jun 15                 10 am to 2 pm: Spring Street Community Kitchen

Thurs – Jun 21             National Indigenous Peoples Day





Guest Priest on Sunday May 12, 2024.

We are grateful to Rev. Dr. John Bailey who will serve as guest presider and preacher at both services.


Stewardship Reflection              

Prepared by Ven. Dr. M. Pollesel – John 17: 6-19

“Keep them under your protection”, asks Jesus of God. What’s he asking? He’s asking God to care for us, to practice stewardship with us. How good are we at taking care?


Mothers’ Day

In celebration of motherhood and the influence of mothers in society, we welcome you to wear hats and fascinators to mark the day.


Pentecost Sunday – 19 May 2024

If you’ve got RED – wear it. The traditional understanding of wearing RED for the Day of Pentecost is that it represents the fiery tongues that descended on the Apostles when they received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. As the Holy Spirit breathed new life into the Apostles to go out into the world so we choose to wear red to represent that we are living our lives out loud – living out loud the Love of God who is freedom, who is acceptance, who is peace. Be bold about Love…


Financial Status – February & March 2024


  Feb 2024

Actual $

March 2024 Actual $ YTD March 2024 Actual $ YTD 2024 Budget $ YTD 2024 Budget Difference
Income 15,542.50 21,666.35 51,025.51 60,124.29 (9099.14)
Expenses 16,273.19 14,514.32 44,733.49 60.124.29 15,390.80

(-) Loss

(730.69) 7,152.00 6,291.66 0 6,291.66
Offering for General Funds 11,276.00 15,020.00 35,970.00 46,618.26 (10,648.26)



Thank you all for your generosity in helping to narrow the deficit from the previous 2 months. We expect the deficit to increase as our interim priest moves to 80% instead of 50% starting 15 May, 2024.



A gentle reminder to wear your medallion for the Bishop’s visit on 26 May, 2024.



Rev Miranda – May 6 to 15

Rector’s Warden Rich Thompson – May 8 to 15

People’s Warden, Ruby Ng – May 14 to 21

Treasurer Sheila De Vaal – May 3 to 23


For time-sensitive matters, please contact Janica at administrator@stja.ca




The next meeting will be held on Thursday, May 16th at 1pm in the church hall. We will be discussing final arrangements for the upcoming Bishop’s visit.

We will be gathering beforehand at 10 am to give the church a thorough cleaning before the Bishop’s visit with us. Cleaning equipment and products will be supplied, but please feel free to bring in any other items you prefer to use such as long handle dusters, mini vacs, or your favourite cleaning cloth etc.

Please bring a lunch (tea and coffee will be provided), as we will have a short break in between cleaning and the meeting.


Tony invites you to join him for yard clean-up.


Spring Street Community Kitchen

Saturday, June 15:10 am to 2 pm:

Together with Inlet United and St. Joseph, we will be making Shepherd’s Pie for 3 needful families in the Tri-Cities. Everyone is welcome to join in, and we will have some for lunch.

Please register with Janica at administrator@stja.ca if you are interested to join in.






Vignettes from parishioners of the parish being offered throughout the year of the 125th Anniversary celebrations. If you are asked to offer one week, please accept so that we may get to know a bit more about our friends in the pews. Please forward a written copy to news@stja.ca thereafter. These will be posted in the E-Postle as well as a compilation for print later in the year.


Anne Anchor’s MEMORIES of Coming to St John – 5 May 2024 Last week, Miranda you asked and I acknowledged there would be a testimony this week…. well, this is it!!


I came to St. John’s at a time when I had been so involved in the parish I was in and I was feeling held back because I was a woman. It was also a time, when I was feeling spiritually stagnant. I came here as it was the place where my parents were worshipping, and my dad The Rev Jack Bishop, was serving as Honorary assistant to Ron Barnes.


I first attended a Wednesday morning service. It was then that I met Joanne Walton who I have come to know as my soul sister. I had promised myself when I moved to St. John’s I would not  get involved in anything for awhile…. but, before I knew it I was on Council.


1994 was a turning year for me it was at the Confirmation service of our daughter when we had an Altar Call following on the theme of that weekend’s Spiritual Growth workshop. Unplanned, my dad and I came to kneel before Bishop Michael Ingham who laid his hands on our heads and prayed over us. As he removed his hands from my head I felt the warmth remain… as I have often said, my head burned for hours.


A few years later I was still trying to understand what had happened that day. Then, I heard of the Education for Ministry course and started in September 1997 with not yet Deacon Trudi Shaw as mentor. 23 years later I continue in EfM, now as a mentor because it is so life changing for those who participate. I also learned about the Diaconate from Trudi and Lilian Elliot who was also in the group.  It was not long before I was saying … yes to God as I came to realize that my diaconal ordination was what God had been wanting of me for so long,…. finally the Anglican Church of Church had caught up with what God wanted.


The journey to ordination in this parish was amazing. I was upheld by so many loving and caring people. On July 21st 2001, once again I knelt at this altar and before Bishop Michael as he laid his hands on my head and I knew deep within myself that this was my calling and what God wanted.


So much has happened at St. John’s over these many years and I think what has been the greatest strength of this community is that it has a passion for service. This is shown in so many ways, from a Day Care, the Food Bank, Pastoral Care, outreach in the Cold Wet Weather Mat Program, 3030 Gordon Shelter, the work of the ACW, Indigenous relations and even the eight summers in which we held Vacation Bible Schools, Such full and enriching times  and so many friends and memories made. I think it fair to say that the strength of this parish has come from our fundamental belief in the ministry of all believers and the empowerment of lay ministry.


People here know well what it means to be a community of caring and loving people of God. It seems to me that if there is a situation when someone is in need, this community will do it’s best to serve and care. I have seen many people come and go over these more than 30 years but friends have been made anew and many still remain and friendship, kindness and compassion are the greatest gift any community can offer. I wrote this before I knew what the Gospel was for today but I still feel I need to add this… Jesus is speaking with his disciples and says … You are my friends if you do what I command (John 15:14) … I believe Jesus calls us his friends…


After my illness this summer I had a conversation with Angus Stuart about my dilemma about retirement, which I had thought may happen last year,  I was saying that I just can’t seem to leave….  he said… I understand why you are staying … it is because this is an amazing community of love, caring  and support.  I realized once again that it is the people and blessings in this community that keep me going and hopefully will for many years to come, but….. some day, I will have to retire……



Saturday May 11, 2024.  2 – 4pm

Pie and ice cream, plus tea or coffee will be served for a cost of $8. Invite your family and friends to come and join us to celebrate the season of Easter and the joy of Spring!

Sign-up sheets will be posted asking for volunteers to help in various areas, and also a request for donations of baked goods for the Baked Table.

Please drop off all baking at the church hall from 11 am to 1 pm on 11 May.

Donations of crafts, jewellery, and plants would be much appreciated and can be brought in at any time before 2 pm. Tickets are on sale now by Ferne, Antoinette, and Doris.

Please speak to Ruby or Ferne if you need further information or contact the Church Office at administrator@stja.ca

National Indigenous Peoples Day June 21st, 2024

We have been asked again by Tasha Faye Evans the coordinator of NIPD in Port Moody to supply some knitted blankets for the ceremony in the evening at Rocky Point.

More details to follow about the ceremony but for now I am calling upon all knitters to offer their talent in this ministry towards Reconciliation. We have been asked to provide 10 blankets. We will be making them more in the dimension of prayer shawls this year, so, a bit smaller than past years. We should have them completed by June 2nd for blessing before we pass them on.


Thank you to all who have volunteered to knit blankets for honouring this day. More information will follow about further planning for this day.

Please contact Anne Anchor at deacon@stja.ca for details regarding size, colour and wool weight.

125th Anniversary Celebration

Sunday May 26, 2024, at 10 am

As part of our 125 years as a place of worship within the community of Port Moody, we would like to acknowledge those of you were either married or baptised, (or possibly both) at St John’s – at any time in its history. We have invited Bishop John Stephens of the Diocese of New Westminster to join us and lead us in worship. The service will be a celebration of our anniversary, focusing on the sacraments of baptism and marriage in our community. We will all be invited to re-affirm our baptismal vows during the services.

There will be a light lunch following the 10 am service. We hope that you can join us for this special celebration. For further information, please contact Ruby at peopleswarden@stja.ca or Janica at administrator@ stja.ca





Flower Chart for 2024

This is up in the Narthex (at the back of the church, by the chapel).  Should you wish to commemorate a birthday, anniversary, or give in memory of a loved one, please consider signing up to donate flowers for the altar.

Parish Giving

Donations may be made by cheques, PADs or through e-transfer directly to the church account. Please contact Ruby at peopleswarden@stja.ca or Sheila at treasurer@stja.ca for more details. You may also give via PayPal/credit card via our website.



12 May 2024 The Seventh Sunday of Easter/ Ascension Sunday

Acts 1:15-17, 21-26; Psalm 1; 1 John 5:9-13; John 17:6-19


19 May 2024 The Day of Pentecost

Acts 2:1-21; Psalm 104:25-35, 37; Romans 8:22-27; John 15:26-27, 16:4B-15


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