E-Postle November 20, 2022
The Last Sunday After Pentecost: The Reign of Christ
November 20, 2022
8:30am (in-person only) & 10:00am (in-person + Zoom) – Holy Eucharist
Meeting ID: 542 312 325
Password: 010729
Program & Worship Updates/Links – https://www.stja.ca/2022/program-updates/ – current information on programs, including Zoom meeting information and the bulletin and scripture readings for Sunday worship.
There will be coffee and refreshments after the 10 am service.
Sat – 19 November St Laurence “Quality Fair Bazaar”
Sun – 20 November Inlet United Church Blessing
Tues – 22 November Parish Council meeting
Wed – 23 November ACW Service of Thanksgiving
Sun – 27 November 1st Sunday of Advent – Bishop’s Visit and Advent Wreath Workshop
Tues – 29 November Advent discussion #1 at Zoom Bible Study
Sat – 3 December Christmas Community Kitchen and Caroling Event
St Laurence Bazaar
Saturday 10 am – 3 pm
825 St Laurence St, Coquitlam, BC V3J 6G7
Back again for early Christmas shopping featuring gift baskets, jewelry, baking, preserves, books, collectibles, artwork and more!
Stewardship Reflection:
Luke 23:33-43 – Reflections on Stewardship, prepared by the Ven. Dr. Michael Pollesel.
“The Reign of Christ will be ushered in when we truly acknowledge Jesus as Lord of our lives and allow ourselves to be directed by him and try to live as faithful stewards”.
ACW Service of Thanksgiving
The ACW will hold a brief service of thanksgiving for four members of the parish and our ACW who died during the pandemic. We will remember Addie Favelle, Joyce Rexin, Marilyn Pollock, and Mickey Marshall and their contribution to the parish family. It will take place after the ACW meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 23 at 2pm, followed by a tea in the hall. If you wish to come, please RSVP to Joanne Walton at 604-465-1646 or Ferne Malcolm at 604-939-2807
Christmas Community Kitchen & Caroling
We are excited for our very first in-person Spring Street Community Kitchen on Saturday, December 3, 2020.
It will be a Christmas-themed kitchen hosted by St. John’s, and will have 2 components (feel free to come to one or both):
- 3:30-4:30pm – making Christmas cookie mixes-in-a-jar
- 4:30-5:30pm – caroling upstairs in the church
Please email SpringStreetCommunityKitchen@gmail.com to RSVP, or if you have any questions.
Advent Wreath Workshop
During the Bishop’s visit on Nov. 27, after the 10am service, on the stage. The wreath foundation in a container, and greenery will be provided. Please feel free to bring any interesting foliage from your garden, clippers or pruning shears, and 5 candles (these are usually purple or blue, but white can be used). We will be collecting donations for costs of materials. Please talk to Ann Adair-Austin for further information.
Parish Advent Program – “From Generation to Generation”
There are countless “ways our lives, histories, actions, and stories are interconnected and woven together. The work of God is always unfolding—in and through us. This Advent, may you remember that you belong—to a story etched into the wrinkles of time, to generations that have come before and will come after, to a love that won’t let you go.” (From the publisher)
This Advent, we will use a daily devotional guide offering Biblical commentary, poetry, visual art, hymns, journaling, and recipes based on this theme.
We will share and discuss our learnings at our Tuesday 10:15am Zoom Bible studies beginning Nov. 29. Our Facebook page will also feature some of the devotional material and invite commentary and reflection.
If there is enough interest, we can also gather on a weeknight or at Sunday coffee hours – please let Vivian know at rector@stja.ca.
There are 3 electronic versions of the devotional guide – a smaller-print one to view on a device and a smaller-print one to print. There is also a large-print version that can be viewed on a device or printed.
Please contact Paula at administrator@stja.ca for the links to the electronic versions or to ask the office to print you a copy (donations are welcome to offset printing and mailing costs).
Inlet United Church Blessing
We are invited to help celebrate Inlet United Church’s new buildings at The Springs on Sunday, Nov. 20, 1pm with a Church Blessing and Tours of the Property. RSVP at office@inletunited.ca.
“Christmas at Sea” for the Mission to Seafarers
You can bring a smile to the face of another person, in this case, a seafarer at Christmas. We are showing that we care and are grateful for what they do by collecting donations of toques, socks, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, chocolates, and souvenirs in a basket at the back of the church. These will be delivered to the Mission and on Christmas Eve, they are brought out to the ships and for the days afterwards.
You may make a monetary donation at https://www.flyingangel.ca/pages/donate
Bishop’s Visit Nov. 27
We are looking for volunteers:
- to set up (Saturday 26 Nov at 9.30 am) and clean up after the event.
- to bring a dish, as per menu
The menu and sign-up sheets for the reception (after 10am service) is now posted on the bulletin board in the kitchen.
Please contact Ruby at peopleswarden@stja.ca should you have any questions.
Bishop John will meet with Parish Council at 12:30 pm.
Cold Wet Weather Mat Program – the return of a greatly needed program in the Tri-Cities
Orientation December 10th 9:30-11am at St. Laurence to sign up for the month of January.
There will be many ways to participate…
Volunteer to work 2 hour shifts early morning (5:30-7:30am) and evening (9-11pm)
Provide items – during the month of January we will be seeking donations… more info to come
Anne Anchor will be attending the orientation and can sign up for you if you are unable to attend. Anne can be contacted through deacon@stja.ca
Wardens’ Note:
We have less than 2 months to the end of our financial year and we are running at a deficit of close to $50,000 by year-end. We are asking that you prayerfully discern whether you are able to contribute a little more to assist the parish and the wider community as we follow our mission.
Parish Giving
Can be made through e-transfer directly to the church account; please contact Ruby at peopleswarden@stja.ca or Sheila at treasurer@stja.ca for more details.
COVID Protocols
We ask that all still remain vigilant in regards to COVID infections. By staying home if you are unwell and letting the clergy or wardens know if you have tested positive, we will avoid further spread in our community. Masks are required at worship.
Readings for November 20, 2022 – Last Sunday after Pentecost
Jeremiah 23:1-6; Luke 1:68-79 (canticle in place of Psalm); Colossians 1:11-20; Luke 23:33-43
Readings for November 27, 2022 – First Sunday of Advent
Isaiah 2:1-5; Psalm 122; Romans 13:11-14; Matthew 24:36-44
Rector | The Rev. Vivian Lam | rector@stja.ca | 604-936-7762 |
Deacon | The Rev. Anne Anchor | deacon@stja.ca | |
Parish Office | Paula Minetti | administrator@stja.ca | 604-936-7762 |
(No drop-in visitors at this time – please make an appointment to come in. General office hours are Tues/Thurs/Fri, 10am-2pm, but may occasionally change.) |
Rector’s Warden | Rich Thompson | rectorswarden@stja.ca | |
People’s Warden | Ruby Ng | peopleswarden@stja.ca | |
Treasurer | Sheila De Vaal | treasurer@stja.ca | |
Envelope Secretary | Antoinette Woodman & (Asst. Env. Secretary) May Fung | envelopesecretary@stja.ca | |
Parish Council | Geri Grigg, Secretary | parishcouncilsecretary@stja.ca | |
Altar Guild | Brenda Binns | altarguild@stja.ca | |
Anglican Church Women | Alma Oldenburg | ACW@stja.ca | |
Bible Study | Lynne Milner | biblestudy@stja.ca | |
Building Repairs / Maintenance | Rich Thompson | property@stja.ca | |
Children’s Ministry/Godly Play | children@stja.ca | ||
E-Postle | Ruby Ng | news@stja.ca | |
Food Bank | foodbank@stja.ca | ||
Parish Visiting Ministry | Joanne Walton/Alma Oldenburg | pastoralvisits@stja.ca | |
Prayer Circle | Sue Elliott | prayer@stja.ca | |
Prayer Shawls | Rosa Weisensel | administrator@stja.ca |
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