Virtual Online Bazaar

Exciting news! Our Virtual Online Bazaar event is on! Make sure to check it out and order soon!
Take a look at our Summary Sheet of everything available at the Bazaar.
And here are the links to follow to order your Bazaar items:
- Main –
- Kids –
- Jewelry –
If you follow these links (by clicking on the underlined words), you will go directly to the pages of our Virtual Bazaar and be able to see the selection of Bazaar items that we are able to have for you to order this week.
Please be aware that you MUST complete the MAIN order form (even if you don’t order anything off of it, because that is where you select your pick-up time for the drive-through).
Please note that the order form will only be available for orders until Thursday November 5 (at 5 pm) when it will be taken down so that we can get your orders ready for you to pick up in a drive-through event on November 13 and 14…so that means you should check it out soon! When you place your orders, you will select a time and date to pick up your items.
As this is the first time we have tried such an event, please be patient and gracious with us. Our order forms may be a little bit cumbersome to use, and I am sure we will find a few things that do not work the way we had hoped…but let’s all enjoy a bit of fun together trying it out. It is a new experience for us all!
We hope you enjoy looking through and trying some of these items that we have available for you this year. Thanks so much to you all for participating in our Virtual Online Fall Bazaar!!!!
On behalf of the ACW and Bazaar Committee,
Kristin Kuhn (778-957-8987 or
& Alma Oldenburg (604-788-2562 or
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