The E-postle June 14, 2020

Second Sunday After Pentecost
June 14, 2020
“The Parish of St. John the Apostle is called to be
* A Spirited Community at the heart of Port Moody
* transformed through the experience of the presence of Christ
* and sent out to share God’s Love”
- Upcoming Dates
- Stewardship: Stewardship Reflection, Community “Phone a Friend”
- Worship: National Pentecost Worship Service Video
- Parish Matters: Rector Away, Delaying Parish Opening, From the Wardens – Parish Giving, Ongoing Updates Pages, E-Postle Submissions
- Parish Ministries: Anglican Church Women (A.C.W.) Zoom Meeting, Food Bank Temporary Suspension & Ongoing Support Needed
- Community News: Pastoral Letter on Racism from the Archbishop
- Weekly Devotions: Prayer Cycle, Scripture Readings
- Important Contact Information
***Note: All gatherings below take place online via Zoom unless otherwise indicated.***
(Visit for connection information)
Sunday, June 14 8:30am & 10:00am – Sunday Morning Prayer
Meeting ID: 542 312 325
Password: 010729
Sunday, June 14 following 8:30am and 10:00am worship – Informal Virtual “Coffee Hour”
Tuesday, June 16 10:15am – 12:00pm – Bible Study
Tuesday, June 16 7:00pm – 8:00pm – Prayer Group
Thursday, June 18 7:00pm – 8:00pm – Anglican Church Women (A.C.W.) meeting
Sunday, June 21 National Indigenous Day of Prayer
Tuesday, June 30 7:00pm – 9:00pm – Parish Council meeting
Stewardship Reflection
From Sunday by Sunday: Reflections on Stewardship, prepared by the Ven. Dr. Michael Pollesel:
Matthew 7:21-29
The words of today’s gospel tell us plainly that, as the familiar Christmas song puts it: “Words are not enough!” The faithful steward is the one whose actions reflect the words. In other words, the faithful steward is the one who not only “talks the talk,” but who “walks the walk.”
Community “Phone a Friend”
Your St. John’s Stewardship Team have set up a “phone a friend” service for us all to keep from feeling a bit disconnected during these days of physical distancing. We have set up phone teams to call each week to “check in” and help relieve some of the loneliness that is inevitable in the current circumstances.
We would like to make sure no one out there is left out, so email or call Kristin ( or 778-957-8987) or Natasha ( or 604-961-6630) if you are not receiving a call and would like to, or if you are interested in helping to make these phone calls, and we will make sure you get hooked into the service.
We know that the caring community that is St. John’s will not leave any of its people feeling more separated than is absolutely necessary. “Distance means so little when people mean so much.”
-Your Stewardship Team
National Pentecost Worship Service Video
On Pentecost Sunday, the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada released a special video worship service of songs and prayers in multiple languages. More than 200 members from both churches, including the Indigenous Anglican Church, took part.
View the video, as well as an interactive map of Canada showing each individual video submitted for the project at You can also read more about the making of the video at
Rector Away
Vivian is taking a (virtual) spiritual retreat and some vacation time from Monday, June 8 through Monday, June 15. Please connect with Ruby or Geri at or for routine parish matters during this time.
For pastoral emergencies, to be connected to the on-call priest, please call Ruby.
We are grateful to the Rev. Michael Chin, serving as officiant, and the Rev. Anne Anchor, serving as preacher, at Zoom worship services on June 14.
Delaying Parish Reopening
Please see the Parish Council statement to parishioners, that outlines our discernment to not yet reopen St. John’s buildings for in-person worship on June 14 at
For more details on the diocesan requirements for reopening, please see
Financial Status up to 30th April 2020
We append below the Parish financial status for March and April for your information. We thank everyone for your continuing support for the church, as well as in our ministries to the larger community in a time when need is more keenly felt than ever.
Statement of Income and Expenses 30th April 2020
March Actual | March Budget | April Actual | April Budget | YTD Actual | YTD Budget | |
Income | $12,554 | $ 19,083 | $15,127 | $19,083 | $60,942 | $76,333 |
Expenses | $ 18,291 | $ 19,083 | $3,347 | $19,079 | $ 67,320 | $76,232 |
Surplus (-) Loss |
$(5,737) | $ 0 | $11,780 | $4 | $(6,378) | $101 |
FUNDS | March Actual | March Budget | April Actual | April Budget | YTD Actual | YTD Budget |
General | $ 8,806 | $ 15,408 | 10,984 | 15,408 | $ 43,374 | $61,633 |
Property | $1,073 | $ 0 | $1,473 | $ 0 | $ 5322 | $ 0 |
Notes by Treasurer:
In February, some annual expenses such as insurance get paid, which may make it appear as though our expenses are far more than budgeted. There were also a few unbudgeted larger expenses that happened earlier this year, like snow removal. This resulted in a YTD deficit of $12,277 as of February 29th.
March income took a dive as our last in-person worship was on 8th March. Expenses remained close to our budgeted amounts.
April’s income improved as donations came in via PADs, cheques, and e-transfers. Expenses were reduced significantly as the Rector salary was paid for by the Diocese, as well as our Parish Assessment. These combine to a savings of $11,288, which will continue in May.
Those that share our space have also continued to contribute in these difficult and uncertain times.
Also worth mentioning is that we do not have an Administrator at the present time.
From the Wardens – Parish Giving
Thank you to all who have continued with your offerings via PADs and cheques. If you are interested to e-transfer your contributions directly to the church account, please contact Amalia or Ruby at for more details.
Ongoing Updates Pages
There are 2 important pages on our parish website which will be updated regularly as we have new information (links to both pages can also be found at the top of our homepage
- Program & Worship Updates/Links – – current information on programs, including Zoom meeting information and the bulletin and scripture readings for Sunday worship.
- Updates on Covid-19 at St. John’s – – a collection of all special correspondence from Archbishop Melissa and from our parish re: actions that St. John’s and our greater diocese are taking with the Covid-19 virus.
E-Postle Submissions
If you have submissions for the E-Postle, please email them to Kathy by Wednesday at 9:00pm at
Anglican Church Women (A.C.W.) Zoom Meeting
Sadly, our usual annual wind-up dinner in June has been cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions. We have decided to have a regular business meeting on Zoom on Thursday, June 18 at 7:00pm. The meeting will focus on our future plans for the Fall and the Fall Bazaar.
Please contact for meeting connection details.
-Ann Adair-Austin
Food Bank Temporary Suspension & Ongoing Support Needed
The St. John’s Food Bank is not able to operate until further notice due to the COVID19 virus and the many restrictions that are in place for the safety of all our community and beyond. The Food Bank will resume when safe to do so and will continue to rely on the generosity of our parishioners.
Since this ministry to our community is a priority for St. John’s, Parish Council has decided at our March 31 meeting to use funds that would normally have gone into purchasing food for our own Food Bank to support others who are able to continue to serve our community in this time. We will be giving $1000/month for April-June to SHARE Food Bank. Please continue to give generously to our Food Bank ministry so that in this time of great need we can continue to support this important work for the most vulnerable among us.
In the meantime, we have been informed about 2 local food programs that are currently still operating if you are interested in inquiring about other ways to help.
- SHARE Food Bank –
- Club Freedom, a meal program run by CityReach Care Society, Broadway Church, and Eagle Ridge Bible Fellowship – (To volunteer or donate food for Sun/Tues/Thurs contact Craig Savage at or 604-253-2700. To volunteer or donate food for Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat—contact Debbie Fell at or call 604-942-5622)
Pastoral Letter on Racism from the Archbishop
Archbishop Melissa has written a pastoral letter reflecting on Pentecost and the topic of racism which can be found at
Prayer Cycle
The Anglican Church of Canada – the Most Rev. Linda Nicholls, Primate, and the Most Rev. Mark MacDonald, National Indigenous Anglican Archbishop.
The Diocese of New Westminster – the Most Rev. Melissa Skelton, Archbishop, and Metropolitan of the Ecclesiastical Province of BC and Yukon.
And this week:
- Holy Trinity Cathedral, New Westminster – The Venerable Richard Leggett,
- The Reverend Carole Neilson, The Reverend Tasha Carrothers
- Holy Trinity, Vancouver – The Reverend Karl Przywala
- Holy Trinity, White Rock – The Reverend Paul Richards
- St. Alban, Richmond – The Reverend Paula Porter Leggett
- St. Alban the Martyr, Burnaby – The Reverend Gregory Jenkins
- Our partner Diocese of Northern Philippines, Bishop Brent Alawas, and especially the people of our twin church at St. John the Evangelist Mission, Balugan;
- The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada – National Bishop Susan Johnson, BC Synod Bishop Greg Mohr;
- The brothers and sisters who share our worship space: The Port Moody Korean Presbyterian Church
Readings for June 14, 2020 – Second Sunday After Pentecost
Genesis 18:1-15; Psalm 116:1, 10-17; Romans 5:1-8; Matthew 9:35-10:23
Readings for June 21, 2020 – National Indigenous Day of Prayer
Isaiah 40:25-31; Psalm 19; Philippians 4:4-9; John 1:1-18
Rector | The Rev. Vivian Lam | | 604-936-7762 (church voicemail) / 604-723-5029 (cell) |
Deacon | The Rev. Anne Anchor | | |
Parish Office | | 604-936-7762 | |
(Office is closed at this time, but email and voice messages will be checked Tuesday – Friday) | |||
Rector’s Warden | Geri Grigg | | |
People’s Warden | Ruby Ng | | |
Treasurer | Amalia McGlashan | | |
Envelope Secretary | Sheila De Vaal | | |
Parish Council | Kristin Kuhn, Secretary | | |
Altar Guild | Brenda Binns | | |
Anglican Church Women | Alma Oldenburg | | 604-788-2562 |
Bible Study | Lynne Milner | | |
Building Repairs / Maintenance | Brian McGlashan, Building Coordinator | | |
Children’s Ministry/Godly Play | Christina Anchor | | |
E-Postle | Kathy De Vaal | | |
Food Bank | | ||
Parish Visiting Ministry | Joanne Walton/Alma Oldenburg | | |
Prayer Circle | Sue Elliott | | |
Prayer Shawls | Rosa Weisensel | |
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