“The Parish of St. John the Apostle is called to be
* A Spirited Community at the heart of Port Moody
* transformed through the experience of the presence of Christ
* and sent out to share God’s Love”
Upcoming Dates
Saturday Oct 13 Special Synod on proposed changes to Canon 2 & 3
Tuesday Oct 16 10:30-noon, Bible Study in the parish hall
Thursday Oct 26 ACW Meeting 7:00 p.m. Rescheduled from Thursday Oct 18
Saturday Nov 3 Investiture of New Members to the Order of the Diocese of New Westminster at Massey Theatre starting at 10:30 am.
Saturday Nov 10 Fall Bazaar
Tues Nov 20 The Rev. Vivian Lam 1st day begins at St. Johns
Tues Dec 11 The Rev. Vivian Lam’s Induction – 7 pm with rehearsal at 6 pm.
Dear Friends:
My hope is that you had a very blessed Thanksgiving time with family and friends.
This coming Sunday, we mark the second part of our Stewardship Campaign. Before coming to church this week, I would ask you to contemplate our church building as it currently stands, and our outside premises, and how we might best use them. As we have considered longer-term plans for the building, we have been slowly upgrading and re-purposing. We have seen some painting, clearing, technology added, carpeting and other repairs. This Sunday, tables in the parish hall will have pictures of our church and property (with thanks to Michael Lau). Have a look and record your thoughts on the paper beside. What would you do in the next year to better use our church building, our green space and even our parking lot? As we move through the next few years we will be making further longer-term plans for our space, but we need some suggestions on the best stewardship of our property as it is now.
In looking towards October 21st, when we will engage in the third part of our Stewardship Campaign, some thought was given for us to have a Ministry Fair, whereby all the organizations within the congregation would set up tables and offer information on their work within the parish. However, it was decided that such a Fair would be better timed for a Sunday after The Rev. Vivian Lam arrives as Rector. Therefore, I would suggest that we have a mini-Fair on the 21st, whereby any groups that wish to offer up some information on their ministry can informally do so. If your organization is interested, please let me or Kelly know by email to the parish office.
I wish you every blessing.
Reverend Tim Morgan
Fall Yard Cleanup at the Church- Saturday October 13, 9:00 to noon.
Come on out and help with edging, trimming, leaf blowing and weeding. Let’s get the church grounds tidied up before winter!!
For more information contact:
Community Kitchen
Are you interested in cooking together? Are you interested in being part of a new ministry or simply sharing a cooking lesson or recipe with your fellow parishioners? Please let Geri or Mary Lou know. If we get enough interest, we will have a quick get together after church one day to discuss details.
Stewardship Reflection
The good steward: believes, worships, participates, serves, gives, thanks.
Paraphrased. Glen Mitchell
Question: Where can you be the good steward this week?
Greeting Cards
One of the nice things we do at St. John’s is send out birthday greeting cards to those over 70 years old, as well as Get Well Cards, Sympathy Cards and Thinking of You cards when appropriate. Trouble is, we don’t like to ask your age as we know that age can sometimes be a delicate subject. So, if you are over 70, are not receiving a birthday card from us, and would like to receive one, please contact Joan Scott, either in person or at 604 941 5795 or at
Flowers for the Altar
The Altar Guild would like to draw your attention to the flower chart in the Narthex by the Chapel door. Please consider signing up to place flowers at the Altar in thanksgiving for something, or in loving memory of a family member or friend. A member of the Altar Guild will contact you the week before the date you have chosen to see what type of flowers you would like and the wording for the Bulletin. The following weeks are still open October 28, and December 23. Thank you.
Mission to Seafarers’
Once again, the ACW is collecting gently-used stuffed toy animals for the Mission to Seafarers’
Sailors to take back to their families at Christmastime. Please see Sylvia Bradley if you are able
to donate. Thank you.
Thrifty’s Smile card
The Thrifty’s Smile card fundraising is up and running for 2018. We are raising money to purchase music supplies. Use your Smile Card to support this initiative.
Proteins needed for St. Johns Food Bank Thanksgiving
Protein-rich foods are often the most expensive items for families to purchase when grocery shopping. People on limited budgets often cannot afford them, and make do with stodgy foods to fill stomachs. Please help those who need them by donating the following to St. Johns Food Bank in October:
- tinned salmon, tuna, chicken, beef (not all can eat pork products)
shelf stable nut butters
dried or tinned beans and peas
powdered or shelf stable milks
meaty stews or soups
Bring your offerings on Sunday, drop off during the week Monday through Thursday 9 am to 1 pm, or give some money to this ministry towards the purchase of fresh products.
Mission Trip to Guyana
Brenda Lou-Hing is seeking financial support for her trip to Guyana. Brenda has been volunteering for several years supporting an orphanage in Guyana. In January 2019 Brenda will be returning to Guyana to take on a volunteer position at the Children and Protection Agency. Brenda’s expenses will exceed $10,000 which she must provide herself. Several parishioners have made donations to her mission in the past. Brenda will gratefully accept donations in person but has also set up an electronic option at
The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund
The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund has sent an emergency grant of $5,000 to the Diocese of the Yukon to support the people of Telegraph Creek. If you wish to donate, please log on the PWRDF website to do so, or phone, or mail a cheque.
3030 Gordon Avenue – Transition Housing
We need more volunteers for this ministry. You will only need to put in 2 hours every 4 weeks.
In preparation for the cold weather in the horizon, the shelter is in need of blankets (twin and double – not down duvets), winter and rain jackets, sweat pants size medium and large, hoodies, gloves, new underwear, socks, sports bras, belts, umbrellas, shoes and boots all for both men and women. Running shoes and underwear for both men and women and some smaller sized jeans and leggings (ladies).
Please connect with Marylou Kyle or Betty Moore if you are interested
in giving a helping hand or have any of the above to contribute.
For info on this project, please check them out at
Prayer Cycle
The Anglican Church, the Diocese of New Westminster, Archbishop Melissa Skelton;
*St. Matthias & St. Luke, Vancouver – The Reverend Vivian Lam,
*The Reverend Marion Wong, The Reverend Katherine Yeo
*The Diocesan Eco-Justice Unit – The Reverend Margaret Marquardt (Chair)
*In our parish: the Salami family
- our partner Diocese of Northern Philippines, Bishop Brent Alawas, and especially the people of our twin church at St. Johns Mission, Bila, Mountain Province;
*The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada- National Bishop Susan Johnson, BC Synod Bishop Greg Mohr;
*The brothers and sisters who share our worship space: The Port Moody Korean Presbyterian Church and the Polish Evangelical Church.
Readings for October 14, 2018
Job 23:1-9, 16-17; Psalm 22: 1-15; Hebrews 4:12-16; Mark 10: 17-31
Readings for October 21, 2018
Job 38:1-7 (34-41), Psalm 104: 1-9, 25, 37b: Hebrews 5:1-10; Mark 10: 35-45
Important Contact Information
Priest-in-Charge – The Rev. Timothy Morgan or 604-936-7762
Parish Office– Kelly Million or 604-936-7762: 9 am- 1 pm Monday through Thursday
Wardens– Geri Grigg or Ruby Ng
Treasurer– Cedric Miller
Envelope Secretary- Sheila de Vaal
Parish Council– Adelaine Miller, Secretary
Altar Guild– Brenda Binns
St. John Prayer Circle– Sue Elliott
Pastoral Visiting Ministry– Joanne Walton terry&
or Alma Oldenburg
Anglican Church Women (ACW)- Sue Hall 604-936-0176
10:00 – 2:30
This is a Parish Event and something supported and enjoyed by most everyone in our parish. It is not only a major fund raiser for St. John’s but one of our faces to the community at large so let us put the effort in to make this a special event. Please note that we are holding the bazaar one week later than in previous years.
We are trying something a little different this year – An Uncoordinated Bazaar! Due to the lack of an event coordinator we have agreed to continue this year with the convenors of each area taking responsibility for staffing and setting up that area. (There will still be an initial set up on Thursday afternoon to put the tables in place and make the table coverings available.)
To date we have convenors for the following areas:
Advertising: Alma Oldenburgh
Raffle: Ann Adair Austin & Rosa Weisensel
Handicrafts: Mickey Marshall & Sue Elliott
Nu 2 U: Joanne Walton
Games: Ann Adair Austin
Kitchen: Ferne Malcolm
Bake Table: Kristin Kuhn
White Elephant: Debora Jones Akiyama
Counrty Store: Sharon Cooper
Goodie Tins: Sue Elliott
We are still looking for convenors to be LUNCH SERVERS. If you are willing to convene please see Ann Adair Austin after the 10:00 am service as she will have the sign up sheet. If you wish to volunteer to help see Ann or the convenor for the area you would like to help in.
For those who maybe unfamiliar with the Bazaar this is an overview and suggestions of how you might contribute. I’m sure there maybe more information from individual convenors later but……………..
Bake Table: A very popular area and a chance for our wonderful bakers to show off a little. There have been questions about what can be baked and sold at the bake table. A rule of thumb to go by is if you have a favourite recipe that you bake and is loved every time you make it, please bake it and bring it to the bake table. Also, if you are interested in helping out at the bake table, please let Kristin Kuhn know, as we are still looking for people to help on the day of the bazaar and we would love to have you. Thanks ahead of time to all those bakers that are getting ready to bake up a storm and all those helpers that are willing to help us get that baking out to the people who will line up to purchase it!
Handicrafts: Once again we ask our talented knitters, sewers and crafters to use their special talents. It is always interesting to see their creations.
Country Store: Our special area for jams, jellies, relishes and all kinds of special little treats. We look forward to seeing your special creations.
Nu 2 U: This is were we feature new or nearly new items. Jewellery is always a great attraction.
White Elephant: We generally have a lot of good quality used items to recycle be it books, kitchen treasures or household items. (No T.V. or computer items, please.)
Soup & Sandwich Lunch: We believe this is one of the best values to be had at any bazaar. For only $6.00 you get soup, sandwich, desert and tea or coffee. Please come and bring your friends.
Raffle Prizes – 1st prize: a large gourmet gift basket, 2nd prize: a small gourmet gift basket, 3rd prize: a toiletry basket, 4th prize: a quilt and 5th prize is an Entertainment book. We are seeking donations for the gourmet and toiletry baskets. Suggestions: non perishable items, such as pickles, relish, crackers, cookies, jam, chocolates, napkins etc. (no alcohol please). Also: soaps, lotions, perfumed creams, colognes etc. If you would like to make a donation, please talk to Ann Adair-Austin, Sue Hall or Rosa Weisensal.
Raffle Tickets – Tickets will be available at the 8.30 and 10 am services
There is a little free space in the PMC so White Elephant items may be brought in a week or so ahead…………that would be a big help.
Items for Crafts and Nu 2 U may be brought in on Sunday, Nov. 4 or during the following week.
Bake Table items maybe brought in on Friday, Nov. 9 or if not otherwise possible Saturday morning.
Look forward to seeing you on Saturday, Nov. 10th between 10:00 & 2:30.
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