The E-postle May 20, 2018

The Pentecost E-postle May 20, 2018
“The Parish of St. John the Apostle is called to be
* A Spirited Community at the heart of Port Moody
* transformed through the experience of the presence of Christ
* and sent out to share God’s Love”
Upcoming Dates
Thursday May 17 6 pm, Coast Salish Protocols and preparing for ceremony, Noons Creek hatchery 7 pm‐9 pm, Anglican Church Women meeting in the parish hall. All welcome.
Sunday May 20 Pentecost: wear something red to show your spirit and join in a parish photo
May 24 & May 31 Coast Salish wool weaving with Angela George, Noons Creek hatchery
Saturday May 26 9 am- 4 pm, Diocesan Mission Conference, Burnaby Mountain Secondary
Sunday May 27 Cedar weaving with Tsawaysia Spukwus, Noons Creek hatchery
Monday May 28 7 pm, Parish Council Meeting. All are welcome to attend
Sunday June 3 12-2 pm, Parish Visiting Ministry meeting at the Waltons
Wednesday June 21 6 pm, Blessing Ceremony and Potlatch for Port Moody Welcome Post Sunday September 9 Parish
Welcome Back BBQ
Wind of the Spirit, fill the sails of my soul!
Re=Sponse Deanery Refugee Sponsorship Group Update Our First Refugee Family is Arriving!
Our Deanery Re-‐Sponse group has just learned that the Salami family will be arriving in Canada on June 6-‐7! Four members: mother, father, and 20 and 14 year old daughters are being sponsored by a family member here in the area with the help of the Anglican Church. The Re-‐ Sponse group is very excited and is making arrangements for their arrival. Although their housing has been arranged, we do know that the family will be needing some items before their arrival. If you have any of the following to donate, please take a photo of them and send it in an email to St. John’s along with your name and phone number so we can contact you:
- 1 single bed with mattresses
- standing wardrobe (for hanging clothes)
- cookware and kitchen items
- 24” stove
- 24” wide fridge
The group may also need assistance with a vehicle to help picking up and delivering these items. As you already have heard, St. John’s wonderful Re-‐Sponse representative, Jeremy Overton will be moving to Cranbrook at the beginning of June. I am sure he is thrilled that the Salamis are finally coming, but sad that he won’t be here to help get the family settled in. Jeremy has done a fantastic job as the representative at St. John’s and we will miss him very much. Thank you, Jeremy for all you have done!
Fundraising Discussion Points
After the 8:30 and 10 am worship on Sunday May 13th, parishioners gathered to explore how to move from a community that sometimes finds it difficult to get coordinators for fundraising events to a community where individuals feel willing and able to coordinate a fundraising event. The following were insights:
-‐ we need to be clearer about what the fundraising for an event is going to be used for and why we are doing it to reach beyond the parish to serve the wider community
-‐ a clear job description for coordinator would include how to delegate and designate jobs
-‐ having 2 co-‐conveners might be more manageable for larger events
-‐ a coordinator needs the support of younger and more able people who volunteer to step up for portions of the work
-‐ senior parishioners could agree to mentor a willing but less experienced person into a leadership role
-‐ communications and advertising need to be strengthened overall in the parish for events so there is a good turnout from the wider community; it is more encouraging to put the effort into an event that sees a good return for labour
-‐ events can be overseen by a group within the parish but there should be overall parish ownership and not an expectation that the same group will do it every year
-‐ be specific about the help needed and the donations wanted. If we get specific large items to raffle or sell, we can highlight them in advertising
-‐ some flexibility about dates and times for events to suit the coordinator might lead to more participation
-‐ a consideration of what events would pull in people that we do not commonly see now at church functions-‐ what would draw families, singles, other populations?
Financial Contributions to the Church
Numbered envelopes to keep track of your giving are available. Or you can authorize donations to be debited from your bank account on a monthly basis by filling out a PAD form. This latter method helps honour your commitment to God even when you are away from your church home on vacation or other commitments. All questions regarding contributions can be directed to the Envelope Secretary, Sheila De Vaal, through the parish office.
Diocesan Mission Conference Saturday May 26
Registration closes tomorrow May 17, so act now. Conference is from 9 am to 4 pm at Burnaby Mountain Secondary. All Anglicans are encouraged to attend. Click here for a direct link:
Stewardship Reflection
“The rustling of the Olive trees speaks of the movement of the wind. The Greek word for spirit has the suggestion of breath or wind; the Hebrew word Ruack actually means the desert wind, that powerful unseen force that sweeps across the face of the earth none knows whence or whither. The wind of the Spirit it bloweth where it listeth and thou hearest the voice but thou knows not whence it cometh or wither out goeth. But you can feel it’s breath on your face, hearing it pass, you go out and stand in its course. So is everyone that is born of the spirit. Don’t ask for credentials. Don’t wait till you know the source of the wind before you let it refresh you or its destination before you spread sail to it. It offers you what you need, trust yourself to it.”
-‐ William Temple, 1881-‐1944
How do you feel the wind of God today?
Prayer Cycle
In the Anglican Communion-‐
- Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby; Primate of Canada Fred Hiltz and Indigenous Archbishop Mark McDonald; BC & Yukon Archbishop John Privett;
- our partner Diocese of Northern Philippines, Bishop Brent Alawas, and especially the people of our twin church at St. Johns Mission, Bila, Mountain Province;
- Diocesan Bishop Melissa Skelton and this week: Holy Spirit Anglican Church, Whonnock
St. Helen, Vancouver and The Rev. Scott Gould St. Helen, Surrey and The Rev. Stephen Laskey Attendees of the Diocesan Mission Conference
*In our parish:
The Canonical Committee and the posting of the parish profile for a new priest
*The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada-‐ National Bishop Susan Johnson, BC Synod Bishop Greg Mohr;
*The brothers and sisters who share our worship space: The Port Moody Korean Presbyterian Church and the Polish Evangelical Church.
Readings for May 27, 2018 Trinity Sunday
Isaiah 6:1-‐8; Psalm 29; Romans 8:12-‐17; John 3:1-‐17
Important Contact Information
Interim Priest-‐ The Rev. Stephanie Shepard
Parish Office-‐ Kelly Million or 604-‐936-‐7762: 9 am-‐ 1 pm Monday through Thursday
Wardens-‐ Geri Grigg or Ruby Ng Treasurer-‐ Chelsea Belyk Envelope Secretary-‐ Sheila de Vaal Parish Council-‐ Adelaine Miller, Secretary
Altar Guild-‐ Brenda Binns St. John Prayer Circle-‐ Sue Elliott
Pastoral Visiting Ministry-‐ Joanne Walton terry& or Alma Oldenburg
Anglican Church Women (ACW)-‐ Sue Hall 604-‐936-‐0176
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