The E-Postle August 12, 2018

August 12,2018
The 12th Sunday After Pentecost
“The Parish of St. John the Apostle is called to be
*A Spirited Community at the heart of Port Moody
* transformed through the experience of the presence of Christ
* and sent out to share God’s Love”
Upcoming Dates
Sunday Aug 12 Rev. Stephanie Shepard’s last Sunday as Interim at St. John’s
Deanery picnic, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00p.m, at Lion’s Park, PoCo
Monday Aug 13 ESL Training using some rooms at the church until August 23
Tuesday August 14 10:30-noon, Book Study in the parish hall continues:
“Tired of Apologizing for a Church I Don’t Belong To”
Saturday Aug 18 Garage Sale – 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Sunday Sept. 9 Parish Welcome Back BBQ
Tues Nov 20 Rev. Vivian Lam 1st day begins at St. Johns
Tues Dec 11 Rev. Vivian Lam’s Induction – 7 pm with rehearsal at 6 pm.
A last word from your Interim Priest
From that snowy January 1, 2017, that I first stepped through the door of St. John the Apostle, I realized that this is a very special faith community. You have trusted God to guide you through the wilderness of your interim time, and I have been blessed to walk alongside you. The Holy Spirit has supported your experienced leaders and raised up new ones. We have witnessed baptisms and confirmations, celebrated weddings, and gathered for funerals. Ongoing ministries are strong, new projects begun, and now you have begun to dream and plan ahead for your new rector, Vivian. Thank you, each and every one, for sharing your journeys, your fears and your hopes with me. I will carry them with me in my heart.
Now it is time for you to go forward towards the promised land. There is still much work to do, and I have every confidence that you will continue to strive together to work towards the goals God has set. You have everything you need in the love of Jesus.
Always yours in Christ,
Stephanie +
St. John’s Garage Sale – Saturday, August 18 – 9 AM – 3 PM
Just a reminder that if people wish to donate items for the sale please drop them off at the church by Thursday, August 16th.
We need volunteers for the following areas:
-help to put up signs on Friday the 17th in the evening.
-help with set up and take down on the 18th
For more information on these positions, please speak to Bob Kuhn. You can phone or email the parish office for contact information.
St. Johns Street road closure for Car- Free Day – Sunday, August 19, 2018
Please be advised that St. Johns Street, between Douglas Street and Moody Street, will be closed to all vehicle traffic from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Sunday August 19, 2018.
Residents living in the area may need to take a slight detour to access St. Johns Street- Please see the last page where there is a map showing the location of the road closure and the City’s Car-Free Day traffic management summary. The city is strongly advising commuters to avoid the area and take alternative routes: commuters who wish to use St. Johns Street will be directed to use Clarke Street as a detour.
Port Moody’s Car Free Day for this community celebration, which will be filled with local businesses and artisans, delicious food, live music, and activities for all ages. Car-Free days across the country aim to inspire people to get out of their cars, interact with each other, and explore alternative modes of transportation. Please visit to learn more.
Stewardship Reflection
If God lived in a tabernacle in a church only, I would never leave the church. Liturgy lets me linger with the thought of presence, then pushes me out the door with the insistent dismissal to seek and serve God elsewhere, that is in the places most difficult to perceive Divine Love. When I’m weary, I come back to renew the process, each Eucharist giving me hopefully, a deeper and wider insight into the next adventure. Suzanne Guthrie.
Question: Where will you seek and serve God this week?
Proteins needed for St. Johns Food Bank
Protein-rich foods are often the most expensive items for families to purchase when grocery shopping. People on limited budgets often cannot afford them, and make do with stodgy foods to fill stomachs. Please help those who need them by donating the following to St. Johns Food Bank in August:
- tinned salmon, tuna, chicken, beef (not all can eat pork products)
- shelf stable nut butters
- dried or tinned beans and peas
- powdered or shelf stable milks
- meaty stews or soups
Bring your offerings on Sunday, drop off during the week Monday through Thursday 9 am to 1 pm, or give some money to this ministry towards the purchase of fresh products.
Goodie Donations for Sunday Coffee Time
Please consider donating goodies for the Sunday coffee times. There is a signup sheet in the kitchen. Even an offer of help every six months would be greatly appreciated!
Thrifty’s Smile card
The Thrifty’s Smile card fundraising is up and running for 2018. We are raising money to purchase music supplies. Use your Smile Card to support this initiative.
Flowers for the Altar
The Altar Guild would like to draw your attention to the flower chart in the Narthex by the Chapel door. Please consider signing up to place flowers at the Altar in thanksgiving for something, or in loving memory of a family member or friend. A member of the Altar Guild will contact you the week before the date you have chosen to see what type of flowers you would like and the wording for the Bulletin. The following weeks are still open October 21 & 28, November 4 & 25, December 2, 16 & 23. Thank you.
Education for Ministry or Exploring Faith Matters
We have good news for this program. We will be welcoming four new learners this fall. There are now three new people from St. John’s and one from St. Laurence who wish to……
Read Scripture and learn about Church History
Reflect on these readings
Respond and discuss these with others through Theological Reflection
Discern the implications of these on your life.
If you are ever curious about this program you could speak to Geri Grigg, in Year 4 or Natasha MacDonald in Year 3 or Debora Jones- Akiyama Co-Mentor to learn more about the impact of this course on their faith journey. A few years back I was concerned we had hit the end of the cycle for EfM in this deanery due to low enrollment, but I guess God had other ideas. Anne Anchor co-mentor
An invitation from St. Andrew’s United Church Port Moody:
On Friday September 14th, St. Andrew’s United Church is hosting a Medieval Banquet. It will begin
at 6 pm and will last all evening. There will be entertainment between the 3 medieval courses.
This is a fundraiser for the St. Andrew’s United Church. Minimum donation of $50 per ticket.
Contact Diane deGroot (604-460-6498, or Eny
Hoffer (604-469-9392, by SATURDAY, AUGUST 25 TH
to reserve your seat, volunteer to help, have questions or want help
with your costume.
3030 Gordon Avenue – Transition Housing
As you already know, a group of St John’s parishioners volunteer in the clothing department of Gordon Ave. The shelter is in need of socks, running shoes and underwear for both men and women and some smaller sized jeans and shorts (ladies). If you have unused or gently-used items which you do not need, please pass to Marylou Kyle or Betty Moore. Share’d Treasures Thrift store 2404 John’s St. Pt Moody has clothing and shoes on sale 50% off every Wednesday.
Further Update on Traffic and Parking on Douglas Street
You can now park on the east side of Douglas Street on week days during construction!
Prayer Cycle
In the Anglican Communion-
* Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby; Primate of Canada Fred Hiltz and Indigenous Archbishop
Mark McDonald; BC & Yukon Archbishop John Privett;
* our partner Diocese of Northern Philippines, Bishop Brent Alawas, and especially the people of our twin church at St. Johns Mission, Bila, Mountain Province;
* Archbishop and Metropolitan Melissa Skelton and this week:
St. Mary, Kerrisdale – The Reverend Lindsay Hill, The Reverend Christine Rowe,
The Reverend Liz Ruder-Celiz
St. Mary the Virgin, South Hill – The Reverend Expedito Farinas
St. Mary the Virgin, Sapperton – The Reverend Armin Amayag
*In our parish: the Salami family
*The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada- National Bishop Susan Johnson, BC Synod Bishop Greg Mohr;
*The brothers and sisters who share our worship space: The Port Moody Korean Presbyterian Church and the Polish Evangelical Church.
Readings for August 12, 2018 12th Sunday after Pentecost
2 Samuel 18:5-9, 15, and 31-33; Psalm 130; Ephesians 4:25-5:2; John 6:35, 41-51
Readings for August 19, 2018 13th Sunday after Pentecost
1 Kings 2:10-12, 3:3-14; Psalm 111); Ephesians 5:15-20; John 6:51-58
Important Contact Information
Interim Priest- The Rev. Stephanie Shepard
Parish Office- Kelly Million or 604-936-7762: 9 am- 1 pm Monday through Thursday
Wardens- Geri Grigg or Ruby Ng
Treasurer- Cedric Miller
Envelope Secretary- Sheila de Vaal
Parish Council- Adelaine Miller, Secretary
Altar Guild- Brenda Binns
St. John Prayer Circle- Sue Elliott
Pastoral Visiting Ministry- Joanne Walton terry&
or Alma Oldenburg
Anglican Church Women (ACW)- Sue Hall 604-936-0176
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