The E-postle – Reign of Christ, November 26, 2017

The E-postle - Reign of Christ, November 26, 2017



“Salvator Mundi” by Leonardo da Vinci


“The Parish of St. John the Apostle is called to be

*          A Spirited Community at the heart of Port Moody

*          transformed through the experience of the presence of Christ

*          and sent out to share God’s Love”

 What is the Reign of Christ?

On November 15, 2017, a painting by Leonardo da Vinci sold at auction for $450 Million U.S.  The “Saviour of the World” shows Jesus holding a crystal orb, symbolizing the world.  It doesn’t take a crystal ball to see that the world needs saving now more than ever.  But how does our liturgical celebration of the Reign of Christ fit in with the reality of our earth today?

This festival is a “Kairos moment” when past, present, and future meet.  We remember that Jesus came among us to reveal the good news of the kingdom.  We acknowledge that the living Christ is at work in the world today, and that we can choose to be part of God’s dominion of love.  We look forward to a day when justice will have full reign and the earth will be whole.

It is ironic that the picture of a king who rejected material wealth just sold for so much.  But his disciples are called to demonstrate that true richness comes from compassion and forgiveness and the truth spoken in love.  In a time of so much uncertainty, we can hold onto this mission.

Yours in Christ, Stephanie +

Upcoming Dates

November 26- Reign of Christ, Advent wreath making after 10 am service

November 27- 7-9 pm, Parish Council meeting in the PMC

November 28- 10:30-noon, “Praying with the Psalms: Thanksgiving” Tuesday bible study

December 3- following 8:30 and 10 am services, Fall Bazaar revisited

December 10-11:30-12:30 pm, “How to take out Jesus: practicing home communion”

December 14th –12:00 Pm  ACW Pizza Lunch in the Church Hall

December 18- 7 pm, Parish Council members and families welcome at Stephanie’s home

December 24- 10 am Advent 4 service (no 8:30 am service this day)

December 24- 7 pm & 10 pm, Christmas Eve services

December 25- 10 am, Christ Mass for Christmas Day

Advent Wreath Making

This coming Sunday after the 10 am service, you are invited to come and make an Advent wreath for your household.  Please bring your own candles (traditionally 1 white, 3 blue and 1 pink). Greens in the garden?  Bring them along.  Live alone?  Get some help from other parishioners to make a memorable centerpiece.

Fall Bazaar on December 3 and Beyond

Fall Bazaar Revisited:  Sunday, Dec. 3rd following the church services we will have the remaining Handicrafts and Country Store items for sale.  Our Total to date is $6,750. We are wondering if $7,000. Is possible?  Please take a moment to have a look and see if you missed a treasure the first time around.

I would like to thank all the volunteers this year for their support that made my job so much easier but a special Thank-you to Joanne Walton, Brenda Binns, Sylvia Bradley and Mel Moore just to mention a few.  You went above and beyond!

This is also the time to mention my retirement as Bazaar coordinator.  After many years, it is time for new and creative ideas and more energetic leadership.  This is not an onerous task as there are many people willing to help but events need a leader.  I’m putting out a request to the total Parish to consider taking on this responsibility. The Bazaar is not only a major fund-raiser but it is the largest event we have that involves the entire parish community. The bazaar is always a time of fun and fellowship but also a time of deepening relationship with people that we may not always have contact with.  It would be a shame to not have it continue.  Please prayerfully consider this volunteer position.


Ferne Malcolm


Protect You and Your Loved Ones this ‘Flu Season

On Thursday December 7, a public health nurse from Fraser Health will be returning to St. Johns to offer free vaccinations against this year’s strains of influenza.  If you have not yet got your ‘flu shot, come to the Food Bank between 10 am and noon to get a preventative poke.  This is especially advised for those who are in contact with children or seniors, or who visit care homes.


Food Bank Christmas Gift

The plan this year is to again provide a box of cookies for each family who attends the St. John’s Food Bank. Each gift will be $20 for which a tax receipt will be issued.  Your donation can be made on Nov. 26, Dec. 3, and Dec. 10 before and after each service in the church entrance (narthex). Christmas cards will be available to sign and will be attached to the cookies when being distributed on Dec. 21 at the Food Bank Christmas Dinner.  After purchasing the cookies, the extra money will be used to purchase fresh fruits, vegetables and supplies for the Food Bank.  Your gift is greatly appreciated.


Nominations Wanted for the Order of the Diocese of New Westminster

St. Johns has many saints.  Is there someone who stands out for you in the service she or he has given over the years to further the gospel? Nominate this individual for the highest lay honour in the Anglican Church: the ODNW.  For more information, go to then get the information in to Parish Council for consideration.


Myanmar Crisis Relief Fund Effort through P.W.R.D.F.

The Government of Canada will match donations 1:1 through its Rohingya Myanmar Relief Fund when you donate to the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund before November 28th. Go to to help the refugees fleeing into Bangladesh in this humanitarian crisis.

Advent Silent Day

An Advent “Taste of Silence” Retreat- Saturday December 2nd at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 110 Gladwin Drive, North Vancouver.  You are invited to a personal retreat daya as we enter this sacred time of year.  This is a setting that encourages inner solitude and inner silence as the focus is on a personal relationship with the Divine.  Information available at or the registrar Christine at


Stewardship Reflection

“Good service takes selflessness. It means setting aside what you might prefer to do and giving attention to the needs of others.”        – from the book Making Love Happen.


Sometimes in responding to a need, we find a fulfilment that surprises us.  Duty is magically transformed into joy when we see the effect our help has for another.  This week, notice the effect your service has on the one you are helping, for in his or her smile you see Christ.


Thanks this week to all who bring greenery and help with the Advent wreath making after the 10 am service on Sunday November 26.


ACW Pizza Lunch- Thursday December 14th – 12:00 PM

We will be preparing goodie baskets for our seniors. Please bring home baked treats. Any items left over will be donated to the Mission to Seafarers. Cost for lunch $10.00


Prayer Cycle

In the Anglican Communion- Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby;

Primate of Canada Fred Hiltz and Indigenous Archbishop Mark McDonald;

BC & Yukon Archbishop John Privett;


The Diocese of Caledonia and the Haida, Nisgaa, Gitsan, and Tsminian Nations


our partner Diocese of Northern Philippines, Bishop Brent Alawas, and especially the people of our twin church at St. Johns Mission, Bila, Mountain Province;


Diocese of New Westminster Bishop Melissa Skelton, and this week:

Christ Church Cathedral, Vancouver -The Very Rev. Peter Elliott, Dean,

The Revs. Marnie Peterson, Dixie Black, Alisdair Smith, Ross Bliss, Helen Dunn, Jeffrey Preiss

Christ Church, Hope – The Rev. Allan Carson

         St. Andrew, Langley – The Revs. Helen Tervo, Helen Lingham


In our parish:

The work of the Canonical Committee as it prepares a first draft of the Parish Profile


The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada- Nat. Bis. Susan Johnson, BC Synod Bis. Greg Mohr;

The brothers and sisters who share our worship space: The Port Moody Korean Presbyterian Church and the Polish Evangelical Church.


Readings for Advent 1, December 3, 2017

Isaiah 64:1-9; Psalm 80; 1 Corinthians 1:3-9; Mark 13:24-37


Important Contact Information

Interim Priest– The Rev. Stephanie Shepard or 778-773-6816

Parish Office– Karen Evans or 604-936-7762

Wardens– Geri Grigg Terry Walton terry&

Maureen Simons or through the parish office

Treasurer– Chelsea Belyk

Parish Council– Adelaine Miller, Secretary

Altar Guild– Brenda Binns

St. John Prayer Circle– Sue Ellliott

Pastoral Visiting Ministry– Joanne Walton terry&

or Alma Oldenburg

Anglican Church Women (ACW)- Sue Hall 604-936-0176


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