The E-postle – April 2, 2017
The E-postle
Pilot Edition April 2, 2017
Dear friends in Christ,
Welcome to an experiment in better communications from the parish of St. John the Apostle, Port Moody. You are receiving this email because you are on the parish e-list. At the parish council retreat on March 25, communication was listed as a top priority for this year of transition, with clear channels for parishioners to receive and convey information and ideas. As a result, everyone on the parish e-list will be receiving a weekly update of notices and coming events instead of an insert in the Sunday bulletin. Physical copies of this email will be available on Sundays for those who do not have email or prefer a paper version.
If you know of an event of interest to the parish, please continue to send details to the parish office. All pertinent information will be shared. Our hope is that you will feel more connected to the life of the community and be able to engage in our continuing process of transformation.
Where are We? A Word on the Interim Process
St. John’s is now at the 3 month mark since I joined the parish as Interim Priest-in-Charge on January 1, 2017. The first couple of months have been spent meeting with the leadership and individuals and groups in the parish and developing an understanding of who does what and how. I have appreciated that there have been many emotions at play in this time of change for the parish, and tried to offer a non-anxious and supportive role for the ongoing work of ministry. Through the Lenten series on sources of transformation, the leadership has begun to elicit some of the stories, concerns, and hopes of the community. The next step is for the wardens and myself to report what we have done so far to the regional archdeacon, the Ven. Karen Urquhart.
In the next 3 months, I will continue to consult and help the parish build up an understanding of its strengths and growing edges, to identify priorities for change, and to start implementing short term goals that will build stability, adaptive capacity and resilience. There will be opportunities for consultation as groups and as a whole parish to give input and feedback along the way. By June, the parish council should be in a position to assess readiness to proceed to the next stage: the beginning of the canonical process and the preparation of the parish profile. In order to reach this point, the parish vision and priorities must be clearly supported and key persons trained and equipped for positions of responsibility.
St. John’s is a vibrant and sustainable community of faith that I know will work to achieve these goals. It will take the good will and effort of every member. Above all, your prayers for the good of the community are a powerful tool of the Holy Spirit, as we listen and discern together. Let us gather at every opportunity to allow God to speak through word, sacrament, and action.
Yours in Christ,
Readings for Palm Sunday April 9th
Matthew 21:1-11, Isaiah 50:4-9a
Philippians 2:5-11
Matthew 26:14-27:66
Upcoming Dates
April 1- Sexual Misconduct Policy Workshop 10 am- noon
April 4– “Northern Witness” Bible Study Group 10 am- noon in the Church Hall
April 4- Stewardship group meeting 12-1 pm
April 5 – Coffee and Crafts in the Church Hall
April 8- Spring Clean-up 9 am- 12
April 8- Community Kitchen Soup Group 10 am- 1 pm in the Church kitchen
April 13- Maundy Thursday supper 5:30 pm, liturgy 7 pm beginning in the Church Hall
April 14- Good Friday service 10 am
April 16- Easter Sunday services 8:30 and 10 am
April 22- Re-Sponse Refugee Fundraiser Potluck @ St. Laurence, Coquitlam
April 29- Healthcare All Candidates Forum in the Church Hall
May 6 – Spring Tea
May 9- Provincial Election
Sources of Transformation Lenten Series
During our period of preparation for Holy Week and Easter, the parish is focusing on how God
continues to transform us in community. Please make the time to join us for very important conversations that will help guide plans for the future of the parish. This coming Sunday is Diakonia: Action in the World. Worksheets for you to provide input are available at the back of the church or through the parish website at if you have missed a Sunday. Please forward all comments to the parish office.
Feeding the Birds
Don’t forget your donations of spare change to the Birds’ Nest Society to assist First Nations youth. Bring your tins to church next week or Easter, or bring a bag full of change to add to the collection, marked “Birds Nest”.
Spring Clean-Up and Soup Group
On Saturday April 8, there are two ways to get involved here at St. John’s. Put on your work clothes and join Rich Thompson for a spring clean-up from 9 am- noon. Volunteers contact Rich Thompson at 604-938-1258 or email
Or stay inside and help make turkey soup for our Maundy Thursday supper. From 10 am- 1 pm in the parish hall kitchen. Helpers needed to shop, chop, stir, and cool! Contact Geri Grigg at 604-928-8406 or email
Financial Update
For the first 2 months of 2017 ending February 28:
Year to date actual Year to date budget variance from budget |
INCOME $32,811 $36,653 ($3,842) |
EXPEDITURES $33,810 $38,820 $5, 010 |
EXCESS ($999) ($2,167) ($1,168) |
St. John’s has spent $999 more than it has taken in the first two months. This is a slightly smaller deficit than budgeted. A small increase in your giving would eliminate the shortfall and put the church on track to achieving a more balanced picture.
Stewardship Reflection
Ephesians 2:10- “For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared before-hand to be our way of life.” What is God calling you to do?
This week, you are asked to offer thanks for two people who have given long and selflessly of their time and talents in good works for the community of Christ Jesus: Bonnie SooChan, as she steps down from her role of assistant treasurer, and Brenda Binns, who has been instrumental in so many ministries and is now concentrating on the Altar Guild. As they prayerfully consider new avenues in which to serve, might there be a call for you to step up and help?
Easter Flowers
The Altar Guild is planning to decorate the church for Easter on Saturday April 15th and donations towards the flowers and lilies would be appreciated. If you wish to do so, you may allow us to purchase an Easter lily for you. As in previous years, we would order the lilies to come in on Saturday, use them in the church for Easter Sunday and they could then be taken home after the 10 a.m. service. To order a lily, which will cost $10.00, please speak to a member of the Altar Guild or phone Brenda Binns at 604 931 2482.Thank you.
Community Activism
Metro Vancouver Alliance (MVA) is a partnership between faith-based groups, community groups and trade unions that provides leadership and builds capacity for their partners. Our Diocese is a sponsoring partner. On April 4, 2017, a Provincial Election Accountability Assembly will ask the provincial political party leaders questions on healthcare, transit, income justice and housing and to bear witness to their answers. The event is at the Italian Cultural Centre from 6 to 8 pm. If you are interested, you can register at ( ) Use OBSERVER as your organization name.
Community Choral Event
The Coquitlam Chorale presents “Canadian Choral Fantasy”, to be held at Eagle Ridge Bible Fellowship church Saturday, April 22nd at 7:30 pm Sunday, April 23rd at 2:00 pm. Tickets are $20.00 for adults/seniors, and $10.00 for children, and can be purchased from Charlotte Robertson 604 937-5724.
Who You Gonna Call?
Interim Priest- The Rev. Stephanie Shepard or 778-773-6816
Parish Office- Karen Evans or 604-936-7762
Wardens- Geri Grigg Terry Walton terry& Maureen Simons or through the parish office
Treasurer- Chelsea Belyk
Parish Council- Adelaine Miller, Secretary
St. John Prayer Circle- Sue Elliott
Pastoral Visiting Ministry- Joanne Walton terry&
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