Tag: Rev Trudi Shaw

Homily – Seventh Sunday of Easter – May 8, 2016 – The Rev. Trudi Shaw

Manifesto http://www.stja.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/20160501h.mp3 I am tired I am tired of living I am tired of living in a world like this one: In this world the Name of God no longer evokes the Holy the awesome mystery of the One who gave birth to the Cosmos and all the wonders of Creation the Source of Love…the Source of Life. at best it has become a casual punctuation to the most inane of comments O my God! at worst a blasphemy on the lips of those who would evoke it to justify their heinous acts of death: terrorism… extortion…  subjugation…  destruction   This is the world we humans have conceived:   In this world Millions gather behind the barricades of refugee camps fleeing the mayhem that has erupted in their homelands they exist in limbo the vulnerable among them preyed upon again by the ever present vultures seeking an opportunity to profit from their misery they are willing to face more danger even death in the hope of finding a home land and a future;   In this world Children are indoctrinated into the ways of war playing in the streets that have become a battleground or isolated from their families they are fed drugs and hatred their childish dreams becoming waking nightmare as they trade the playground for the killing fields their toys become the weapons tearing into tender flesh;   In this world A family waits for the return of a loved one their hope stretched thin between the hands of a ticking clock they get their wish he comes home to them in a body bag they have failed to meet the impossible demands of strangers who have seen no value in this human life beyond the dollar signs;   In this world A whole generation stands on a...

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Homily of The Rev. Trudi Shaw – Jan. 3rd, 2016

For most of us the season of Christmas brings with it an overload of sights and sounds.  We hear jingle bells ringing, while Christmas songs and carols underscore our every movement, and drivers honk impatiently as they jockey for that last parking space at the mall.  Candles, and angels, sparkling Christmas ornaments, and light displays are everywhere.   We look forward to seeing the faces of loved ones, count pretty packages under the tree, and survey with satisfaction the abundance of food and special treats ready for the feasting.  A red-clad Santa downs a Coca Cola or alerts us to the latest sales opportunity.  The Christ child lies placidly in a manger, while a myriad of images flicker across our television screens as we catch the best and the worst of the holiday movies and specials.

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