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How to Pre-Register for In-Person Worship

Please note the change that beginning on Nov. 14 through the end of December 2021, we are back to Zoom-only Morning Prayer each Sunday. We will be reevaluating again at the end of the year and if/when in-person worship resumes, the in-person registration process below will resume. ***** (If you are attending by Zoom, you do not need to pre-register. The Zoom link for worship can be found at To ensure enough space to safely socially distance, we are asking those who would like to attend in-person services to pre-register. Please use this link to register to attend in-person worship for the coming week – – the link will be “live”  beginning at Sunday 5pm prior to weeks when we have hybrid services. Please submit your registration by Wednesday at 5pm to help us in our planning. Everyone who has registered by Wednesday 5pm will be notified by Thursday afternoon if we can fit you in, or if you are on a “waitlist”. Waitlist people will be contacted by Friday 2pm if there are any cancellations. If needed, you may submit a phone registration by calling and leaving a message at the parish office at 604-936-7762 (we need your name, phone number/email, who is in your household or bubble, and which service you are registering for). We encourage you to fill out the online form if you are able, to help lessen our administrative load. Note that first priority for registration will be given to those who are scheduled to volunteer that day and their households/bubbles, and then to those who have not attended the previous week. Depending on the size of households/bubbles who are able to sit together without distancing, the number of people we can fit in the church will vary – it will be roughly...

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