

Past Events

Upcoming Events at St. John’s

January 10th – Bible Study Group in the Church Hall 10am January 19th – ACW Annual General Meeting 1:30 pm January 19th – Submission Deadline for Vestry Reports Feburary 8th – Coffee and Crafts in the Church Hall 9:30 AM February 19th – Annual Vestry Meeting following 10am service March 1st – Coffee and Crafts in the Church Hall 9:30 am March 5th – First Sunday of Lent April 16th – Easter Sunday

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A.C.W. Christmas Pizza Night: Thursday, December 8th at 6pm

  A.C.W. Christmas Pizza Night: Thursday, December 8th at 6pm. Cost: $10. Please bring 2-3 dozen cookies for the Seniors Christmas baskets and Mission to Seafarers.  We are still collecting ‘Hot Socks’ (wool blend please) and gently used stuffed toys for the Mission to Seafarers. There is a basket at the back of the church to leave the ‘Hot Socks’ – please see Ann or Sylvia regarding any stuffed toys. We are also collecting unused Christmas cards to donate to the Burnaby Youth Custody Services. We are no longer collecting Campbell’s Soup labels as this program has been discontinued.  

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Advent Wreath Making Workshop – Nov. 27th, 2016

Advent Wreath Making Workshop Sunday, November 27th, 2016          Following the 10:00am service in  the Church Hall. Greenery and embellishments will be provided.   Please be sure to bring your own cutters and candles! For more  information please see Ann  

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Advent and Christmas Schedule

ADVENT AND CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE Advent 1                   8:30am Eucharist The Rev. Gary Hamblin Presider and homilist 10:00am– Lessons and Carols- The deacons will lead Advent 2 The Rev. Gary Hamblin ,  Presider   The Rev. Trudi Shaw Homilist Advent 3- The Rev. Michael Chin , Presider and Homilist Advent 4-  The Rev. Gary Hamblin ,  Presdier and homilist Christmas Eve-7:00pm The Rev. Rev. Gary Hamblin-Presider Children’s Interactive retelling of the Nativity 10:00am   Christmas Day  The Rev. Michael Chin Presider -Homilist  

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Archdeaconry Meeting – October 26, 7 -9pm

There will be an Archdeaconry consultation held on Wednesday, October 26, 2016, from 7pm to 9pm in our Parish Hall. There will be two speakers:  Kim Hodge, the Chair of the Diocesan Mission and Ministry Development Standing Committee and member of Diocesan Council will be presenting draft ‘Five-Year Vision Statement’ on behalf of the Committee from 7.00 to 7.45pm. The Rev. Richard Leggett, a member of Diocesan Council and the Chair of the Assessment Task Force will be then be presenting on the proposals of the Task Force. It is hoped that the gathering will bring together clergy, wardens, treasurers and synod delegates as well as any other interested persons from all the congregations of the archdeaconry.  Your wardens and some of St. John’s parish council will be there. If you wish to attend, please let one of the wardens know or email the office. It would be helpful to have some sense of the number of people attending so that sufficient materials will be available.

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LOUGHEED ARCHDEACONRY (Golden Ears and Tri-Cities North Burnaby Deaneries) DIOCESAN ANTI-RACISM WORKSHOP PRESENTATION When:       Saturday, December 10, 2016 Time:         9:00 am- 4:00 pm Place:  St. Timothy, Burnaby,  4550 Kitchener (at Willingdon) Please register with your name, parish, and contact information by email or phone 604-299-6816. Bring a bag lunch; tea and coffee will be provided. Participants should plan to complete morning and afternoon sessions as certificates of completion will be issued only at the day’s end. The number of participants is restricted to 25. Priority is given to active clergy and parishioners from archdeaconry parishes; please register soon to avoid being on a wait list.

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Fall Bazaar – Saturday, November 5th, 10:00 to 3:00

This is a parish event and something supported and enjoyed by most everyone in our parish. It is also not only a major fund raiser for St. John’s but one of our faces to the community at large so let us put the effort in to make this a special event. This year we will need more support than ever from our parish members.  Our Bazaar conflicts with the date set for the presentations of The Diocese of New Westminster Awards. John Binns is our candidate this year and many of our regular helpers will be going to the ceremony to support John. This may leave us a little short staffed on Saturday so if you can offer even a few hours to help out we would really appreciate it. Please let Ann Adair Austin know if you are able to help so we may include you in our rooster. You may also help by: Raffle:  Donating items for out Goodie Baskets.  These need to be nonperishable items that are special treats for Christmas.  Books of Raffle Tickets will be available after church and perhaps your friends might like the chance to win one of our great prizes. Bake Table:   This is always a popular area and one of the first visited by many of our guests.  We have many wonderful bakers in our community so let’s show off a little! Handicrafts:  Once again we have many talented individuals and it is always interesting to see the many special creations. Our knitters, sewers and crafters are second to none. Country Store:  Our special little corner for homemade jams, jellies, relishes & all kinds of special little treats.  Do you have a favorite treat that can be bottled or packaged? Nu 2 U:   This where we feature new or nearly new...

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Farewell Potluck for The Ven. Grant Rodgers – Oct. 22nd, 2016

  The parish family would like to say farewell to Grant and Sue with a potluck supper and musical interlude on Saturday, Oct 22nd.   We would gather at 5pm for a 5:30pm sitting for the supper.    Please watch for a sign-up sheet in the hall.  We ask that your contribution be brought in ready to serve.   Entrees, salads, sides and desserts are welcome.   Buns and bread provided.   With the early start we are hoping all will feel welcome and especially families with children.   We plan to conclude by 8pm.   Let’s make it a warm, fun evening before we officially say goodbye to Grant the next day at the 10 am service.

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ACW Pot Luck and Meeting – September 15th- 6:00 pm

    ACW POTLUCK/ Meeting- September 15th at 6:00 pm in the church hall. Please bring a sweet or savory dish to share. Andy Bird from THE  BIRD’S NEST will be the guest speaker. All women are welcome and encouraged to attend. Please note –The Bird’s Nest Open House will be held on Saturday Sept 17 from 10 am to 6 pm, the address is 12051 234th Street, Maple Ridge.

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High Tea at St. John’s – August 17th, 2016

    High Tea at St. John’s  This year our tea will be  Wednesday, August 17th starting at 11:30.  Please come and bring your friends.  Tickets will available from Sylvia Bradley or Ferne Malcolm for $25.00 each. Once again, seating is limited so get your tickets early!    

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