Community Garden

We are a new community garden based at St. John’s Anglican Church, Port Moody. We are located at 2208 St. John’s Street (just off of Douglas Street).

Garden Party!

A garden party/BBQ to launch the Community Garden—as well as to celebrate students going back to school—is planned for Saturday, Sept. 9 from 4 to 6 pm. There will be outdoor music and fun for children; hot dogs and cold beverages will be served. This event is open to the wider community. There is no charge but donations are welcome.


Click here to read the announcement on our diocesan website about the Community Garden Project.


St. John’s has always strived to serve the neighbourhood, especially in ways relating to food and community. We ran a neighbourhood Food Bank for many years, and currently support the SHARE food bank, as well as operate the Spring Street Community Kitchen (with Inlet United Church).

Now here, Community Garden!

Our newest venture is this Community Garden. We envision a place that supports the provision of fresh vegetables and herbs to those who need them, and that gives all our neighbours a place to come dig, plant, and grow together – in body, mind, and spirit.

Our fun and fruitful idea is to invite the community to come dig around in more ways than one here in our Community Garden. Vegetables. Root vegetables. Herbs. We want to offer space to grow it all! If you miss having a garden, or even if you have your own garden and would like to offer your expertise to new gardeners – do please come over.

So, where’s the garden party?

Our office’s front lawn facing St. John’s Street is where it’s all happening! Beginning in May 2023, we are replacing grass with native plants, and setting up garden plots.

Our garden plots are now all assigned. Please email if you are interested in being put on the waitlist.

Also check out our Facebook page and watch this Web page for more information. Email us at if you’d like to be added to our mailing list for updates, or if you’re interested in being involved in any way.

Way to grow!

We hope our Community Garden will help to alleviate food insecurity in the area, as well as brighten up your life, the street, and the church. As our Community Garden takes shape, please feel free to stop by and say hello. We look forward to many of you joining us, digging around, and making new friends and growing delicious food!

St. John’s Community Garden is grateful for financial support from The Port Moody Foundation, the Diocese of New Westminster, and Salal & Cedar.

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