
Sixth Sunday of Easter Sermon – May 05,2024

‘Abide in Christ’s Love…’ Reflection delivered on Sixth Sunday of Easter 5/5/24 by The Rev. Miranda Sutherland at St. John the Apostle Anglican Church, Port Moody, BC Scripture Reading for Today: ACTS 10:44-48; PSALM 98; 1 JOHN 5:1-6; JOHN 15:9-17

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Advent 4 Sermon

Reflections on Mary, using meditations by Steven Charleston from his book ‘Spirit Wheel Meditations from an Indigenous Elder’… Sermon delivered on Advent 4B Regular Service 12/24/23 by Rev. Anne Anchor https://youtu.be/QyuKytXU288 https://youtu.be/QyuKytXU288″

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Parish Ministries Contact Information

Rector The Rev. Vivian Lam rector@stja.ca 604-936-7762 – church / 604-723-5029 – cell Deacon The Rev. Anne Anchor (currently on leave) deacon@stja.ca Parish Office Janica Sleigh administrator@stja.ca 604-936-7762 General office hours are Tues/Thurs/Fri 10am-2pm (these hours may occasionally be adjusted, so we recommend that you make an appointment to come in.)  Rector’s Warden Rich Thompson rectorswarden@stja.ca People’s Warden Ruby Ng peopleswarden@stja.ca Treasurer Sheila De Vaal treasurer@stja.ca Envelope Secretary Antoinette Woodman & (Asst. Env. Secretary) May Fung envelopesecretary@stja.ca Parish Council Geri Grigg, Secretary parishcouncilsecretary@stja.ca Altar Guild altarguild@stja.ca Anglican Church Women Alma Oldenburg ACW@stja.ca Bible Study Lynne Milner biblestudy@stja.ca Building Repairs / Maintenance Rich Thompson property@stja.ca Children’s Ministry/Godly Play children@stja.ca E-Postle Rohini Sunderam news@stja.ca Food Bank foodbank@stja.ca Parish Visiting Ministry Joanne Walton/Alma Oldenburg pastoralvisits@stja.ca Prayer Circle Sue Elliott prayer@stja.ca Prayer Shawls Rosa Weisensel administrator@stja.ca

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Notification of potential COVID exposure at 4/30/23 worship

(Email sent to parish on 5/3/23) Dear St. John’s parishioners, We are emailing to let you know that we were notified late morning today (Wednesday) that 3 persons who were at this past Sunday’s (4/30/23) worship have since tested positive for COVID. We normally send out a notification in the case of 3 or more family units testing positive, and especially given the upcoming Spring Tea we thought a notification was especially important. As per provincial health guidelines at http://www.bccdc.ca/health-info/diseases-conditions/covid-19/self-isolation/close-contacts, at this stage in the pandemic, those who may have been in close contact with someone testing positive are not required to self-isolate or take any special measures. It is recommended that they simply watch for symptoms and isolate if they develop symptoms. A close contact is “someone who has been near a person with COVID-19 for at least 15 minutes when health and safety measures were not in place or were insufficient.” We recommend therefore that all who attended 4/30/23 Sunday worship in-person monitor themselves for symptoms and stay home and isolate should you develop any symptoms. You may also look at the page http://www.bccdc.ca/health-info/diseases-conditions/covid-19/testing/when-to-get-a-covid-19-test for guidance on when additional COVID testing may be needed. Please do not hesitate to reach out to myself, Deacon Anne Anchor, or Wardens Ruby Ng or Rich Thompson with any questions. Peace, Vivian (on behalf of the Clergy-Wardens team) The Rev. Vivian Lam

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Current Worship Safety Protocols

St. John the Apostle Anglican Church, Port Moody COVID SAFETY PROTOCOLS FOR WORSHIP SERVICES (updated 3/26/23) Please monitor yourself on the day of worship, and stay home if: You feel sick, for example you have a fever, cough or other unexplained flu- or cold-like symptoms, etc. You or anyone in your household have had any recent potential or actual exposure to COVID-19. You are otherwise required to self-isolate because of recent travel or any other reason. Masks are optional at worship (disposable masks will be available at the door). We will not have capacity restrictions or required social-distancing, but you are free to choose a seat that reflects your comfort level with distance from others, as room allows. Please be sensitive to others’ comfort level with masking, touch, and distancing when interacting before/during/after the service. You are encouraged to sanitize hands upon entry and exit of the building, and before taking communion. Officiant, Deacon, and Lay Eucharistic Ministers will sanitize hands before distributing communion. We offer Communion in both forms – bread and wine – but you are welcome to receive only the bread if you wish, and to bring the bread back to your seat before consuming (if masked, feel free to stay masked). For those receiving wine, you will do so in a socially-distanced area; the chalice will be carefully wiped and turned after each use. Note: intinction (dipping the bread in the wine) is no longer permitted in our diocese. We will be passing the offertory plate. We encourage you to give online as possible at https://www.stja.ca/supporting-st-johns/. We will have a no-touch passing of the peace, other than within your household/bubble. Weather and temperature permitting, we will have fans on and some windows open to increase circulation, so please dress accordingly. We will have coffee hour in the hall downstairs after worship on many Sundays....

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