E-POSTLE SEP 22, 2024

E-POSTLE SEP 22, 2024

Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost


September 22, 2024


10:00am (in-person + Zoom) – Holy Eucharist


Meeting ID: 542 312 325

Password: 010729

This Week’s Worship & Programs – http://www.stja.ca/program-updates/ – current information on what’s going on at St. John’s, including Zoom links and bulletin and scripture readings for Sunday worship.

Click here for contact info for parish ministries


Coffee/Tea will be served after the 10:00am service





Tuesdays                     10:30 am: Bible Study (see link above)

7:00 pm: Prayer Group (see link above)

Fridays                         11am – 12.30 pm: Choir Practice

Aug – Sept                   Bag Hunger – Flour & Rice


Thurs – Sept 26  7 pm:  Taize at Inlet United, 1790 Ioco Rd Port Moody

Fri – Sept 27                       9.30 am: We gather to clean/iron/transport stuff to St Laurence

Sat – Sept 28                       125 years Anniversary Gala Dinner – Tickets are on Sale

Sun – Sept 29                      8:30 and 10:00 services:Orange Shirt Day

Mon – Sep 30                11 am:  National Truth and Reconciliation Day Noons Creek

Sat – Oct 26                         10 am: Fall Bazaar

Sat – Nov 2                          10 am: ODNW, Massey Theatre





Stewardship Reflection

Mark 9:30-37 Prepared by Van. Dr. M. Pollesel

Jesus reminds his followers that they need to be able to see and accept him in many guises. A faithful steward seeks and serves Jesus in all people.


Gala Dinner – Saturday 28 September 2024 @ 6 pm

There are only 10 tickets left, which must be sold.  Tickets priced at $75 includes a complimentary copy of the Commemorative Book. Those who are not attending the dinner can buy the book at $15.

Please get your ticket(s) from Antoinette, Tel: 604 942 4765 Email: toni.woodman@shaw.ca




Thank You!!! From Bonnie SooChan

Thank you everyone for all your love, thoughts & prayers during my daughter, Lauren’s surgery last week.

We are VERY thankful that the Chemo treatments have been successful in shrinking the tumour  and therefore the doctors advised that they only needed to perform a Lumpectomy instead of a full Mastectomy.

We are thankful that it all went well and she is now resting comfortably at home.

She just has to rest for a few weeks to heal – no heavy lifting. She gets to lay on the couch and watch TV all day ???? Once she has healed, the next step will be Radiation and then we will take it from there.

Thanks again everyone!


“The Children of God” by Sue Hall


Each day I live; I thank God for His mercy.

Turning to Him for guidance and strength.

Sometimes struggling along,

But knowing I’ll never again walk alone.

I’ve seen the sorrow of death,

The joy of life,

His presence is ever near.


There are times we question and rebel,

Our anger and frustration,

Lashing out at the unknown.

Trying to understand the vastness of His realm.

For it is He who decides our lives,

We are but children of His world.



Growing day by day,

Experiencing His love.

We live under His care.

Protected from danger.

We must surrender ourselves to God,

Letting Him guide us along,

Directing our paths to a beautiful end.


An end that will be a beginning,

A new life within.

A life with God throughout.

For we are the children of His new world.

We are the children of God.


Taize  Contemplative Worship THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 26th

Inlet United in the historical church location at 1790 Ioco Rd is holding a Taize service with guest The Rev. Scott Gould of the Anglican Church on Thursday September 26 at 7:00pm- 8:00pm.


National Day for Truth and Reconciliation September 30th

An event is being held at Noon Creek on Monday September 30th at 11:00am to honour this day. All are welcome.


Orange Shirt Day September 29th

We will be honouring Orange Day at both service on September 29th, this is also an honouring of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Please wear an orange shirt as we remember.








From Vivian – “My latest unwelcome health plot twist. Most recent MRI shows a bit of disease progression around my spine so I will be having another round of radiation in the next few weeks. Medical team will be assessing if any changes need to be made to my ongoing treatment going forward after that.

Healing vibes and prayers sought please for this latest development – thank you everyone! Not happy about having to shift gears yet again but I trust my doctors’ expertise and trust most of all that it’s all in God’s hands”.





We understand that some of you would like to share your “Memories of Coming to St John”, but did not have the opportunity to do so. We will continue this sharing unti l the end of the year, in line with the 125 years of serving the Community. We will print your “Memories” in the E-Postle the following week, but are unable to include it the Commemorative Book. Connect with Ruby at peopleswarden@stja.ca should you wish to share.


The Spring Street Art Wall Project –  Mural update

United has had an Indigenous focus mural painted on a wall of their outside entry area. There will be a Community Blessing Ceremony and Feast on Wednesday October 9th 5:30 – 7:30 to honour this work. They are looking for 2-3 blankets to be knitted/crocheted to be used that evening.

If anyone is interested, please contact their church office at offce@inletunited.ca or 604 939-5513


Help Wanted!!!

Volunteers are urgently needed for the following ministries:

USHERS – Work in pairs, once a month, for the 10:00am service, to greet parishioners & visitors and hand out the Sunday bulletin.

ALTAR GUILD – Work in teams of 3, once a month (usually on a Saturday), to set out the Sunday Eucharist for the 8:30am & 10:00am services.

If you think you would like to offer your time to either of these important ministries, please contact Bonnie SooChan at 604-945-8465 or e-mail bsoochan@shaw.ca It would be greatly appreciated.


Framed Pictures in the Hall

The framed pictures are part of Sue Hall’s treasures.  If you would like one, please use the Donation jar and it’s yours to enjoy. Watch for changes each week.


Support for Access Youth continue ….

We are collecting flour and rice for the months of August and September.

Please place your donations by the font at the entrance of the church.

As a reminder, we are only collecting these 2 items.  Please do not bring in other items as this does not operate like a food bank.  They prepare meal kits for families to cook a meal together. They distribute required portions of ingredients to prepare the meal they are delivering.

For info on Access Youth and what they do, please log in to: https://accessyouth.org/youth-gour-made/






Rich – 16 Sept to 4 Oct

Miranda – Annual Leave 16 – 26 October (tentative)




Betty and Mel Moore

As a child, I attended a United church in Chilliwack and Mel as a child attended an Anglican Church in New Westminster. In the 70’s, Mel, myself and 2 sons attended Como Lake united church. When our sons no longer wanted to attend church, I checked out St. Catherine’s Anglican Church in Pt. Coquitlam because my father attended an Anglican Church when he was young and he was a good man.

So, in the 80’s, I attended St. Catherine’s and liked the format of the service. However, after about 10 years, I was really wanting to go to a church as a family and our eldest son was more interested in multi faiths.

In the 90’s, the family started to attend Unity Church in New West. After about 10 years, I started to miss St. Catherine’s, which was no longer in service. I went to St. John’s one week and Unity the next week, hoping that Mel would eventually join me.

After a few months, I believe the Lord intervened. A new minister came to Unity and declared all persons who held a position in the church had to become a member.  Mel, who was in charge of ushers, thought that was nonsense and he started to come with me to St. John’s.

That was in 2002, 22 years ago. In that time, we have served on committees, Mel especially likes to volunteer for Coffee hour. We look forward to coming to church every Sunday for the service and to see our church family.

Mel said only at St. John’s can he sit by himself at a table at coffee hour and never feel alone. That is the warmth St. John’s emits.


Prayers and Pastoral care
There are many ways that this community of St. John’s offers prayers.
Weekly Intercessions in the service. Requests to deacon@stja.ca
Ongoing prayer requests for any concerns one may have. Requests to prayer@stja.ca
Tuesday Evening contemplative prayer and reflection see stja.ca for link
Pastoral Care – Our parish visiting ministry team can be contacted pastoralvisits@stja.ca




Flower Chart for 2024

This is up in the Narthex (at the back of the church, by the chapel).  Should you wish to commemorate a birthday, anniversary, or give in memory of a loved one, please consider signing up to donate flowers for the altar.


Parish Giving

Donations may be made by cheques, PADs or through e-transfer directly to the church account. Please contact Ruby at peopleswarden@stja.ca or Sheila at treasurer@stja.ca for more details. You may also give via PayPal/credit card via our website.



Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost 22 September 2024

Proverbs 31:10-31; Psalm 1; James 3:13-4:3, 7-8A; Mark 9:30-37


Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost 29 September 2024

Numbers 11:4-6, 10-16, 24-29; Psalm 19:7-14; James 5:13-20; Mark 9:38-50


I added Taize and OSD and National TR Day


Changed spelling and un capitalised it


This and the one below are additions




Here is the write-up


I changed the readings for next week. You had the right ones that the schedule says  for St Michaels and All Angels I changed them to the Pentecost Sunday readings



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