E-POSTLE OCT 20, 2024

E-POSTLE OCT 20, 2024

Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost


October 20, 2024


8:30 am (in-person) Holy Eucharist


10:00am (in-person + Zoom) – Holy Eucharist


Meeting ID: 542 312 325

Password: 010729

This Week’s Worship & Programs – http://www.stja.ca/program-updates/ – current information on what’s going on at St. John’s, including Zoom links and bulletin and scripture readings for Sunday worship.

Click here for contact info for parish ministries


Coffee/Tea will be served after the 10:00am service





Tuesdays                     10:30 am: Bible Study (see link above)

7:00 pm: Prayer Group (see link above)

Fridays                         11am – 12.30 pm: Choir Practice


Sun – Oct 20               Peek and Buy at the PMC after the 8.30 and 10 am service

Thurs – Oct 24            11am: CHURCH YARD & GARDEN CLEANUP

Fri – Oct 25                 9.30 am – 3pm: Drop off baked goods

Sat – Oct 26                 10 am: Fall Bazaar

Sat – Nov 2                  10 am: ODNW, Massey Theatre





Stewardship Reflection

Mark 10:35-45 – Prepared by Ven. Dr. M Pollesel.

The faithful steward realizes that their calling in this world is not to be ‘‘number one,’ but rather the one who serves others, as Jesus did.


Church Yard and Garden Cleanup

Thursday 24 Oct at 11 am – weather permitting

Its that time of the year when we cleanup before the garden ‘close” for the cold months. If you have nothing better to do, or need some muscle exercise, please come and help us spruce up the church grounds.


Bishop’s Visit in May 2024

An article of St. John the Apostle Celebrates 125th Anniversary is in the September/October issue of TOPIC, an Anglican journal of the Diocese.




It is now renamed as Alongside Hope. For more info, please go to https://pwrdf.org/our-new-name/


Fall Bazaar – UPDATE

Saturday, October 26th from 10 am to 2.30 pm


You may drop off baked goods on Friday October 25, between 9.30 am to 3 pm.


Raffle tickets for the Fall Bazaar are now available for sale and/or to pick up to sell to friends and relatives. Please see Ferne Malcom at the 8:30 service or Ann Adair-Austin or Sylvia Bradley at the 10 am service, if you would like to purchase tickets.


Raffle: we are looking for donations of prizes for the raffle. If you are able to contribute one or two items to our Gourmet Basket (jam, crackers, pickles, spices, tea etc. – no alcohol please).  Any other item or gift certificate that might be appropriate would be much appreciated also. Please have your donations in by Sunday October 20th.


Cake Walk: We are looking for donations of cakes for the Cake Walk. If you can make a cake for this event, please notify Ann Adair-Austin at cannadairaustin@gmail.com

Crafts, Baked Goods, Jams, etc. Contributions will be gratefully accepted. Any craft items, baked goods etc. for the Bazaar, can be dropped off at the church hall on Friday, October 25th from 9.30 am to 3 pm.

Refreshments: We will be serving soup with a bun plus tea/coffee for $8, and a muffin with tea/coffee for $5. Tickets for these will be on sale at the door.

Please connect with Ferne at mfernem@icloud.com or Ruby at peopleswarden@stja.ca should you be able to help in any way or need any further information about this event.





Treasure4 You at the PMC

Three rooms in the basement are filled with treasures gifted to us.  You will be amazed at what you find!  Crafting materials of all kinds, stuffed animals, Christmas themed items, greeting cards, all kinds of collectable items in sets, new bedding, clothing and kitchen wares.  Plan to spend time and money in this special space and tell your friends.

We will have a special Peek and Buy opening for the congregation on Sunday, October 20th after both services, and as usual, the Sunday after the bazaar on October 27th.   Please come, you are bound to find a treasure.


ReSponse Team Request

Do you have a small desk and office chair and/or queen sized blanket that you don’t need?

The most recently arrived refugee family sponsored by the deanery ReSponse group is doing very well.  They have been here for four months now and are very happy in their two-bedroom suite in Maple Ridge.

There are a few items that the family would appreciate, however and so we are asking if anyone at church has a small desk and chair or queen size blanket that they would be interested in donating to the family?

If so, please contact Mary, Karlis or Laurie so we can pass the information onto Rev. Pat Ratclife.

Thank you very much for your consideration and support.



UPDATEDDeepening Understanding of Reconciliation

Learn history, listen to experiences, build relationships, and become a good ancestor. This is a course exploring core issues surrounding reconciliation. It looks at the history of The Doctrine of Discovery; Residential Schools; Sixties Scoop; and brings us to today with Being a Good Ancestor

We will hold this course here at St. John’s in-person. If anyone is interested in doing so, please contact Anne Anchor deacon@stja.ca and we can talk about setting a date and time that will work for all concerned.

We are looking at either November or in the New Year depending on people’s preference, we have potentially six people at this point.


Ushers for the 10am service

Urgently needed, to work in pairs, once a month. To welcome and greet parishioners & visitors and hand out the Sunday bulletin.

If you think you would like to offer your time to this important ministry, please contact Bonnie SooChan at 604-945-8465 or e-mail bsoochan@shaw.ca. It would be greatly appreciated.


Framed Pictures in the Hall

The framed pictures are part of Sue Hall’s treasures.  If you would like one, please use the Donation jar and it’s yours to enjoy. Watch for changes each week.






Miranda – Annual Leave 21 – 29 October




Prayers and Pastoral care
There are many ways that this community of St. John’s offers prayers.
Weekly Intercessions in the service. Requests to deacon@stja.ca
Ongoing prayer requests for any concerns one may have. Requests to prayer@stja.ca
Tuesday Evening contemplative prayer and reflection see stja.ca for link
Pastoral Care – Our parish visiting ministry team can be contacted pastoralvisits@stja.ca






Flower Chart for 2024

This is up in the Narthex (at the back of the church, by the chapel).  Should you wish to commemorate a birthday, anniversary, or give in memory of a loved one, please consider signing up to donate flowers for the altar.


Parish Giving

Donations may be made by cheques, PADs or through e-transfer directly to the church account. Please contact Ruby at peopleswarden@stja.ca or Sheila at treasurer@stja.ca for more details. You may also give via PayPal/credit card via our website.



Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost 20 October 2024

Job 38:1-7 (34-41); Psalm 104:1-9, 25, 37b; Hebrews 5:1-10; Mark 10:35-45


Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost 20 October 2024

Job 42:1-6, 10-17; Psalm 34:1-8 (19-22); Hebrews 7:23-28; Mark 10:46-52



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