E-POSTLE MAR 24, 2024
Palm Sunday
March 24, 2024
8:30am (in-person only) & 10:00am (in-person + Zoom) – Holy Eucharist
Meeting ID: 542 312 325
Password: 010729
This Week’s Worship & Programs – http://www.stja.ca/program-updates/ – current information on what’s going on at St. John’s, including Zoom links and bulletin and scripture readings for Sunday worship.
Click here for contact info for parish ministries
Coffee/Tea will be served after the 10am service.
Tuesdays 10.30 am: Lenten study (see link above for Tuesday Bible Study)
7:00 pm: Prayer Group (see link above)
Fridays 11 am: Choir Practice
Sun – Mar 24 Palm Sunday –Please come to church wearing red
Thurs – Mar 28 4:00 pm: Maundy Thursday service – feet washing
Fri – Mar 29 1:00 pm: Good Friday
Sun – Mar31 10:00 am: Special Easter Story for children
Wed – Apr 3 10:00am – ACW Coffee Plus
Mon – Apr 8 2 pm: Funeral Mass of The Ven Philippa Pride
Sat – Apr 13 9 am: Parish Council retreat
Sat – May 11 9.30 am: Mission Conference – Toward a Theology of Land
Sat – May 25 11am: Ron Barnes’ interment @ St Clements, North Van
Sun – May 26 Trinity Sunday – Bishop’s Visit
Stewardship Reflection
Prepared by Prepared by K. Graham; Mark 15:39
I believe that He died for my sin and that you raised Him to life. I want to trust Him as my Saviour and follow Him as Lord, from this day forward. Guide my life and help me to do your will. I pray this in the name of Jesus.
The Venerable Archdeacon Philippa Louise Pride
After a long illness with cancer, Archdeacon Philippa died in hospital on March 18 with family and friends beside her. Her funeral Mass will be on Monday, April 8th at 2pm at Christ Church Cathedral. Please hold the family of Philippa in prayer as they mourn.
Palm Sunday – March 24
Please wear RED to church and comfortable shoes because, weather permitting, there will be a procession around the church during the 10:00am service to commemorate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Those in the procession will be given Palm fronds to wave.
Sunday May 26th – 125th Anniversary Celebration
As part of our 125 years as a place of worship within the community of Port Moody, we would like to acknowledge those of you were either married or baptised, (or possibly both) at St John’s – at any time in its history. We would like to invite you to a special event to celebrate your connection to our church at special services at 8:30 am and 10am on Sunday May 26th 2024. We have invited Bishop John Stephens of the Diocese of New Westminster to join us and lead us in worship. These services will be a celebration of our anniversary, focusing on the sacraments of baptism and marriage in our community. Those who were baptised at St. John’s will be invited to re-affirm their baptismal vows during the services.
There will be a reception of light refreshments following the 10 am service. We hope that you can join us for this special celebration. For further information, please contact peopleswarden@stja.ca
Vignettes from parishioners of the parish being offered throughout the year of the 125th Anniversary celebrations. If you are asked to offer one week, please accept so that we may get to know a bit more about our friends in the pews. Please forward a written copy to news@stja.ca thereafter. These will be posted in the E-Postle as well as a compilation for print later in the year.
Matthew Savage 17th March, 2024 @ 10 am service
I want to assure you first that I don’t have any memory issues, and in fact it has only gotten better since I began attending. However, I can’t recall the first time I came here. In my defence, I was an infant at the time.
I do recall going to church picnics. My brother, father, and I playing the three wise men in at least one Christmas pageant also springs to mind.
However, my strongest and earliest memories, echoing what others have said, are of helping in different ways. Singing in the choir as a young child, helping my father print the bulletins on the old gestetner machine, and being a server, crucifer, and later sacristan. I also apparently tried to “help” as a toddler by attempting to run up and pull off the altar cloth, but I don’t remember doing it so I don’t think that counts.
Returning as an adult after living overseas, it was a joy to be welcomed back. It was a greater joy to have my own children baptised here, as my brother and I both were.
While it sounds a bit corny even to me as I write it, my memories of coming to St. John’s over my lifetime are of this congregation being an extended family.
Flowers for Easter
We will be decorating the altar with Lilies and are looking for sponsors. If you would like to contribute, it will cost $10 per pot. You may take the Lilies home after Easter Sunday. There is a sign-up sheet at the back of the church until Easter.
Support for Kinsight family
Council set a goal to support a family in need three times a year through Kinsight. If you wish to make a donation to this ministry, please do so by envelope with a notation… for the Kinsight family… and put it on the offertory plate.
Due to exigent circumstances, we are also supporting a new family. This dear family have been displaced, losing their home to fire. They are a family of four: mother, father and two children (3 and 5). What is needed most at this time is gift cards and some essential house items. Please hold this family in prayer.
Of note: For now, the family is living in a motel room. So, we are unable to give them large items. But if you wish to donate some items; such as a simple can opener or dinner ware/cutlery for 4, or bath products/towels and a few child-friendly items; there will be a donation box at the back of the church. We already have, some dish clothes, tea towels and cooking utensils.
Questions can be directed to Christine and Karlis Kesans at chris.kesans@gmail.com
Easter Sunday – Church for the Children
10 am – We will be offering a reading of a special Easter Story …God Gave Us Easter by Lisa Town Bergen… with on screen images. The children will have a craft activity during the readings and sermon time. There will also be an Easter egg hunt along with a gift bag for each child present.
Coffee Plus (formerly Coffee & Crafts)
Wednesday, April 3 at 10:00.
ACW first gathering under the new name of Coffee Plus. Will start with a brief meditation, enjoy coffee and a discussion time. This maybe about the upcoming Spring Tea, any concerns we may have in or about the parish or just a time of fellowship and sharing. Everyone one is welcome to join us. If you have any questions, see Ferne or any ACW member.
Bible Study on Tuesdays at 10:30am.
The Bible Study Group will be studying a book this Lent titled Healing our Broken Humanity by Grace Kim and Graham Hill – Practices for Revitalizing the Church and Renewing the World.
Mission Conference – Toward a Theology of Land
May 11: 9:30am-3:00pm @ St. Mark’s, Ocean Park
You are invited to one of the largest biannual gatherings of the diocese of New Westminster. The Mission Conference is the key social and learning event held every other year when Synod is not in session. It is open and free to all members of the parishes and not just clergy and synod delegates.
Following the 2023 Synod discussions about housing and homelessness, the Mission Conference planners chose as this year’s theme: Toward a Theology of Land. Presenters: Richard Leggett, Mari Joerstad, and Katherine Murray are all local, ordained, and lay leaders, with rich experience in teaching and reflecting a thoughtful, God-centred understanding of land, as well as walking with churches who are seeking to steward their lands and buildings for God’s mission in the world.
Registration is free and lunch will be provided.
Nominations for the Order of The Diocese of New Westminster
It is time now to nominate our next exceptional parish leader.
The purpose of the Order is to honour and give special recognition to lay members of the Diocese who have given outstanding service over a significant period of time in their volunteer ministry.
Information on eligibility criteria and nomination from can be found at https://www.vancouver.anglican.ca/programs/odnw-order-of-the-diocese-of-new-westminster
Should you wish to nominate someone, please let Rev Miranda know at interim@stja.ca by 2 April, 2024.
Flower Chart for 2024
This is up in the Narthex (at the back of the church, by the chapel). Should you wish to commemorate a birthday, anniversary, or give in memory of a loved one, please consider signing up to donate flowers for the altar.
Parish Giving
Donations may be made by cheques, PADs or through e-transfer directly to the church account. Please contact Ruby at peopleswarden@stja.ca or Sheila at treasurer@stja.ca for more details. You may also give via PayPal/credit card via our website.
24 March 2024 The Sunday of Passion: Palm Sunday
Mark 11:1–11; Psalm 31:9–16; Philippians 2:5–11; Mark 15:1–39
31 March 2024 The Sunday of the Resurrection: Easter Sunday
Isaiah 25:6–9; Psalm 118: 1–2, 14–24; Acts 10:34–43; Mark 16:1–8
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