E-POSTLE FEB 4, 2024

E-POSTLE FEB 4, 2024

Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany


February 4, 2024


8:30am (in-person only) & 10:00am (in-person + Zoom) – Holy Eucharist


Meeting ID: 542 312 325

Password: 010729

This Week’s Worship & Programs – http://www.stja.ca/program-updates/ – current information on what’s going on at St. John’s, including Zoom links and bulletin and scripture readings for Sunday worship.

Click here for contact info for parish ministries


There will coffee hour after the 10 am service.





Tues – Feb 6                10:00 am: Bible Study (see link above)

7:00pm: Prayer Group (see link above)

Sat – Feb 3                  11 am: Teri Hazelton’s funeral (Zoom link as per Sunday service)

Sun – Feb 4                 Rev Miranda Sutherland’s first service

Kelly Bowman’s presentation on ACW

10 am: Memories of Coming to St. John – Maureen Simons

Fri – Feb 9                    11 am: Choir Practice

Sun – Feb 11               12 noon: Chinese New Year lunch – tickets on sale

Sun – Feb 18               Annual Vestry meeting following the 10 am service




Stewardship Reflection              

Mark 1:29-39.  Prepared by Ven. Dr. Michael Pollesel

Jesus’ life is filled by many who make demands on his time. In spite of these heavy demands, he still makes time to be alone in prayer. As a faithful steward, does my life follow his pattern of prayer and action?



A warm welcome to Rev Miranda Sutherland as Interim Priest on 1 February, 2024. Over the next few weeks, Miranda will be getting to know each of us as she meets with the various groups and joins us at Coffee Hour. The days that she is serving her part time hours here are Tuesday and Thursday and Sunday mornings




Services this week Feb. 4, 2024 

We welcome the Diocesan ACW President Kelly Bowman to celebrate the ACW of St. John’s  and present the work of the Diocesan  ACW  at both the 8.30 am and 10 am service.


Guest Musician Amber Tarling  at the 10 am service.


Vestry 2023 Reports are ready for collection at the Narthex.





Sylvia Bradley 28 Jan 2024 @ 10 am service

I feel very blessed to have this opportunity to exchange a few words with you on this 125th special occasion as I move into my 66th year at St. Johns.


However, before telling you of how I became a parishioner and stayed, I would like to share with you little bit of history about travelling to St. Johns. We all know that a couple of weeks ago, everyone had to tackle the snow and ice and drive very carefully to get to church.

In 1958, when I first came to St. Johns, we had a lady organist named Winnie Horne. She lived across the Inlet in the small Ioco Townsite that was built to house the employees of the Imperial Oil Co. Refinery; hence the name IOCO.


Winnie would tell us about how she managed to get to church or downtown Port Moody during the harsh winters when the Inlet froze over and, yes, it did often freeze over frequently back then.  She would either have to strap on her skates and skate across the Inlet or come by sleigh.

So, the next time you have to scrape your car windows or brush off some snow to come to church, perhaps you might be glad that you will not have to dig out your skates or sleigh to make the journey in the same way as Winnie!


65 years ago, my family and I moved into a house in the then new subdivision called Glenayre located at the top of Port Moody Hill – and I am still living in the same house.

One day in December a lady rang the doorbell and explained that she was from St. Johns, Port Moody and the President of the evening ladies’ group – the Women’s Auxiliary or W.A. as it was called then.  (we also had an afternoon W.A. group at that time).  After a chat and I told her I was an Anglican, she invited me to attend their Christmas celebration.  (Held in the house next door to the east).   I accepted the invitation, attended and was warmly welcomed but what I didn’t know or realize was that this meeting was also their AGM and Election of Officers. Well, they elected me their secretary and I am still here!


Since that time my philosophy has always been, always welcome any newcomers or visitors, give them a job and maybe they will stay 50 years or so!

Why have I stayed?

  • Because St. Johns is a wonderful place to worship our Lord.
  • Because of the friendship and support I have personally received throughout all the years
  • And, as long as with God’s grace I am still able to do my bit, where else would I ever want to be?


Sharon Cooper 28 January 2024 @ 8.30 am service

We moved from East Vancouver to Coquitlam in 1959 and joined St. Stephen’s church on Cameron. There was no Lougheed Mall at that time. In 1967, we moved from Como Lake and Blue Mountain to Harbour Drive. As we were just down the road from St. Laurence, we joined them. I was a Coquitlam-ite and not at all familiar with Port Moody or St. John’s. It was a Sunday morning July 3, 1977, that we did attend the service at St. John for the first time and I noted in my diary how nice the music was. We were still involved at St. Laurence but did start attending some events at St. John. We enjoyed evening services with guitar accompaniment for the music. These were the days of “folk masses” I think I called them, very lively with contemporary songs and music. One memorable night, we attended such a service and really enjoyed the evening. Driving home, the four of us were still feeling full of joy, laughing and singing, At the foot of Gatensbury Hill, a Port Moody police car signalled us to pull over. It seems he thought we were just too exuberant and must be drunk. He asked Dad if we had been drinking. Dad said, “Well we were just at church and had Communion”. The police officer laughed and said “Well that wouldn’t be enough wine to get drunk”. We went on our way, still happy and laughing. This is just one of the many occasions at St. John’s where we were full of joy, making a joyful noise to the Lord.


Chinese New Year lunch – last call

On Sunday 11 Feb 2024

To usher in the Year of the Dragon, we will have a celebration lunch at Lougheed Wonton restaurant following the 10 am service. Tickets are at $24 and may be purchased from Doris Lee.


Financial Status – November & December 2023


  Nov 2023

Actual $

Dec 2023

Actual $

YTD Dec 2023 Actual $ YTD 2023 Budget $ YTD 2023 Budget Difference
Income 20,686.80 29,034.85 209,720.63 239,505.00 (29,784.37)
Expenses 16,993.79 19,265.03 220,339.17 239,505.00 19,165.83

(-) Loss

3,693.01 9,769.82 (10,618.54) 0.00 (10,618.54)
Offering for General Funds 11,538.75 17,263.75 138,183.00 185,820.00 (47,637.00)


Treasurer’s Note

A great big thank you to all parishioners for your hard work and generous hearts. Due to the monies raised at the bazaar and the extra donations at Christmas time, the last two months have been in the “black”. I am happy to say that at the end of the year, the deficit will only be around $10,000, instead of the projected $40,000, which is a great improvement over the last three years.



Flower Chart for 2024

Is up in the Narthex (at the back of the church, by the chapel).  Should you wish to commemorate a birthday, anniversary, or give in memory of a loved one, please consider signing up to donate flowers for the altar.


Parish Giving

Donations may be made by cheques, PADs or through e-transfer directly to the church account. Please contact Ruby at peopleswarden@stja.ca or Sheila at treasurer@stja.ca for more details. You may also give via PayPal/credit card via our website.



4 February, 2024 Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany

Isaiah 40: 21-31; Psalm 147: 1-12,20C; 1 Corinthians 9:16-23; Mark 1:29-39


11 February 2024 Last Sunday after the Epiphany – Transfiguration Sunday

2 Kings 2:1-12; Psalm 50: 1-6; 2 Corinthians 5:20B-6:10; Matthew 6:1-6,16-21


Is this right??




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