E-POSTLE APR 21, 2024

E-POSTLE APR 21, 2024


Fourth Sunday after Easter


April 21, 2024


8:30am (in-person only) & 10:00am (in-person + Zoom) – Holy Eucharist


Meeting ID: 542 312 325

Password: 010729

This Week’s Worship & Programs – http://www.stja.ca/program-updates/ – current information on what’s going on at St. John’s, including Zoom links and bulletin and scripture readings for Sunday worship.

Click here for contact info for parish ministries

Coffee/Tea will be served after the 10am service.





Tuesdays                     10:30 am: Bible Study (see link above)

7:00 pm: Prayer Group (see link above)

Fridays                        11 am: Choir Practice

Sun – Apr 21               Blessing of Layette

Sun – Apr 28                Exec. Director of Access Youth visit

Wed – May 1               10 am: Coffee Plus

Thurs – May 2              9am – 1 pm: Whisper of Wisdom workshop

Sat – May 11                2 – 4 pm: Spring Tea

Sat – May 11                9.30 am: Mission Conference – Toward a Theology of Land

Sat – May 25                11am: Ron Barnes’ interment @ St Clements, North Van

Sun – May 26               10 am only – Trinity Sunday – Bishop’s Visit

Thurs – Jun 21             National Indigenous Peoples Day




Stewardship Reflection              

Prepared by Ven. Dr. M Pollesel John 10:11-18

Jesus is as he tells us here “the good shepherd”.  His sheep recognize his voice, he goes on to say. Heard Jesus speaking to you lately?


Whisper of Wisdom

Thursday May 2, 2024. 9am to 1 pm by Rev. Miranda

The ACW is inviting you to attend a “Whispers of Wisdom” Pilot Workshop at the Church Hall from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm.  Participants can expect to deepen their understanding of spirituality, gerotranscendence, and the life review process. They will be exposed to some practical skills and strategies for enhancing their spiritual well-being, fostering resilience, and embracing the journey of aging with grace and purpose.  The “Whispers of Wisdom” Course is pioneered by “GeroSpiritual Life Coach”, Mother Miranda Sutherland.  This a practicum developed from a seminary contextual paper “Reimagining Seniors – Unlock the Power of Gerotranscendence through Spirituality”.

If you are interested in participating, please register with Janica at administrator@stja.ca by Monday 29 April.

Please bring a bag lunch. Coffee/tea will be served.


Blessing of ACW  Layette

Sunday 21 April, 2024

Items collected for the annual ACW layette donation will be blessed before they go to the Diocesan outreach for needy families who have new babies. If you wish to contribute or donate money towards this, please connect with Ann Adair-Austin at cannadairaustin@gmail.com for more information.


Access Youth Outreach Services Society

Sunday 28 April, 2024


n independent community based registered charity, Access Youth’s  mandate includes the development and delivery of innovative programs and services for youth ages 12-23 who may be disadvantaged, marginalized, or at-risk.

As most of you already know, they are now users  of our PMC basement. Executive Director Jennifer Blatherwick will be addressing us  at both services on what they do.


Coffee Hour Treats

We acknowledge that most of you enjoy having a coffee and treats while socialising and catching up with each other during coffee hour.

We would appreciate your contribution of treats and help in cleaning-up afterwards. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the kitchen.


Preparation for Trinity Sunday – Bishop’s Visit

Thursday 16 May, 2024 10 am


all parishioners to join in for church cleaning prior to the Bishop’s visit. Note that ACW monthly meeting will follow at 1 pm. Cleaning equipment and products will be supplied, but please feel free to bring in any other items you prefer to use such as long handle dusters, mini vacs, or your favourite cleaning cloth etc.

Refreshments will be served between cleaning and the meeting – bring in a sandwich or snack if you wish to. Please let Ann Adair-Austin at cannadairaustin@gmail.com know if you are able to help.


We are looking to hire a photographer and a videographer for Bishop John’s visit. If you know of anyone who would be available and interested to take this on, please let Ruby know at peopleswarden@stja.ca




Vignettes from parishioners of the parish being offered throughout the year of the 125th Anniversary celebrations. If you are asked to offer one week, please accept so that we may get to know a bit more about our friends in the pews. Please forward a written copy to news@stja.ca thereafter. These will be posted in the E-Postle as well as a compilation for print later in the year.


Alma Oldenburg’s MEMORIES of Coming to St John – 14 April 2024

April 1, 1983 our family arrived in Vancouver, from our Nova Scotia home of 7 years.  My husband at that time had transferred to an office in Burnaby. Our 2 sons were in their mid-teens, so it was a tough time for them leaving their friends.

It was rather like an April Fool’s joke to me, no home, no job and no friends to visit.  And it was cold and raining — snow we could handle. We spent a couple of weeks waiting for the furniture to arrive and moved into a rented townhouse.  By that time, I would have seen St Johns from the street, but I can’t recall when I stepped through the door for the first time.  Four months later, we moved into our home; just a block from here, quite convenient to say the least.

I’m sure that I was a bit anxious as I opened the door, but I was met at the door by a gentle lady named ‘Mary’. I think she continued to watch over me for some time. And we still have several such greeters.

Over these 40 years, I have been a member of Parish Council, assisted with various duties involved in a Sunday service, done a fair share of gardening, helped with a lot of sales. And currently, am President of our ACW.

Since I moved to Maple Ridge 15 years ago, I am not on site as often.  This place is special, there is always a prayer, a service, a song or a person to lift me up or at least keep me on my feet.  I consider the people in this building my friends and that makes me happy. Thanks to all of you.






Saturday May 11, 2024.  2 – 4pm

Pie and ice cream, plus tea or coffee will be served for a cost of $8. Invite your family and friends to come and join us to celebrate the season of Easter and the joy of Spring!

Sign up sheets will be posted asking for volunteers to help in various areas, and also a request for donations of baked goods for the Baked Table. Please drop off all baking at the church hall from 11 am to 1 pm on 11 May.


Donations of crafts, jewellery,  and plants would be much appreciated and can be brought in at any time before tea-time.


Tickets are on sale now by Antoinette, Ferne and Doris.

Please speak to Ruby or Ferne if you need further information or contact the Church Office at administrator@stja.ca


National Indigenous Peoples Day June 21st 2024

We have been asked again by Tasha Faye Evans the coordinator of NIPD in Port Moody to supply some knitted blankets for the ceremony in the evening at Rocky Point.

More details to follow about the ceremony but for now I am calling upon all knitters to offer their talent in this ministry towards Reconciliation. We have been asked to provide 10 blankets. We will be making them more in the dimension of prayer shawls this year, so, a bit smaller than past years. We should have them completed by June 2nd for blessing before we pass them on.

Please let contact  Anne Anchor at deacon@stja.ca know if you are knitting

125th Anniversary Celebration

Sunday May 26, 2024 at 10 am

As part of our 125 years as a place of worship within the community of Port Moody, we would like to acknowledge those of you were either married or baptised, (or possibly both) at St John’s – at any time in its history. We have invited Bishop John Stephens of the Diocese of New Westminster to join us and lead us in worship. The service will be a celebration of our anniversary, focusing on the sacraments of baptism and marriage in our community. Those who were baptised at St. John’s will be invited to re-affirm their baptismal vows during the services.

There will be a light lunch following the 10 am service. We hope that you can join us for this special celebration. For further information, please contact Ruby at peopleswarden@stja.ca or Janica at administrator@ stja.ca





Flower Chart for 2024

This is up in the Narthex (at the back of the church, by the chapel).  Should you wish to commemorate a birthday, anniversary, or give in memory of a loved one, please consider signing up to donate flowers for the altar.


Donations may be made by cheques, PADs or through e-transfer directly to the church account. Please contact Ruby at peopleswarden@stja.ca or Sheila at treasurer@stja.ca for more details. You may also give via PayPal/credit card via our website.




21 April 2024 The Fourth Sunday of Easter

Acts 4:5-12; Psalm 23; 1 John 3:16-24; John 10:11-18




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