E-POSTLE OCT 8, 2023

E-POSTLE OCT 8, 2023

Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost


October 8, 2023


8:30am (in-person only) & 10:00am (in-person + Zoom) – Holy Eucharist


Meeting ID: 542 312 325

Password: 010729


This Week’s Worship & Programs – https://www.stja.ca/2023/program-updates/ – current information on what’s going on at St. John’s, including Zoom links and bulletin and scripture readings for Sunday worship.


Click here for contact info for parish ministries


There will be Coffee hour following the 10am service.




Tues – Oct 3                 10:15am – Bible Study on Zoom (see link above)

                                       7pm – Prayer group on Zoom (see link above)

Sat –  Oct 7                  9:30am Harvest Thanksgiving decorating

Wed – Oct 11               9.30 to 11.30 am Church open for morning prayers

Thurs- Oct 19              1 pm ACW meeting

Sat – Nov 4                 10 am Fall Bazaar




Stewardship Reflection

Prepared by Ven. Dr. Michael Pollesel.        Matthew 21: 33-46

Jesus hits the ranking priests and the Pharisees right between the eyes with this story. After all, they expected to inherit what they think is rightfully theirs. A faithful steward knows that in order to be given God’s domain they have to live a life which shows that they merit it.


Update on Vivian

Vivian had her surgery last Tuesday and is now awaiting next steps in her treatment plans. She thanks everyone for your prayers, and support for Bascom.


Fall Bazaar – November 4 from 10 am to 2.30 pm

Raffle: we are looking for donations of prizes for the raffle. If you are able to contribute one or two items to our Gourmet Basket (jam, crackers, pickles, spices, tea etc. – no alcohol please), please notify Sue Hall at
sbhkaylacat@gmail.com or Ann Adair-Austin at cannadairaustin@gmail.com

Any other item or gift certificate that might be appropriate would be much appreciated also.

There will be a drop-off basket at the entrance of the church from October 15. Please have your donations in by Sunday October 29.

Cake Walk: We are looking for donations of cakes for the Cake Walk. If you are able to make a cake for this event, please notify Ann Adair-Austin.

Baked Goods, Jams & Pickles: Contributions will be gratefully accepted.

Sign-up sheets are posted on the wall of the stage. Please sign up to help at the event if you are able to.

Any craft items, baked goods etc. for the Bazaar, can be dropped off at the church hall on Friday 3 November from 9am – 12pm.

We will be serving soup with a bun plus tea/coffee for $8, and a muffin with tea/coffee for $5. Tickets for these will be at the door.

Raffle Tickets will be on sale from 15 October.

Please connect with Ferne at mfernem@icloud.com or Ruby at peopleswarden@stja.ca should you be able to help in any way.


ACW meeting

Thursday October 19th at 1pm at the church hall.

We will be finalizing our plans for the upcoming Parish Bazaar.

The ACW facilitates the St. John’s Sunshine Box, which sends out birthday cards (for those over 70), condolence cards, get well cards, and baptismal cards. If you know of any member of our parish who would be deserving of any of these greetings, please contact Lynne at: lgmilner@telus.net or Alma at: acw@stja.ca


Community Garden

Thank You to everyone who came to help with the finishing touches of the garden for this year, especially to Karen & Jim Ebbett. Close to 80 wheelbarrows of bark mulch were spread on top of cardboard that helpers painstakingly removed the tapes before laying them across the spaces in between the boxes. Please look at St John the Apostle (Port Moody)’s and the St John’s Community Garden Facebook pages for pictures detailing the back-breaking work!





Harvest Thanksgiving decorating. Saturday, October 7 at 9.30 am
The Altar Guild will be decorating the church for Thanksgiving on Saturday. Donations of fruit and vegetables to display would be appreciated. Apples oranges, potatoes, carrots, onions, squash, or pumpkins may be considered. No soft fruits or vegetables with a ‘short shelf life’. Financial donations are also welcome.


Tri-Cities Winter Shelter at St. Laurence Coquitlam in October – Updated (formerly Cold Wet Weather Mat)

There are many dates available for people to prepare and serve breakfast or dinner during the month of October. Please speak to Deacon Anne after the service, or via email at deacon@stja.ca for further information.


SERVE OUR SCHOOLS Saturday, October 14, 9:30am – 12noon, 2650 Slocan CityGate, Vancouver.

Here is an opportunity for parishes to partner with groups who are themselves partnering with local schools. For example, one of the groups, Cityreach, is distributing food to families in need at over 30 schools in the Vancouver area. They are looking for churches that might become drop-off sites and develop their relationship with the school.

If anyone is interested in attending this event with Deacon Anne, please contact her at deacon@stja.ca  Anne will be attending to learn more about the school food program. This fits in well with the Council goals of feeding the community, serving the wider city and serving children.


2024 Church Calendars
These will be on sale shortly at $8. If you wish to purchase one, please contact Bonnie SooChan @ bsoochan@shaw.ca or Tel.: 604-945-8465


St. Johns 125th Anniversary in 2024

We have only 3 months to 2024. Sign-up sheets are up in the hall for volunteers to take the lead on the planned events.

Please connect with peopleswarden@stja.ca if you are interested in being part of this momentous occasion, either to lead, or take part in planning and making it happen.




Helping Out with Children & Youth

We are looking for folks to help make our brainstormed ideas for children and youth spiritual formation a reality! We will be experimenting with fun, interactive activities for our younger members and visitors one Sunday a month beginning this September through December. If you’re interested in lending a hand on one of these Sundays, please let Janica know at administrator@stja.ca and she will connect you with clergy.




Flower Chart for 2023

This is up at the Narthex (at the back of the church, by the chapel).  Should you wish to commemorate a birthday, anniversary, or give in memory of a loved one, please consider signing up to donate flowers for the altar.


Parish Giving

Donations may be made by cheques, PADs or through e-transfer directly to the church account. Please contact Ruby at peopleswarden@stja.ca or Sheila at treasurer@stja.ca for more details. You may also give via PayPal/credit card via our website.



October 8, 2023, Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost Harvest Thanksgiving

EXODUS 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20; PSALM 19; PHILIPPIANS 3:4B-14; MATTHEW 21:33-46


October 15, 2023, Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost

EXODUS 32:1-14; PSALM 106:1-6, 19-23; PHILIPPIANS 4:1-9; MATTHEW 22:1-14


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