E-POSTLE NOV 12, 2023

E-POSTLE NOV 12, 2023

Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost


November 12, 2023


8:30am (in-person only) & 10:00am (in-person + Zoom) – Holy Eucharist


Meeting ID: 542 312 325

Password: 010729


This Week’s Worship & Programs – https://www.stja.ca/2023/program-updates/ – current information on what’s going on at St. John’s, including Zoom links and bulletin and scripture readings for Sunday worship.


Click here for contact info for parish ministries


There will be Coffee hour following the 10am service.




Tues – Nov. 14   10:15am – Bible Study on Zoom (see link above)

                                             7pm – Prayer group on Zoom (see link above)

Thurs – Nov 16  1 pm – ACW meeting

Wed – Nov 22                    9.30-11.30 am – Wednesday morning prayers

Tues – Nov 28                    7pm – Parish Council Meeting via Zoom

Sun – Dec. 1st              After 10:00 am service: Advent Wreath workshop





Stewardship Reflection

Prepared by Ven. Dr. Michael Pollesel.        Matthew 25:1-13

Sounds like Jesus is offering a lesson on good and prudent stewardship in today’s gospel. In thinking about your own life, would you say that your decisions and actions reflect wise stewardship choices? If they haven’t, don’t give up – it’s never too late to change choices and actions.


Community Garden

Thanks to all who brought in corrugated cardboard for the garden, and we now have enough. Many thanks to the “crew” led by Karen Ebbett who worked many hours not only for the garden but also raking leaves off the parking lot and sidewalk.

We will be gathering again on Saturday 11 November at 10.30 am, weather permitting, to rake more leaves! Come join us if you wish for stronger arm muscles!


Fall Bazaar 2023

Kudos to everyone who helped make this another huge success. Especially to those who baked, knitted/sewed & crocheted, cooked, manned the various stations and kitchen, and those who helped set up and clean up. Revenues were slightly over $5,000.



ACW Meeting

Nov. 16th at 1pm in the church hall.  We collecting various items to send to the Mission to Seafarers for their ‘Christmas at Sea’ outreach. Donations of toques, gloves, neck warmers (no scarves please), toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, chocolates and candy will be very much appreciated.

We are also donating warm socks, which should be made of wool or a wool blend. These will be delivered to the Mission which will distribute them among the seafarers who come into the Vancouver port over the Christmas Season. If you wish to participate in this outreach, there will be a couple of baskets at the back of the church to collect these items. The deadline for donations is Dec, 10th.

If you wish to make a monetary donation, you can do so at: https://www.flyingangel.ca/pages/donate


Advent Wreath Workshop

On Dec 1, First Sunday of Advent, after the 10am service. The wreath foundation in a container, and greenery will be provided. Please feel free to bring any interesting foliage from your garden, clippers or pruning shears, and 5 candles (these are usually purple or blue, but white can be used). We will be collecting donations for costs of materials. Please talk to Ann Adair-Austin for further information.





Pastoral Visiting Ministry

If you or another parishioner you know would benefit from a visit, a phone call, or any help the team can offer please do get in touch with Joanne Walton at terrywalton@telus.net or our interim priest Angus Stuart at interim@stja.ca  If you feel you might be interested in joining this team, please connect with Joanne or Angus for more information.


Financial Status – August & September 2023


  Aug 2023 Actual $ Sept 2023

Actual $

YTD Sept 2023 Actual $ YTD 2023 Budget $ YTD 2023 Budget Difference
Income 16,752.25 13,079.63 142,631.98 179,628.84 (36,996.86)
Expenses 18,170.56 17,861.47 167,561.76 179,628.48 12,066.72

(-) Loss

(1,418.31) (4781.84) (24,929.78) .36 (24,930.14)
Offering for General Funds 9,827.75 10,273.75 97,486.75 139,365.00 (41,878.25)

Treasurer’s Note

I thank all the parishioners for giving so generously. Although we have been trying to keep our expenses down, they still exceed our income.


Spring Street Community Kitchen
The Spring Street Community Kitchen will be hosting one last event in 2023 and that will be a “cookie jar” making party followed by Christmas caroling at St. John’s Anglican Church (Port Moody) on Saturday, December 9th at 3pm. MORE details to come about how you can contribute to this event. Cookie jars and proceeds will be donated to the SFU Campus Ministry which will host food pantries for students in the new year. We are going to need supplies and volunteers to help us before we open the doors to all who want to purchase jars and sing, so please save the date and help us make this event a success!


E-Postle entries

Please send all requests to Rohini at news@stja.ca by Wednesday 5 pm.

St. Johns 125th Anniversary in 2024

We are still calling for volunteers for the above celebrations. Sign-up sheets are up in the hall for volunteers to take the lead on the planned events.

Please connect with peopleswarden@stja.ca if you are interested in being part of this momentous occasion, either to lead, or take part in planning and making it happen.





Flower Chart for 2023

This is up at the Narthex (at the back of the church, by the chapel).  Should you wish to commemorate a birthday, anniversary, or give in memory of a loved one, please consider signing up to donate flowers for the altar.


Parish Giving

Donations may be made by cheques, PADs or through e-transfer directly to the church account. Please contact Ruby at peopleswarden@stja.ca or Sheila at treasurer@stja.ca for more details. You may also give via PayPal/credit card via our website.



November 12, 2023, Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25; Psalm 78:1-7; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Matthew 25:1-13


November 19, 2023, Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

Judges 4:1-7; Psalm 123; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11; Matthew 25:14-30

Ruby, I don’t know the times/dates for choir practice.


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