E-Postle May 28, 2023

E-Postle May 28, 2023

The Day of Pentecost


May 28, 2023


8:30am (in-person only) & 10:00am (in-person + Zoom) – Holy Eucharist


Meeting ID: 542 312 325

Password: 010729


This Week’s Worship & Programs – https://www.stja.ca/2023/program-updates/ – current information on what’s going on at St. John’s, including Zoom links and the bulletin and scripture readings for Sunday worship.


Click here for contact info for parish ministries


There will be Coffee hour following the 10am service.



Wed – May 24               9:30 – 11:30am – Wednesday Morning Prayer Space

Sat – May 27                 Rescheduled Spring Tea

Sun – May 28                Pentecost; All-Ages Chat @ 10am service

Tues – May 30               10:15am – Bible Study on Zoom (see link above) / 7:00pm – Prayer group on Zoom (see link above)


Sun – Jun 4                      Blessing of blankets for National Indigenous Peoples Day ceremony

Wed – Jun 7                    9:30 – 11:30am – Wednesday Morning Prayer Space

Sun – Jun 18                    Honoring National Indigenous Day of Prayer; Gift-Making @ Noons Creek Hatchery

Wed – Jun 21                  National Indigenous Peoples Day; Coast Salish Blessing Ceremony @ Rocky Point

Tues – Jun 27                  Parish Council meeting




Stewardship Reflection

Prepared by the Ven. Dr. Michael Pollesel.

John 7: 37-39

The gift of the Holy Spirit, given to all who live as faithful stewards, can be both a blessing and a curse, in that the Spirit does indeed offer us a source of sustenance for our journey. A curse, in that the Spirit forces us to see the choices we make which are contrary to God’s dream for all creation, thereby not allowing us “off the hook” for them.

Spring Tea – Saturday May 27 – 2:00 – 4:00pm

Someone will be at the church hall starting from noon on Saturday, May 27 to receive pies and baking, crafts, and plants. This will give us time to price the baking and slice the pies.

Rector Away

Vivian is currently away on vacation, returning on Thursday, June 1. Please connect with Joanne at administrator@stja.ca, Rich at rectorswarden@stja.ca, or Ruby at peopleswarden@stja.ca, for time-sensitive parish matters during this time.

For pastoral emergencies, to be connected to the on-call priest, please call Rich on his cell phone.

We are grateful to the Rev. Dr. Angus Stuart who will serve as supply clergy this Sunday May 28.

People’s Warden Away

Ruby will be away on vacation from June 1 to July 3.  Please connect with Joanne at administrator@stja.ca, or Rich at rectorswarden@stja.ca,  for time-sensitive parish matters during this time. 


Thank you to Alma Oldenburg for graciously clearing the build-up of recycled materials under the stairs outside the kitchen. As we live out our goal to be environmentally friendly, we ask everyone to recycle responsibly and do our part to keep our church property clean and safe from pests and other hazards.

Guest Musician

We extend a warm welcome to Birgit Geisser, who is serving as guest musician at our 10am worship this Sunday, May 28, while LaRee is away.

All-Ages Chat this Sunday

Our 10am service this Sunday, May 28 will feature an “All-Ages Chat”. Of course, everyone of all ages is always welcome at worship each week, but every month (often, but not always, the last Sunday), we have something devoted to nurturing the faith of our younger members.

Look forward to seeing you here, whether in-person or on Zoom! 

Community Garden Update

Please walk over to the PMC, (if you have not already) and have a look at the Community Garden which is taking shape. It is a dream that has become a reality!

Many thanks to Teno Vassallo and Tony Lee for building the garden beds, to Teno’s friend Dave Farley for providing the lumber to us at a substantial discount.

And to Karen & Jim Ebbett for building the ramp, and leading the crew; David Gordon, Alan Yuen, Eddy Morrissey and Rich Thompson; for “wheel-barrowing” 16 yards of soil from the parking lot to the garden boxes.

If you are interested in participating in this project, please speak with Ruby, Karen, Anne or Geri.

Please see our website information page and like, follow, and share our Community Garden Facebook page, where we will begin to post pictures and updates on this exciting project! 

Labyrinth Walks at Inlet United

Come for a calming, contemplative walk along the indoor labyrinth pathway at Inlet United Church. This is a free monthly event; donations gratefully accepted. The next event will be this Thursday, June 1, from 12:00-1:00pm and 6:30-8:30pm. Contact Inlet United for more info.



Events Preparing for National Indigenous Peoples Day – June 21

Upcoming events at Noons Creek Hatchery in preparation for the Coast Salish House Post Blessing Ceremony and Feast include:


Part of Ceremony tradition is to offer a gift to all who attend. There will be opportunities to participate in making these gifts and learn some Indigenous craftings over three Sunday afternoons from 1:00-3:30pm:

  • May 28 – Cedar Rose Brooches with Priscilla Omulo
  • June 11 – Indigenous Teas with Cease Wyss
  • June 18 – Miniature Felted Hearts to Remember pins and Salve-making with Kerry Baisley, Diocesan Missioner for Indigenous Justice

Further information on Noons Creek Hatchery’s Facebook page.

Parish Council May Meeting Summary

Parish Council had a productive Zoom meeting on Tuesday, May 16. Our next meeting will be Tuesday, June 27.

Besides our usual group prayer and spiritual reflection and general reports, we worked on fleshing out our 2023 goals; discussed the future direction of food ministries in the parish; and reviewed COVID protocols in light of the April 30 outbreak.

We have committed to doing all that we can to minimize COVID risks and invite the parish to continue to join us in keeping our community as safe as we can. We will be ensuring increased ventilation of our space via turning on fans and opening windows where we can. COVID is spread mainly through extended time in close quarters with those carrying the virus (knowingly or unknowingly). We remind all to stay home and join on Zoom if you have any suspicious symptoms and take extra precautions if you have been recently exposed. Please also let the clergy/wardens know if you’ve tested positive after being at church, so we can notify folks of any major potential exposures. You can see our current safety protocols for worship here.



Volunteering June 21 @ Indigenous Peoples Day Events

The Port Moody Ecological Society and the “In the Presence of Ancestors” Project are looking for enthusiastic people to volunteer on June 21 for the National Indigenous Peoples Day festivities at Rocky Point Park.

They are looking for people who can help them set up in the afternoon, and people who would help greet guests and serve them food during the free feast. They will also need people to help them clear the park at the end of the evening.

This is sure to be an amazing day, and a lot of fun for everyone involved! If you’d like to be involved, please contact Volunteer Coordinator Tracey Schaeffer at volunteer.pofaproject@gmail.com.

More festivities information can be found via the Noons Creek Hatchery Facebook and the Eventbrite page.



Flower Chart for 2023

This is up at the Narthex (back of the church, by the chapel).  Should you wish to commemorate a birthday, anniversary or give in memory of a loved one, please consider signing up to donate flowers for the altar.

Parish Giving

Donations may be made by cheques, PADs or through e-transfer directly to the church account. Please contact Ruby at peopleswarden@stja.ca or Sheila at treasurer@stja.ca for more details. You may also give via PayPal/credit card via our website. 



Area Vacation Bible School – July 10-14

St. Laurence Anglican and Good Shepherd Lutheran in Coquitlam are partnering to lead Vacation Bible School this year. Kids ages 4-11 are invited to journey with Daniel in ancient Babylon as we learn what it means to be courageous and have integrity in the face of difficulty…and have a whole lot of fun. VBS will be five mornings, July 10-14, from 9-12 noon at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 1504 Sprice Ave., Coquitlam. Contact Jason Wood, St. Laurence’s Youth and Family Minister, at stlyouthandfam@gmail.com to register.

Also, if you are interested in volunteering, they are looking for a variety of roles: leaders for small groups, crafts, drama, and games; help in decorating, and in the kitchen. Please connect with Jason above to offer your assistance. 

Youth Retreat @ Camp Artaban

The Diocesan Youth Movement is leading a youth retreat at Camp Artaban on June 2-4, open to youth ages 11-19, in collaboration with PWRDF. The theme is “Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly”. Information and registration can be found here.


Readings for May 28, 2023, The Day of Pentecost

Acts 2:1-21; Psalm 104:25-35, 37; 1 Corinthians 12:3b-13; John 7:37-39

Readings for June 4, 2023, Trinity Sunday

Genesis 1:1-2:4A; Psalm 8; 2 Corinthians 13:11-13; Matthew 28:16-20


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