E-Postle July 2, 2023

E-Postle July 2, 2023

Fifth Sunday After Pentecost


July 2, 2023


8:30am (in-person only) & 10:00am (in-person + Zoom) – Holy Eucharist


Meeting ID: 542 312 325

Password: 010729


This Week’s Worship & Programs – https://www.stja.ca/2023/program-updates/ – current information on what’s going on at St. John’s, including Zoom links and bulletin and scripture readings for Sunday worship.


Click here for contact info for parish ministries


There will be Coffee hour following the 10am service.



Tues – Jul 4                     10:15am – Bible Study on Zoom (see link above) / 7:00pm – Prayer group on Zoom (see link above)

Wed – Jul 5                    9:30 – 11:30am – Wednesday Morning Prayer Space / 10am – Coffee & Crafts

Sun – Jul 16                    (after 10am service) Parish Visiting Ministry meeting

Tues – Jul 25                  Parish Council meeting



Stewardship Reflection

Matthew 10: 40-42Prepared by the Ven. Dr. Michael Pollesel.

To whom do we give, and why? Jesus reminds us that the faithful steward who gives even a minute amount to someone who is a follower will not go unrewarded. In and of itself, that ought to be enough to encourage each of us to be generous in our giving.

Pastoral Note – Bob Goodbe

We are sad to announce that parishioner Bob Goodbe died this past week. We pray that he would rest in God’s peace. Please keep his daughter Patti Flanagan, grandson Brian McGlashan, and the wider family in your prayers at this time. Sympathy cards may be sent to the family via the parish office. 

Thank You from LaRee

I was so moved and grateful for your warm St. John’s “send-off” on Sunday, June 25th and for the gift you gave me.  Your support over the years has been stellar and very appreciated. It has been a pleasure to be your music director these past 12 years, and I am grateful that I had this opportunity to serve among you.

I wish you all nothing but the very best!

-♫ LaRee Mohr 

Editor’s Note: We are grateful for LaRee’s graciousness in helping us out as musician this Sunday July 2, as we line up substitute musicians for the next few weeks and begin the job posting process very soon! 

Coffee & Crafts

We will meet on Wednesday, July 5th at 10:00am.  Please join us for coffee and goodies as we discuss upcoming events as well as share our craft ideas.  All members of the parish are welcome.

Parish Council June Meeting Summary

Parish Council had a productive Zoom meeting this past Tuesday, June 27. Our next meeting will be Tuesday, July 25.

Besides our usual group prayer and spiritual reflection and general reports, we finalized our 2023 goals; discussed our current financial deficit; affirmed offering temporary space in the PMC basement to support diocesan ACW outreach; and celebrated the progress of our Community Garden. 

Financial Status – April & May 2023

April 2023 Actual $ May 2023 Actual $ May 2023 Budget $ YTD May2023 Actual $ YTD May 2023 Budget $
Income 18,287.00 14,755.75 19,958.76 77,086.00 99,793.80
Expenses 19,202.49 18,536.77 19,958.72 94,153.06 99,793.60
(-) Loss
(915.49) (3,781.02) 0.04 (17,067.06) 0.20
Offering for General Funds 12,263.75 9,403.75 15,485.00 52,148.75 77,425.00
Offering for Property 665.00 560.00 0.00 3,110.00 0.00

Warden Note on Financials

Parishioners can see above from the financial figures that the parish is not where we would like to be from a budget perspective. Up until the end of May, we have an accumulated deficit of $17,067. If our finances continue in this same manner, we can expect to finish the year with a deficit of just under $41,000.

Here are some smaller numbers to consider: We have 121 regular givers in our parish (a couple counts as 2 people). If each contributor were to give an additional $7 per week, we would be able to hold the deficit at its present level. In order to balance our books by year end, we need each giver to donate an additional $5.50 per week.

When we presented the budget at Annual Vestry, we knew it was aspirational, and we were pleased that it was approved by the members of the congregation. We are now asking you to increase your contribution to the church, if at all possible, in order to meet the goals that we set together. Failing this we must be prepared, at the next Annual Vestry meeting, to make difficult decisions about which programs and expenses are to be cut.

-Rich Thompson 

General Synod

General Synod, the triennial national gathering of delegates from across the Anglican Church of Canada, has been taking place this week (June 28 through this Sunday July 2). Please keep all meeting in Calgary in your prayers.

You can view the livestream with live text updates (as well as recordings afterward), read the day’s schedule, and find resolutions and reports online here.            



Revised Office Hours

Beginning June 27, office hours have changed to: Tuesdays and Thursdays 10am-2pm and Fridays 1-5pm.

Community Garden

All garden boxes in Phase One of our community garden in the front yard of the PMC have been assigned. We are now keeping a waitlist – please email garden@stja.ca to enquire.

We are still looking for donations of previously-loved or new garden tools such as pruning shears, shovels, rakes, forks, loppers, trowels, and spades. Please connect with Karen Ebbett.

Please see our website information page and like, follow, and share our Community Garden Facebook page, where we are posting pictures and updates on this exciting project!

People’s Warden Away

Ruby is away on vacation from June 1 to July 3.  Please connect with Georgette at administrator@stja.ca, Rich at rectorswarden@stja.ca, or Vivian at rector@stja.ca for time-sensitive parish matters during this time. 



Anglican Summer Jobs for Youth/Young Adults

Sorrento Centre is looking to hire those aged 16-30 to fill positions for this summer – a great chance to gain valuable paid work experience and build employability skills for the future. Look at these Sorrento Summer Jobs for young people.

Camp Artaban is hiring too. This group is hired for most of the summer but may operate part-time depending on the summer schedule. Positions include cooks, maintenance workers, lifeguards, first aid attendants, and program staff from July to August. See here for Camp Artaban job descriptions and applications.

Looking for a shorter gig? Camp Aspire VBS in Vancouver is hiring for two more positions July 17-21. It will be a week of bible story, art, and nature. Contact lauren@thecathedral.ca for info on positions available.



Flower Chart for 2023

This is up at the Narthex (at the back of the church, by the chapel).  Should you wish to commemorate a birthday, anniversary or give in memory of a loved one, please consider signing up to donate flowers for the altar.

Parish Giving

Donations may be made by cheques, PADs or through e-transfer directly to the church account. Please contact Ruby at peopleswarden@stja.ca or Sheila at treasurer@stja.ca for more details. You may also give via PayPal/credit card via our website. 



Area Vacation Bible School – July 10-14

St. Laurence Anglican and Good Shepherd Lutheran in Coquitlam are partnering to lead Vacation Bible School this year. Kids ages 4-11 are invited to journey with Daniel in ancient Babylon as we learn what it means to be courageous and have integrity in the face of difficulty…and have a whole lot of fun. VBS will be five mornings, July 10-14, from 9-12 noon at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 1504 Sprice Ave., Coquitlam. Contact Jason Wood, St. Laurence’s Youth and Family Minister, at stlyouthandfam@gmail.com to register.

Education for Ministry (EfM)

A course of study offered on Zoom, on Wednesday evenings, for people who yearn to shape their faith into action and to strengthen their walk with God.

Participants have been asked why they have taken EfM…

  • to speak with knowledge about their faith
  • to be in community with fellow people who are on a journey
  • for disciplined Bible study
  • to live a life grounded in faith
  • to deepen their understanding of their relationship with God

EfM offers…

Community with: 

  • fellow people of faith
  • enquiring people of faith
  • discerning people of faith
  • people longing for wisdom

Insight into: 

  • Hebrew scripture
  • New Testament
  • Church history
  • various theologies over time

A way to think theologically:

  • in your day-to-day life
  • in your place of work
  • in your family
  • wherever you minister in your church community

We meet weekly September to May, with breaks at Christmas and Easter. The program runs for four years but each year is taken independently. The seminar has people who are studying in all four years; this adds a real depth of richness and support for all present.

If you wish to find out more about this amazing and enriching program please contact Anne Anchor or Debora Jones-Akiyama, or one of the many in your parish who have participated in this course.


Readings for July 02, 2023, Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

GENESIS 22:1-14; PSALM 13; ROMANS 6:12-23; MATTHEW 10:40-42

Readings for July 09, 2023, Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

GENESIS 24:34-38, 42-49, 58-67; SONG OF SOLOMON 2:8-13; ROMANS 7:15-25A; MATTHEW 11:16-19, 25-30


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