E-Postle January 22, 2023

E-Postle January 22, 2023

Third Sunday after the Epiphany


January 22, 2023


8:30am (in-person only) & 10:00am (in-person + Zoom) – Holy Eucharist


Meeting ID: 542 312 325

Password: 010729


This Week’s Worship & Programs – https://www.stja.ca/2023/program-updates/ – current information on what’s going on at St. John’s, including Zoom links and the bulletin and scripture readings for Sunday worship.


There will be Coffee & Refreshments after the 10 am service to celebrate the first day of Chinese New Year.



Tues – Jan 24                          10:15am – 12noon – Epiphany Book Study #3 at Zoom Bible Study

Tues – Jan 24                          7:00 – 9:00pm – Parish Council Meeting (Zoom)

Sun – Jan 29                            Chinese New Year celebration lunch

Jan 1 – 31                                Cold Wet Weather Mat month at St. Laurence Coquitlam

Sat – Feb 11                            1:00pm – Mickey Marshall memorial service

Sun – Feb 26                            Annual Vestry Meeting



Stewardship Reflection

From Holy Textures – Matthew 4:12-23:

“The command/invitation to Peter, Andrew, James, and John to “Come and follow me” is not: I wonder if you would consider the possibility of tagging along if you have time, and it’s not too inconvenient. The invitation/command to “follow” is to accompany, learn from, respond to, be loyal to, to bond with, abide in.”

Mickey Marshall Memorial Service

We will be celebrating Mickey Marshall’s life at a memorial service at St. John’s on Saturday, Feb. 11, 1pm, with a reception following in the Parish Hall. Please keep Mickey’s sons Rob and Paul and the wider family in your prayers as they prepare to hold this long-awaited service.

Sheila Maciejewski Funeral Deferred

Please note that due to some unforeseen circumstances, Sheila Maciejewski’s family has deferred the service that was planned for the end of this month.

Annual Vestry reports

Just a reminder to all ministry leaders that Annual Vestry reports need to be submitted soon. Please send them to Joanne at administrator@stja.ca by Tuesday, Feb. 7.




CHINESE NEW YEAR Celebration Lunch

After a hiatus of 3 years, we are now ready to celebrate and usher in the Year of the Rabbit.

Subject to health advisories permitting it, we will be celebrating with lunch on Sunday 29 January at Lougheed Wonton Restaurant at 12 noon.

Tickets are now on sale at $22.00 per person and we have less than 10 tickets left. Deadline for confirmation is this Sunday 22 January. Please contact Ruby at peopleswarden@stja.ca if you are interested to come and join us.




Cold Wet Weather Mat Update

The boxes for donations are in the Narthex (back) of the church.

One is for supplies for daily bagged lunches such as juice boxes, (soft) granola bars, home-baked cookies or bars, pudding or fruit cups, chip bags, and a fruit or veggie snack.

The other is for personal toiletries & small clothing items such as shampoo, small soaps, toothbrushes/paste, floss, deodorant, shaving products, chap sticks (small sizes). If you wish to donate socks or underwear, they must be new. 


A Giving Tree is set up in the Church Hall for people to sign up. Please consider donating a welcoming gift for our arriving family. Choose a tag labeled with suggested school supplies from the baggie beside the Giving Tree, or donate some money to help with the cost of a school supply order.

Put your name on the tag and attach it to the tree. Please give your gift to a member of the ReSponse Team – Mary Kyle, Karlis Kesans, Sheila De Vaal, Richard Owen or Laurie Fox. There are also a number of household items that have not been purchased yet. We will be posting a list of those items beside the tree.

Please contact Mary Kyle for more information. We will be keeping track of items that have been purchased, so please let Mary know what you will be giving, so we can avoid getting duplicates.

If you know of a 3-bedroom apartment or townhouse for rent at a reasonable price, please let Mary know.




Intercessors and Lay Assistants

We are looking for more people to sign up for the above. You may not need to be on duty more than one Sunday a month when we have reached the ideal numbers. Please connect with Anne at deacon@stja.ca or Ruby at peopleswarden@stja.ca. 

New Council Members

As we prepare for Vestry to be held on Sunday 26 February, following the 10am service, we are seeking 2 more council members to form the leadership team. If you have the interest to participate in and contribute to the ever-growing needs of our parish, please connect with Vivian, Anne, Rich or Ruby.

Sunday Coffee & Refreshments

A Roster/Sign-up sheet is on the notice board in the kitchen. Please consider signing up if you are able, or if you would like to contribute treats.

Flower Chart for 2023

is up at the Narthex (back of the church, by the chapel).  Should you wish to commemorate a birthday, anniversary or give in memory of a loved one, please consider signing up for flowers for the altar.




Parish Giving

Donations may be made by cheques, PADs or through e-transfer directly to the church account. Please contact Ruby at peopleswarden@stja.ca or Sheila at treasurer@stja.ca for more details. You may also give via Paypal/credit card via our website. 

Return-It Express

As you plan your next visit to designate proceeds from your recycling to St. John’s, remember to:

  • Use clear or transparent bags of up to 75 litre capacity (No Name, Glad and Western Family are a few brands that sell clear plastic bags in this size category).
  • Ensure you only include a maximum of 12 glass bottles in each bag to prevent breakage.
  • Only include refundable, ready-to-drink beverage containers in your bags. For more information on acceptable container types, visit https://www.return-it.ca/beverage/products/.

Use a pre-printed label from the Parish Office, or you may also scan your bags at the depot with the church’s phone number – 604-936-7762.



Epiphany Book Study

Join us at weekly discussion of the book Learning to Walk in the Dark, by Barbara Brown Taylor, exploring how God can be (sometimes unexpectedly) found in “darkness”. We are meeting Tuesday mornings (10:15am-12noon) at Zoom Bible studies.

Epiphany Reflections

In Epiphany we are also exploring the flip side of darkness, and reflecting on how God can be found in the more obvious “light”, considering the question “Where in your ordinary, everyday life does God shine clearly?” through written and photographic reflections.

Check out the reflections posted daily (Mon-Fri) on our Facebook page and also our diocesan parish webpage. Thanks to everyone who is contributing!


Readings for January 22, 2023, Third Sunday after the Epiphany

Isaiah 9:1-4; Psalm 27:1, 5-13; 1 Corinthians 1:10-18; Matthew 4:12-23 

Readings for January 29, 2023, Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany

Micah 6:1-8; Psalm 15; 1 Corinthians 1:18-31; Matthew 5: 1-12




Rector The Rev. Vivian Lam rector@stja.ca 604-936-7762
Deacon The Rev. Anne Anchor deacon@stja.ca
Parish Office Joanne Fong administrator@stja.ca 604-936-7762
(No drop-in visitors at this time – please make an appointment to come in. 
General office hours are Tues/Thurs/Fri, 10am-2pm, but may occasionally change.)
Rector’s Warden Rich Thompson rectorswarden@stja.ca
People’s Warden Ruby Ng peopleswarden@stja.ca
Treasurer Sheila De Vaal treasurer@stja.ca
Envelope Secretary Antoinette Woodman & (Asst. Env. Secretary) May Fung envelopesecretary@stja.ca
Parish Council Geri Grigg, Secretary parishcouncilsecretary@stja.ca
Altar Guild Brenda Binns altarguild@stja.ca
Anglican Church Women Alma Oldenburg ACW@stja.ca
Bible Study Lynne Milner biblestudy@stja.ca
Building Repairs / Maintenance Rich Thompson property@stja.ca
Children’s Ministry/Godly Play children@stja.ca
E-Postle Ruby Ng news@stja.ca
Food Bank foodbank@stja.ca
Parish Visiting Ministry Joanne Walton/Alma Oldenburg pastoralvisits@stja.ca
Prayer Circle Sue Elliott prayer@stja.ca
Prayer Shawls Rosa Weisensel administrator@stja.ca

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