E-POSTLE DEC 10, 2023

E-POSTLE DEC 10, 2023

Second Sunday in Advent


December 10, 2023


8:30am (in-person only) & 10:00am (in-person + Zoom) – Holy Eucharist


Meeting ID: 542 312 325

Password: 010729


This Week’s Worship & Programs – https://www.stja.ca/2023/program-updates/ – current information on what’s going on at St. John’s, including Zoom links and bulletin and scripture readings for Sunday worship.


Click here for contact info for parish ministries


There will be Coffee hour following the 10am service.



Sat – Dec 9                   3 pm: Spring Street Community Kitchen “cookie jar” making party.

4 pm: Carols in the sanctuary

After Cookies/Carols – Help needed to set-up for Bazaar Revisited

Sun – Dec 10                After 10 am service: Bazaar Re-visited

Tues – Dec 12              Bible Study 10:00am and Prayer Group 7:00pm

Thurs – Dec 14             12 pm: ACW Pizza Lunch and Hampers for Seniors

11 am – 12.30 pm: Choir Practice


TuesDec 19             11 am: Shirley Nissen’s funeral (tentative)

Sun – Dec 24                 8.30 am & 10 am: Regular Services

                                    7 pm: Family service and Christmas Pageant

10 pm: “Midnight” service.

Mon – Dec 25              10 am: Christmas Day service





Stewardship Reflection              

Mark 1: 1-8. Prepared by Ven. Dr. Michael Pollesel.        

John called on the people to undergo a “change of heart”. The faithful steward is one who has undergone such a change.


Theresa Hazelton ODNW

We are sad to announce the passing of Theresa (Teri) Hazelton ODNW on 5th December, 2023. A memorial service will be held in January and details will be posted when it is confirmed.



Interim Priest, The Rev Dr Angus Stuart

Bishop John has agreed for Angus to stay on as Interim Priest-in-charge till the end of January 2024.


Wednesday Morning Prayers

We started this ministry in early May 2023 as we felt there is a need in the community for people in need of quiet time and prayers. However, there has been no response and it is decided that we will no longer continue with this. Our last “open-door” will be Wednesday December 20 from 9.30 to 11.30 am.

Thank you to May & Michael Chin, Christine Kesans, Sheila De Vaal and Mark Grigg for responding to the call for companions.

Over the past few weeks, the Intercessors (those that offer the Prayers of the People at the 8:30 and 10:00am services) have been discussing ideas around how to offer, most effectively, their ministry of prayer. We had a meeting with Angus, and all involved.

At that time, we discussed these key focusses (amongst others).

  • to increase the length of the prayers and how to succinctly focus the petitions

  • as in most places of worship/Godly Play/companies/schools/and governments in today’s world, we discussed sensitivity to use of inclusive language and how to be sensitive to the variety of people amongst us and in the world

  • what the purpose is of communal prayer

  • how do we pray for others

  • how long does a name stay on the prayer list (some names are put on the list and not removed by the requester)

  • whether to return to having a book in the Narthex where one can put names of those for whom they desire prayer

  • how can this be used most effectively


One key question in this area isWhat is prayer?

There are as many thoughts on this as there are people who pray. Fundamentally prayer is ‘offering’ someone or a situation that is on your heart and mind to God

  • when offered as a Prayer in worship it is so that others may pray with you

  • writing a prayer request in a book is a prayer unto itself, prayer is not just words spoken

  • an ongoing prayer is no more ‘effective’ than a onetime request

  • names spoken from you in the pew are also a valid and valuable offering of prayer

Please be assured that as we hope you can see we have not taken any decisions in this area lightly or without reflection.


What does all this mean for you ….

  • the book will return to the narthex in which you can write names or concerns before the service, the page will remain for a month and refreshed anew every first Sunday of the month

  • we will do some streamlining and changing up of language of other biddings


If you would like prayers on an ongoing basis, please contact Sue Elliott who leads the Prayer Circle Ministry. She can be reached at prayer@stja.ca.  You can request your prayers for a certain length of time.

If you would like a name added to the monthly list and are unable to attend worship, please email Anne Anchor at  deacon@stja.ca  with your request.

We pray that this will be helpful for all concerned, In Advent hope… Deacon Anne



At the start of the pandemic, we had a huge supply of sanitizers donated to St John via Port Moody Foundation. We would like to give these away as we probably will not need all of it. They will be placed in the hall for any takers.


ACW – donations to the Mission to Seafarers for “Christmas at Sea”

This Sunday, December 10, is the last day that we will be collecting items for the Seafarers. We thank everyone for your generous donations.





St. Johns 125th Anniversary in 2024

Council has decided that the celebrations will be reduced to three. Events that are being planned are:

Jan 28 – Kickoff worship event

May 26 – Bishop visitation to church – to invite those baptized/married at St. John’s to come back for this day + have reaffirmation of baptismal vows etc. Followed by BBQ.

Sept 28 – Gala Dinner – the culmination event for the year, catered dinner with entertainment held at offsite location.

We are still in need of volunteers for the above celebrations and mini projects. Sign-up sheets are up in the hall.

Please connect with Ruby at peopleswarden@stja.ca if you feel called to help in making the celebrations a success.


Financial Status – September & October 2023


Sept 2023

Actual $

Oct 2023

Actual $

YTD Oct 2023 Actual $ YTD 2023 Budget $ YTD 2023 Budget Difference
Income 13,079.63 17,367.00 159,998.98 199,587.60 (39,588.62)
Expenses 17,861.47 16,518.59 184,080.35 199,587.20 15,506.85

(-) Loss

(4781.84) 848.41 (24,081.37) 0.40 (24,081.77)
Offering for General Funds 10,273.75 11,893.75 109,380.50 154,850.00 (45,469.50)



Thank you  to all who helped increase the Offering for General Funds in October by 15%.

Huge thanks to all, mainly from the Bazaar proceeds, for increasing the October Income by 33%.

However, we are still operating at a deficit of $24,000 and are expected to close the fiscal year with a $30,000 deficit.


Spring Street Community Kitchen and Carolling
The Spring Street Community Kitchen last event in 2023 is a “cookie jar” making party on Saturday Dec 9 at 3 pm, followed by Christmas carolling at St. John’s at 4 pm.


Bazaar Revisited and Bid on a Quilt

We will have a few tables out on Sunday December 10, for pre-Christmas shopping.

There is also an opportunity to bid on a small quilt, with squares quilted by Mickey Marshall and lovingly put together with fabric that was Mickey’s and made into a small lap quilt suitable to decorate the back of your favorite chair. The quilt will be on display from November 26. Details on how to bid will be posted with the quilt.


ACW Lunch

The ACW will be holding a Pizza Lunch on Thursday Dec 14 at 12 noon. Following lunch, we will be assembling packages of Christmas treats and cookies for our seniors and ‘shut ins’. The cost for lunch is $15. If you wish to attend, please let Alma know at: almaolden@hotmail.com

If you are able to contribute to the treat packages, please bring 2 dozen small sized cookies or squares.




Flower Chart for 2024

This will be up shortly at the Narthex (at the back of the church, by the chapel).  Should you wish to commemorate a birthday, anniversary, or give in memory of a loved one, please consider signing up to donate flowers for the altar.


Parish Giving

Donations may be made by cheques, PADs or through e-transfer directly to the church account. Please contact Ruby at peopleswarden@stja.ca or Sheila at treasurer@stja.ca for more details. You may also give via PayPal/credit card via our website.



December 10, 2023, Second Sunday in Advent

Isaiah 40:1-11; Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13; 2 Peter 3:8-15A; Mark 1:1-8


December 17, 2023, Third Sunday in Advent

Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11; in place of psalm: Canticle 18 (Luke 1:47-55); 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24; John 1:6-8, 19-28



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