E-Postle April 30, 2023
Fourth Sunday of Easter
April 30, 2023
8:30am (in-person only) & 10:00am (in-person + Zoom) – Holy Eucharist
Meeting ID: 542 312 325
Password: 010729
This Week’s Worship & Programs – https://www.stja.ca/2023/program-updates/ – current information on what’s going on at St. John’s, including Zoom links and the bulletin and scripture readings for Sunday worship.
Click here for contact info for parish ministries
There WILL BE Coffee Hour following the 10am service.
Sat – Apr 29 Clean-up of church grounds
Sun – Apr 30 Companion Diocese Presentation (rescheduled) + All-Ages Chat
Tues – May 2 10:15am – Bible Study on Zoom (see link above) / 7:00pm – Prayer group on Zoom (see link above)
Sat – May 6 Spring Tea
Thurs – May 11 Spring Street Community Kitchen
Fri-Sat – May 12-13 Diocesan Synod
Sun – Jun 4 Blessing of blankets for National Indigenous Peoples Day ceremony
Tues – May 16 Parish Council meeting
Sun – Jun 18 Honoring National Indigenous Day of Prayer
Wed – Jun 21 National Indigenous Peoples Day; Coast Salish Blessing Ceremony @ Rocky Point
Regular Office Hours Resume
Beginning this week, the Parish Office will be back to its regular hours of Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, 10am-2pm.
See details in INFORMATION below
- Stewardship Reflection
- Indigenous Plant Walk @ Inlet United
- Community Garden… UPDATE
- Clean-up of Church Grounds … UPDATE
- ReSponse Report… UPDATE
- New Life for this week……
Stewardship Reflection
John 10: 1-10 prepared by the Ven. Dr. Michael Pollesel:
Jesus is the ultimate steward. He cares for the sheep i.e., what has been entrusted to his care, with utmost regard for their welfare. As people who want to be his disciples, ought we not to take his life as an example, a template, for our own actions?
Indigenous Plant Walk @ Inlet United
Join Inlet United on Thurs. May 18, 6:30-8pm (rain or shine) for an easy-paced Indigenous Plant Walk around the IOCO neighborhood with Lori Snyder – Indigenous herbalist and educator of wild, edible, and medicinal plants. Meet at Inlet’s IOCO site – 1790 Ioco Rd. Register via office@inletunited.ca. Donations gratefully received.
Community Garden… UPDATE
We are ready to build the Cedar planter boxes for the community garden in the next two weeks and are looking for handy men to help. Contact Ruby at peopleswarden@stja.ca
Clean-up of Church Grounds… UPDATE
Saturday, 29 April, 9.30 am.
Please bring your family along for a work-out in raking leaves & debris and trimming of plants & hedges. Rich & Tony will be working alongside you!
ReSponse Report.. UPDATE
Good News! We have found a home for our Refugee Family, in Port Coquitlam City Centre. Although the rent is higher than we had hoped for, we feel blessed because the house is large enough for the family of 6 and it is in a great location.
We will probably be moving furniture on May 4th, and 5th and smaller items on the 5th and 6th.
If you have contacted Mary previously with photos of the items you would like to donate to the family, please bring them to church this Sunday to give to Mary, Sheila, Laurie or Karlis. Or you may contact Mary to make alternative arrangements before their arrival on May 9.
If you are interested in welcoming the family at the airport, please let Mary know. Thank you again for your support and your prayers.
New Life for this week……
This week we celebrate many of our various prayer-related ministries: Virtual Prayer Room, Prayer Circle, Sunday Intercessions, Prayer Shawl Ministry, and the upcoming Wednesday Morning Prayer Space.
—The Virtual Prayer Room was birthed in 2020 out of a desire to deepen our relationship with God as the pandemic began. Our Zoom gatherings on Tuesdays 7-8pm are fluid in nature. They often include moments of silence, Lectio Divina, music (both traditional and contemporary), laments, vocal intercessions, and liturgies of Compline or Evening Prayer, accompanied by a time of sharing the ups and down of our daily walk with God. By surrendering ourselves to the heights and depths of prayer, wading into the deep, life-giving waters of Christ each week, we trust that we, those we love and serve, and the world we live in, are being quietly transformed, reflecting the goodness of God. Above all this has become a place of deep rest – a place where we can be strengthened for the work of God. “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble… Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:1, 10. To learn more, please connect with Christine Kesans at chris.kesans@gmail.com.
—The Prayer Circle is a group of parishioners who commit to praying for the prayer needs of parishioners and friends/family. All requests are kept confidential within the group, and you can let the group know as much or as little detail of the situation they’re praying for, as you wish. Prayer requests may be sent to Sue Elliott at prayer@stja.ca. When you are requesting prayer for someone else, please be sure you have their OK to do so.
—Sunday Intercessions – those who lead us in the Prayers of the People are an important part of weekly worship. Intercessors tap into old and new prayer resources to give collective voice to our thanksgivings and petitions to God for our own and the world’s needs. The Prayers of the People also include prayer requests submitted by parishioners. Speak to Anne Anchor at deacon@stja.ca to learn more about being part of this ministry or if you have a prayer request.
—Prayer Shawl Ministry – We have a “troop” of knitters who provide prayer shawls for the newly baptized, those who are retiring from our parish, as well as those in need of prayers. If you know of someone who needs a shawl or would like to get involved in this ministry, please connect in-person with Rosa Weisensel or via the office at administrator@stja.ca.
—Wednesday Morning Prayer Space – We will be opening the sanctuary for personal prayers, or to just come in and sit down in a quiet space on Wednesday mornings. This is something greatly needed in today’s world as we recover from the trauma that the pandemic brought in the past couple of years. This is a simple way our church can be helpful, make a difference in our community, and help people connect with God in an accessible way. To learn more, please connect with peopleswarden@stja.ca.
Celebrating Easter New Life at St. John’s: Prayer Ministries focus this week (above)
Easter is all about recognizing the risen Jesus among us, and so we are spending these 50 days of the Easter season lifting up where we see Jesus moving in ministries and programs at St. John’s, and where we sense God’s new life springing forth.
Each week we’ll feature different places at St. John’s where we see the risen Lord on the move, and we invite you to prayerfully discern if you might feel called to be involved… We’ll have a description of the ministry/program here in the e-postle, as well as some sharing at Sunday worship.
Spring Street Community Kitchen
Registration required: please send your name and email address to SpringStreetCommunityKitchen@gmail.com.
Join us in the Parish Hall on Thursday, May 11, 4-6pm for some bulk cooking of soups and sandwiches, and a light supper/snack and socializing afterward. A portion of this food will go to a local shelter run by Progressive Housing Society, and the rest will be for us to take home for ourselves and/or to share with those from our own networks.
Entry is by donation, suggested $5. All ingredients and equipment will be provided.
Check out our Facebook page for photos/videos from past events and keep updated on future ones. If you have ideas for this ministry collaboration with Inlet United Church, would like to be more involved, or have any questions, connect with Geri at gerigrigg@gmail.com or Vivian at rector@stja.ca
Property Development Online Course
The diocese has recommended a free online course for churches interested in better equipping themselves for future property development. The course covers everything from visioning and discernment about aligning mission and neighborhood needs, to legal and financial aspects of the process. You can see an introduction video here. There will be 8 sessions via Zoom on Tuesday/Wednesday afternoons from end of April through August.
St. John’s will have several members participating in the course. If you are interested in being part of our parish team attending, please connect ASAP with Rich at property@stja.ca.
Spring Tea
Our fundraising Spring Tea is on May 6th. PIE and BROWNIES with ice-cream, along with tea & coffee will be served.
Tickets @ $5.00 can be purchased from Sue Hall, Ferne or Ruby.
There will also be a Bake Table, Craft Table, Jewelry and Plants Tables. If you are able to help or contribute, please connect with Ferne or Ruby peopleswarden@stja.ca.
Join our 125th Anniversary Planning Team
We are in the process of forming a planning team to ensure that our 125th Anniversary celebrations next year will be as special as possible! Our first meeting will be in the next couple of weeks, so please connect with Vivian in-person or at rector@stja.ca if you’d like to help.
Thanks to everyone who has written celebration ideas on the post-it notes on the newsprint in the Parish Hall – we’ll keep it up for a little longer so please keep the suggestions coming!
Financial Status – January to March 2023
January Actual $ |
February Actual $ |
March Actual $ |
March 31 YTD Actual |
March 31 YTD Budget |
Income | 16,289.75 | 13,949.75 | 13,803.75 | 44,043.25 | 59,876.28 |
Expenses | 18,508.17 | 19,473.12 | 18,432.51 | 56,413.80 | 59,876.16 |
Surplus (-) Loss |
(2,218.42) | (5,523.37) | (4,628.76) | (12,370.55) | 0.12 |
Offering for General Funds | 11,188.75 | 9,258.75 | 10,033.75 | 30,481.25 | 46,455.00 |
Offering for Property | 830.00 | 515.00 | 540.00 | 1,885.00 | 0 |
Wardens‘ Note
We apologize for not bringing this to you for several months, but are reporting the results of the 1st quarter 2023. As you can see, our expenses exceed income and we are running at a deficit of >$12,000.
Flower Chart for 2023
is up at the Narthex (back of the church, by the chapel). Should you wish to commemorate a birthday, anniversary or give in memory of a loved one, please consider signing up to donate flowers for the altar.
Parish Giving
Donations may be made by cheques, PADs or through e-transfer directly to the church account. Please contact Ruby at peopleswarden@stja.ca or Sheila at treasurer@stja.ca for more details. You may also give via PayPal/credit card via our website.
Brainstorming Ideas for Children & Youth Spiritual Learning
Do you have a heart for the spiritual formation of our younger ones? Check out these 2 opportunities to engage with like-minded others, and connect with Vivian in-person or via rector@stja.ca to chat further…
—We would like to gather folks soon to dream and vision about what God is calling our church to when it comes to nurturing the spiritual lives of children and/or youth in our church and in the wider community. We’re not limiting ourselves to the model of a weekly Sunday School, and are open to all sorts of other ideas and things to experiment with – the sky’s the limit!
—The 4 churches in our area are hoping to put together a deanery confirmation preparation class soon for youth. Please reach out if you have youth in your family who would be interested in participating, or if you feel called to help with planning and leading this effort.
Ongoing Learning
All are welcome at 2 of the weekly online groups that meet for spiritual learning. Zoom links here.
- Tuesdays, 10:15am-12noon – Zoom Bible Study. Explores the upcoming Sunday’s readings together. From time to time throughout the year, the group discusses a book, or has a special seasonal study.
- Tuesdays, 7-8pm – Zoom Prayer Group – explores different forms of contemplative prayer and meditation, and prays for those in our lives and in the wider world.
Sorrento Centre
For generations, Sorrento Centre has been a place where families and young people gather for fun, spiritual nurturing and growth. This Anglican retreat and conference center has a beautiful historic 24-acre main campus, with private waterfront on the Shuswap, hiking trails and nearby biking routes.
See the Sorrento Newsletter for more info on a youth May weekend event, 1-week adult summer courses, and summer youth jobs.
Readings for April 30, 2023, Fourth Sunday of Easter
Acts 2:42-47; Psalm 23; 1 Peter 2:19-25; John 10:1-10
Readings for May 7, 2023, Fifth Sunday of Easter
Acts 7:55-60; Psalm 31:1-5, 15-16; 1 Peter 2:2-10; John 14:1-14
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