E-POSTLE OCT 1, 2023

E-POSTLE OCT 1, 2023

Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost


October 1, 2023


8:30am (in-person only) & 10:00am (in-person + Zoom) – Holy Eucharist


Meeting ID: 542 312 325

Password: 010729


This Week’s Worship & Programs – https://www.stja.ca/2023/program-updates/ – current information on what’s going on at St. John’s, including Zoom links and bulletin and scripture readings for Sunday worship.


Click here for contact info for parish ministries


There will be Coffee hour following the 10am service.




Sun – Oct 1                  Orange Shirt Day

Tues – Oct 3                 10:15am – Bible Study on Zoom (see link above)

                                       7pm – Prayer group on Zoom (see link above)

Wed – Oct 4                 10:00am Coffee & Crafts

Thurs – Oct 5              9am – Missioner for Indigenous Justice Kerry Bailsey visits

Sat –   Oct 7                 9:30am Harvest Thanksgiving decorating

Sun – Oct 8                  4pm Potluck for new family under ReSponse – CANCELLED

Sat – Nov 4                 10 am Fall Bazaar




Stewardship Reflection

Prepared by Ven. Dr. Michael Pollesel.        Matthew 21: 23-32

Jesus speaks about John the Baptist to those who “have it made”.They didn’t listen to John’s message which advocated for justice. However, says Jesus, the toll collectors and prostitutes did. And they (as we all know) didn’t “have it made”. Are there connections between stewardship and justice? You be the judge.


National Day for Truth & Reconciliation/Orange Shirt Day ‘Every Child Matters’

As has become our custom at our Sunday service around this day we take time to remember the children of the Canadian residential schools.  This day began as a movement when Phylis Webstad shared her story in a book ‘Orange Shirt Day’ about her experience of going to a residential school wearing an orange shirt. We will be commemorating this on Sunday October 1, and encourage everyone to wear orange to church or your ‘Every Child Matters’ shirt, in honor of the thousands of Survivors of residential schools.

On Saturday September 30th at 1:00 there will be a community event at Noons Creek (by the Rec Centre at the corner of Ioco and Ioco) to honour this day.




Coffee & Crafts.  Wednesday, October 4 at 10 am

We will meet to discuss the upcoming Parish Fall Bazaar.  We need all the people and ideas we can get, but if you are unable to attend and have something to share, please send a note to Ferne at mfernem@icloud.com or to Ruby at peopleswarden@stja.ca


Community garden – Help Needed for Thursday & Friday

The last phase of the garden for this year is in progress. Bark mulch has been ordered and will be arriving at the parking lot on Thursday, 5th October, between 10 am to 12 noon. We need volunteers to lay down cardboards (between the boxes and pathways of the garden) and shovel mulch from the parking lot to the garden on Thursday and Friday. Please let Karen Ebbett know if you are able to help. Email her at karenebbett@gmail.com or text to 604-831-4360.


Native Plant Garden – 5 Oct @ 10 am

Missioner for Indigenous Justice, Kerry Baisley, will be visiting to consult with us in person on developing a native plants garden at the PMC. Everyone welcome.


Harvest Thanksgiving decorating. Saturday, October 7 at 9.30 am
The Altar Guild will be decorating the church for Thanksgiving on Saturday. Donations of fruit and vegetables to display would be appreciated. Apples oranges, potatoes, carrots, onions, squash, or pumpkins may be considered. No soft fruits or vegetables with a ‘short shelf life’. Financial donations are also welcome.

Please let Janica adminsitrator@stja.ca know what you will be donating ASAP, so that we can plan on what we need to buy.


Sylvia Tompkins – Celebration of Life

Friday, October, 27 at 9.30 am

We are sad to announce the death of Sylvia Tompkins on Saturday, September 16, 2023 at age 88. Sylvia was a long-time parishioner of St. Johns in the 1970/80s. She sang in the choir and was joined by her young son, Jason who was a Server for our Church before they moved to Maple Ridge.

A Celebration of Life is planned for Friday, October, 27, 2023 in the Church Hall of St. Clare of Assisi, 2888 Delahaye, Coquitlam between 9.30 am – 12.30 pm.


Tri-Cities Winter Shelter at St. Laurence Coquitlam in October – Updated (formerly Cold Wet Weather Mat)

We have all our sandwich makers. Thank you to all who have offered to provide sandwiches to the guests of the Winter Shelter.

There are many dates available for people to prepare and serve breakfast or dinner during the month of October. Please speak to Deacon Anne after the service, or via email at deacon@stja.ca for further information.


SERVE OUR SCHOOLS Saturday, October 14, 9:30am – 12noon, 2650 Slocan CityGate, Vancouver.

Here is an opportunity for parishes to partner with groups who are themselves partnering with local schools. For example, one of the groups, Cityreach, is distributing food to families in need at over 30 schools in the Vancouver area. They are looking for churches that might become drop-off sites and develop their relationship with the school.

If anyone is interested in attending this event with Deacon Anne, please contact her at deacon@stja.ca  Anne will be attending to learn more about the school food program. This fits in well with the Council goals of feeding the community, serving the wider city and serving children.





2024 Church Calendars
These will be on sale shortly at $8. If you wish to purchase one, please contact Bonnie Soochan @ bsoochan@shaw.ca or Tel.: 604-945-8465


St. Johns 125th Anniversary in 2024

We have only 3 months to 2024. Sign-up sheets are up in the hall for volunteers to take the lead on the planned events.

Please connect with peopleswarden@stja.ca if you are interested in being part of this momentous occasion, either to lead, or take part in planning and making it happen.





Helping Out with Children & Youth

We are looking for folks to help make our brainstormed ideas for children and youth spiritual formation a reality! We will be experimenting with fun, interactive activities for our younger members and visitors one Sunday a month beginning this September through December. If you’re interested in lending a hand on one of these Sundays, please let Janica know at administrator@stja.ca and she will connect you with clergy.





Flower Chart for 2023

This is up at the Narthex (at the back of the church, by the chapel).  Should you wish to commemorate a birthday, anniversary, or give in memory of a loved one, please consider signing up to donate flowers for the altar.



Parish Giving

Donations may be made by cheques, PADs or through e-transfer directly to the church account. Please contact Ruby at peopleswarden@stja.ca or Sheila at treasurer@stja.ca for more details. You may also give via PayPal/credit card via our website.



October 1, 2023, Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost EXODUS 17:1-7; PSALM 78:1-4, 12-16; PHILIPPIANS 2:1-13; MATTHEW 21:23-32


October 8, 2023, Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost Harvest Thanksgiving

EXODUS 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20; PSALM 19; PHILIPPIANS 3:4B-14; MATTHEW 21:33-46




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