The E-Postle September 26, 2021
Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost
September 26, 2021
“The Parish of St. John the Apostle is called to be
* A Spirited Community at the heart of Port Moody
* transformed through the experience of the presence of Christ
* and sent out to share God’s Love”
- Upcoming Dates
- Worship & Prayer: Children’s Talk – this Sun. Sept. 26, Orange Shirts this Sun. Sept. 26 – “Every Child Matters”, Anglican Video for National Day for Truth & Reconciliation, Change to Music Protocol + Other Worship Notes, Communion After Service, Pre-Registration for In-Person Worship, Tech & Hospitality Volunteers Needed for Hybrid Worship, Flowers for the Altar, Ongoing Pastoral Care & Support
- Formation: Area Youth Group!
- Stewardship: Stewardship Reflection, Stewardship Thank You’s– Week 4
- Parish Matters: Current Parish Office & Buildings Status, Financial Status for June and July 2021, Parish Giving, Ongoing Updates Pages, E-Postle Submissions
- Parish Ministries: New Members for the Altar Guild, ReSponse News: N. Family Arriving in October + New Refugee Sponsorships, Food Bank Report
- Community News: Sept. 30 Noons Creek Event – National Day for Truth and Reconciliation /Orange Shirt Day, Spring Street Community Kitchen
- Weekly Devotions: Prayer Cycle, Scripture Readings
- Important Contact Information
***Note: All gatherings below take place online via Zoom unless otherwise indicated.***
(Visit for connection information)
Sunday, September 26 8:30am & 10:00am – Holy Eucharist + Children’s Talk (at 10am)
+ observance of National Day for Truth & Reconciliation (Orange Shirt Day)
Services are in-person (with pre-registration) + on Zoom
Meeting ID: 542 312 325
Password: 010729
Sunday, September 26 following 8:30am and 10:00am worship – Informal Zoom “Coffee Hour”
Sunday, September 26 1:30pm – Parish Visiting Ministry meeting
Tuesday, September 28 10:15am – 12noon – Bible Study
Tuesday, September 28 7:00pm – 8:00pm – Prayer Group
Tuesday, September 28 7:00pm – 9:00pm – Parish Council Meeting
Children’s Talk – this Sunday Sept. 26
On the last Sundays of the month, we offer a Children’s Talk at the 10am service. Of course, young people will continue to be welcomed in regular Sunday worship each week, and we hope to find ways in which the children can be more actively involved in the service from time to time.
Orange Shirts this Sunday Sept. 26 – “Every Child Matters”
In anticipation of the newly-named National Day for Truth & Reconciliation (Orange Shirt Day) on September 30th, we will be recognizing this day at both services this Sunday, Sept. 26.
If you have an orange shirt or scarf or ribbon, please wear it on this day in honour of Phyllis and the ongoing work of remembering that “Every Child Matters”. The day has special poignance this year as we wrestle with the reality of all the unmarked graves that continue to be discovered at former residential schools.
From we find this explanation as to why we mark this day:
“Orange Shirt Day is a legacy of the St. Joseph Mission residential school commemoration event held in Williams Lake in the spring of 2013. It grew out of Phyllis (Jack) Webstad’s account of losing her shiny new orange shirt on her first day of school at the Mission, and it has become an opportunity to keep the discussion on all aspects of residential schools happening annually. The date was chosen because children are back in school and teachers have time to plan, and because it is an opportunity to set the stage for anti-racism and anti-bullying policies for the year. Orange Shirt Day is also an opportunity for First Nations, local governments, schools and community agencies to come together in the spirit of reconciliation and hope for generations of children to come.”
Anglican Video for National Day for Truth & Reconciliation
For September 30, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation—Orange Shirt Day—the Anglican Church of Canada has produced “Every Child Matters: Grace Will Lead Them Home”, a video service of reflection and prayer. It can be viewed at
This service was designed by a group of Indigenous Anglican Elders; including Archbishop Mark MacDonald, Bishop Sidney Black, the Rev. Canon Laverne Jacobs, and Canon Donna G’yogwenace Bomberry. We are invited to walk with them on a journey of grief and sorrow for the hurt and injustices of the past and present. They share teachings about forgiveness and help us to understand what must be done to be able to move toward Reconciliation.
Change to Music Protocol + Other Worship Notes
After receiving feedback on our first services, Council has decided to update our safety protocols for music in our in-person worship – people may now hum along with the music as LaRee sings. (Those joining virtually can continue to feel free to sing along at home!).
Also, a reminder that we will share the bulletin onscreen only at the 10am Zoom (not the 8:30am) for the time being, at least until we have more technical support volunteers. You can download the bulletin and readings each week at to print or follow along with on your own device.
Our COVID safety protocols for in-person worship can be found at
As with all things during COVID, we will prepare to shift as needed as new data becomes available. We appreciate your patience, humour, and support as we practice these new ways of “being church” during this pandemic time.
Communion After Service
For those not at in-person worship, you may come by this Sunday (Sept. 26) to receive communion afterward. Vivian will be stationed outside the main church entrance doors facing St. John’s Street from 12 – 12:30pm. Please wear a mask, and stop by to receive the consecrated bread (you will be asked to sanitize your hands before receiving, as per diocesan guidelines). If needed, you may also park in the church parking lot and text or call Vivian when you have arrived and she can bring it to you in your car.
Pre-Registration for In-Person Worship
Note: The below registration instructions can be found also at
Please continue to use the same link to register to attend in-person for next week – – this link will be “live” again beginning Sunday 5pm.
(If you are attending by Zoom, you do not need to pre-register. The Zoom link for worship remains the same, and can be found at
Please submit your registration by Wednesday at 5pm to help us in our planning. Everyone who has registered by Wednesday 5pm will be notified by Thursday afternoon if we can fit you in, or if you are on a “waitlist”. Waitlist people will be contacted by Friday 2pm if there are any cancellations.
If needed, you may submit a phone registration by calling and leaving a message at the parish office at 604-936-7762 (we need your name, phone number/email, who is in your household or bubble, and which service you are registering for). We encourage you to fill out the online form if you are able, to help lessen our administrative load.
Note that first priority for registration will be given to those who are scheduled to volunteer that day and their households/bubbles, and then to those who have not attended the previous week. Depending on the size of households/bubbles who are able to sit together without distancing, the number of people we can fit in the church will vary – it will be roughly 20-30 people per service. We will try our best to seat households/bubbles together, but may separate the group if needed.
You may see the current safety protocols for in-person worship at As per provincial and diocesan recommendations, we also encourage everyone who attends to be fully vaccinated, as possible.
Tech & Hospitality Volunteers Needed for Hybrid Worship
We are looking for help with technical support aspects of both in-person and Zoom services, as well as people who could help online with hospitality and welcome for our Zoom participants. Training will be provided. If you or someone you know is interested, please connect with Vivian at to chat.
Flowers for the Altar
The Altar Guild would like to draw your attention to the flower chart in the Narthex by the Chapel door. Please consider signing up to place flowers at the Altar in thanksgiving for something, or in loving memory of a family member, or friend.
A member of the Altar Guild will contact you the week before the date you have chosen to see what type of flowers you would like and also the wording for the Bulletin.
Thank you.
Ongoing Pastoral Care & Support
A note from Vivian:
Please know that St. John’s is here for you as we continue to move through this pandemic. Now that I don’t see many of you as regularly, and with the limitations of virtual interactions, it is more challenging to know what everyone’s state of wellbeing and ongoing pastoral needs are. I invite and encourage you to reach out to me or to any of the other parish resources below, if and as you need.
Rector – Please contact me via or cell. I am happy to connect via phone, email, text, Facetime or Zoom, and, during this pandemic, in-person in urgent situations. I am here for support in crisis times (i.e. emergencies, hospital stays) and if you would like prayer for an upcoming medical procedure or other major circumstance. I am also available for general spiritual support and encouragement, and can offer a listening ear and prayer in the moment.
Community “Phone a Friend” – our Stewardship Team has set up phone teams to call folks each week to “check in” and help lessen isolation and foster connection. Connect with Kristin ( or 778-957-8987) or Natasha ( or 604-961-6630) if you’d like to receive or help make these calls.
Sunday Prayers of the People – If you would like to be prayed for in our Sunday intercessions, please email Anne at You will be prayed for by first name, for whatever time period you indicate. If you are adding someone else, please be sure you have their OK to do so.
Prayer Circle – Please email Sue E. at This is a group of parishioners who commit to pray for prayer needs of parishioners and friends/families. All requests are kept confidential within the group, and you can let the group know as much or as little detail of the situation they’re praying for, as you wish. If you are requesting prayer for someone else, please be sure you have their OK to do so.
Parish Visiting Ministry – Members of this team focus on our parishioners who are homebound or living in care homes. During this pandemic time, they are praying for and connecting with these parishioners via phone, email, and mail. Please connect with Joanne W. or Alma at with needs in this area.
Area Youth Group!
Are you a member of our St. John’s community that is aged 14 to 19, or are you entering grade 7 this year? If so, that means you are the perfect age to participate in the exciting youth activities happening right now and continuing into the new school year!
The local youth group that meets at St. Laurence Anglican Church meets regularly to have fun together and is involved in all sorts of youth-related community and church projects. There are also lots of chances to participate in the youth movement to support youth in our churches at large, or to add a youth perspective to the work of the church. If you are interested in youth activities and would like to connect with our local youth group, please contact Kristin Kuhn at or connect with the Parish Office and we will help build that connection with you!
Stewardship Reflection
From Sunday by Sunday: Reflections on Stewardship prepared by the Ven. Dr. Michael Pollesel
Mark 9:38-50
What a heavy burden for a faithful steward to bear! It frightens me to think of how easily I might cause someone to sin.
Stewardship Thank You’s – Week 4
Our theme for our stewardship thank you’s this year is thanks and praise for patient steadfastness and endurance in adversity. In our final week of stewardship thank you’s, we wanted to send our thank you net much further and thank…
Our wider community
In this final week of thanks to our community, we in the Stewardship committee thought we should send out an extra thank you to our much wider community for their steadfastness throughout this strange time.
Certainly there were occasional naysayers and rule objectors, but they were by far the minority. The vast majority of our fellow citizens accepted new rules and untold restrictions with understanding and unselfish compliance. They are quite certainly the reason that we are at the place we are now.
It is breathtaking how they stayed steadfastly anchored to best practice throughout this shared storm, following the guidelines with mostly unquestioning, if at times a little weary, acceptance.
We are truly grateful for their efforts which undoubtedly saved us all from an even worse experience than the one that we have all endured. We are blessed to live alongside them, and we send our heartfelt thanks to all of these fellow British Columbians.
There can only be one quote to follow this…
“Be calm, be kind, be safe.” – Dr. Bonnie Henry
Current Parish Office & Buildings Status
Note: You may view our original reopening plan, the guide for user groups, as well as diocesan updates at
Protocols for in-person worship services can be found at For additional information, please see the “Worship & Prayer” section of this epostle.
The Parish Office is open 3 partial days a week – generally on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 10am-2pm – but this schedule may shift from time to time. For now, the office will not be open to walk-in visitors – anyone coming by the office for a necessary purpose will need to make an appointment beforehand and follow Covid safety protocols as directed.
Anyone planning to come inside the church buildings at this time must also check in beforehand with Deanna in the office at – even if you plan to be here just for a brief period of time. This is to enable necessary contact tracing, notification to anyone else in the building at the same time, and to review safety protocols as needed.
Parish small groups who wish to meet for ministry gatherings may do so, provided they 1) contact the Parish Office to book time through Deanna, and 2) follow all COVID protocols (see “Guidelines for User Groups” at
The main protocols for small groups include:
- obtaining prior approval to meet via the church office
- keeping a contact tracing list of people attending
- wearing a mask
- physical distancing of 2m/6ft
- keeping hands clean with soap and water or hand sanitizer
- disinfecting any touched surfaces as directed
- no sharing of food or drink
- using washrooms on an emergency-use-only basis
- staying home if feeling sick or having had any potential exposure to COVID
Two of our community 12-step groups are currently meeting in our space; other outside user groups have opted to hold off on meeting in-person for the time being. The 12-step groups are following strict safety protocols (see “Guidelines for User Groups” at
Financial Status for June and July 2021
We append below the Parish financial status for your information.
Statement of Income and Expenses ending 31st day of July 2021
June 2021 Actual $ | July 2021 Actual $ | July 2021 Budget $ |
YTD July 2021 Actual $ | YTD July 2021 Budget $ | |||||
Income | 12,914.70 | 17,792.70 | 18,620.82 | 115,066.24 | 130,345.74 | ||||
Expenses | 18,155.72 | 23,173.73 | 18,541.32 | 118,313.65 | 129,789.24 | ||||
Surplus (-) Loss |
(5,241.02) | (5,381.03) | 79.50 | (3,247.41) | 566.50 | ||||
June 2021 Actual $ | July 2021 Actual $ |
July 2021 Budget $ | YTD July 2021 Actual $ | YTD July 2021 Budget $ | |||||
Offering for General Funds | 9,438.00 | 9,016.00 | 15,333.33 | 69,379.00 | 107,333.31 | ||||
Offering for Property | 921.70 | 921.70 | 0 | 7,377.90 | 0 |
Treasurer’s Note: We continue to have large deficits into July, and we no longer have a surplus for the year. Our expenses are within budget. However, contributions are well below what is needed to cover all our costs. In July we purchased some online streaming equipment, and received a technological grant for this amount; therefore the income and expenses are higher then normal but cancel each other out.
Parish Giving
Thank you to all who have continued with your offerings via PADs and cheques. If you wish to e-transfer your contributions directly to the church account, please contact Ruby at or Amalia at for more details. There are also links on our website at if you would prefer to donate by PayPal or Credit Card.
Ongoing Updates Pages
There are 2 important pages on our parish website which will be updated regularly as we have new information (links to both pages can also be found at the top of our homepage
- Program & Worship Updates/Links – – current information on programs, including Zoom meeting information and the bulletin and scripture readings for Sunday worship.
- Updates on Covid-19 at St. John’s – – a collection of all special correspondence from the Bishop and from our parish re: actions that St. John’s and our greater diocese are taking with the Covid-19 virus.
E-Postle Submissions
If you have submissions for the E-Postle, please email them to Kathy by Wednesday at 9:00pm at
New Members for the Altar Guild
The members of St. John’s Altar Guild are looking for some new members to join us. We work in groups on a 4-week rotating schedule, usually on a Saturday morning, arranging flowers, cleaning the brass, setting up for the Eucharist and laundering the altar linens. Please speak to Brenda Binns or any member of the Altar Guild if you are interested in joining us.
ReSponse News
(Submitted by Mary Kyle)
N. Family Arriving In October!
We have heard that the N. family (originally from Afghanistan) will be arriving about Oct. 12!
After their quarantine is finished, they will be needing a permanent residence. Malik has a lead on a townhouse, but it may not work out, so if anyone knows of a 3-4 bedroom townhouse in the Tri-Cities that becomes available please let myself, Deanna, or Vivian know, and I will pass the information on to Pat and the ReSponse group.
Also, if anyone has furniture that is in good condition that they would like to donate, or used laptops that are still up to date, could they please send a photo to Pat Ratcliffe and let her know if they would be able to store the furniture until early October and if they are able to deliver it. Bunk beds and single beds will be needed for the children and a double or queen-sized bed for the parents. Mattresses should be new or nearly new. We will probably NOT be able to accept all donations as we don’t have a storage facility. Also, if anyone has a truck and could help with moving furniture please let us know. Thank you for your help!
New Refugee Sponsorships
I have heartwarming news! In the spring, our church was contacted by a resident in the neighbourhood regarding St. John’s potentially supporting a sponsorship of Syrian asylum seekers currently residing in Jordan. The resident and her husband were part of a Group of 5 Sponsorship in 2017, when a group of friends (5 households) privately sponsored a young Syrian family to come to Canada. After 3 years, the sponsored family is thriving in Maple Ridge and they are in the process of applying for Canadian citizenship!
The Group of Five has maintained a close relationship with this family and want to continue to help them lay their roots here in Canada. They now would like to sponsor two families (one couple and a couple with a child) that are related to the original sponsored family. They cannot go through the same route of private sponsorship that they did in 2017—now, in order to reunite them with their family, they need to be aligned with a local SAH (Sponsorship Agreement Holder) organization. Since they have sponsored before, they are very aware of all that is involved in terms of logistical, emotional, and financial support. They are committed to fully financing the sponsorships through their own contributions and fundraising activities.
We forwarded the request to the Deanery Re-Sponse Group, which has followed up with the Group of Five. The Re-Sponse Group is comfortable with the terms of this application and has recommended taking on the sponsorship, and getting an approval from our parish councils to become a constituent group for the Diocese. The Diocese would be the SAH organization, with at least one parish needed to serve as a constituent group.
At our July Parish Council meeting at St. John’s, the request to become a constituent group to sponsor these families was approved. We have informed the Rev. Pat Ratcliffe (chair of Re-Sponse) of our vote, and Re-Sponse will be sending the application to the Diocese for consideration for 2022 sponsorship. We hope other parishes will join us in the application in the next couple of months, as their parish councils reconvene after the summer to decide on the matter.
As a Re-Sponse representative from St. John’s, I am grateful for the positive and faithful way in which our parish council has responded to the request. Please pray for the safety of the families as they wait to be sponsored.
Food Bank Report
Parish Council decided to continue to support the SHARE Foodbank in 2021 with donations of $500 per month taken from the St. John’s Foodbank fund, since our own Foodbank does not have immediate plans to resume in the near future. Thank you to those of you who have continued to support the Foodbank financially. Your contributions will still be helping those in need in our community.
And thank you to those who had supported the St. John’s Foodbank with donations of food while we were still meeting in person. The food has been sorted by date, and items close to their “Best Before” date have been taken to the SHARE Foodbank every month during the pandemic–so food donations have not been wasted!
Thank you again, Mary Kyle
Sept. 30 Noons Creek Event – National Day for Truth and Reconciliation/Orange Shirt Day
An event is being offered at the Noons Creek Hatchery in Port Moody in acknowledgment of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation/Orange Shirt Day on Thursday, Sept. 30 at 1:30pm.
From the Noons Creek Hatchery website:
“Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc of Kamloops has called on people across BC, Canada and even the world to join them on Sept. 30 at 2:15 pm to honour all the missing children of former residential schools. Gather with us.
1:30pm We will learn the song. ANYONE IS WELCOME TO JOIN.
2:15pm We will sing.
There will be arts and crafts available. Please wear your masks and gather safely.”
For further information, please contact Anne Anchor at
Spring Street Community Kitchen
Please save the date for our next Spring Street Community Kitchen – Thurs. Oct. 21, 6-7pm with guest chef Rose Samaniego from Kulinarya Filipino Eatery. And thanks to all who participated in our most recent kitchen, “Fall Soup with GRIT Coffee House’s Anitha Tindyebwa”. The video and recipe will be available soon at
Note that funds raised in support of our Spring Street Community Kitchen are being re-gifted to the communities we serve, through local charities. Funds raised for our September kitchen will be gifted to Port Moody Elementary School to support food programs that they offer to students. Donations can be given via; please designate your gift to our Community Kitchen project.
We would love your participation and feedback! We welcome you to share your recipes with our wider community. Feel free to email your recipes to us at and we will share them on our Facebook page. We also welcome volunteers for future kitchens – planning, hosting, moderating, and tech support are just some of the roles available.
(The Spring Street Community Kitchen is a partnership between St. John’s and Inlet United Church – be sure to like and follow us at
Prayer Cycle
The Anglican Church of Canada – the Most Rev. Linda Nicholls, Primate, and the Most Rev. Mark MacDonald, National Indigenous Anglican Archbishop.
The Province of BC and Yukon – The Most Rev. Lynne McNaughton, Metropolitan.
The Diocese of New Westminster – the Rt. Rev. John Stephens, Bishop.
And this week:
- St. Michael, Surrey – The Venerable Luisito Engnan.
- St. Michael, Vancouver – The Reverend Wilmer Toyoken.
- Our partner Diocese of Northern Philippines, especially the people of our twin church at St. John the Evangelist Mission, Balugan.
- The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada – National Bishop Susan Johnson, BC Synod Bishop Greg Mohr.
- The brothers and sisters who share our worship space: The Port Moody Korean Presbyterian Church.
Readings for September 26, 2021 – Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Esther 7:1-6, 9-10, 9:20-22; Psalm 124; James 5:13-20; Mark 9:38-50
Readings for October 3, 2021 – Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Job 1:1, 2:1-10; Psalm 26; Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-12; Mark 10:2-16
Rector | The Rev. Vivian Lam | | 604-936-7762 (church voicemail) / 604-723-5029 (cell) |
Deacon | The Rev. Anne Anchor | | |
Parish Office | Deanna Lemke | | 604-936-7762 |
(No drop-in visitors at this time – please make an appointment to come in. General office hours are Tues/Thurs/Fri, 10am-2pm, but may occasionally change.) |
Rector’s Warden | Rich Thompson | | |
People’s Warden | Ruby Ng | | |
Treasurer | Amalia McGlashan | | |
Envelope Secretary | Sheila De Vaal | | |
Parish Council | Geri Grigg, Secretary | | |
Altar Guild | Brenda Binns | | |
Anglican Church Women | Alma Oldenburg | | 604-788-2562 |
Bible Study | Lynne Milner | | |
Building Repairs / Maintenance | Rich Thompson | | |
Children’s Ministry/Godly Play | Christina Anchor | | |
E-Postle | Kathy De Vaal | | |
Food Bank | | ||
Parish Visiting Ministry | Joanne Walton/Alma Oldenburg | | |
Prayer Circle | Sue Elliott | | |
Prayer Shawls | Rosa Weisensel | |
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