The E-postle March 7, 2021
Third Sunday in Lent
March 7, 2021
“The Parish of St. John the Apostle is called to be
* A Spirited Community at the heart of Port Moody
* transformed through the experience of the presence of Christ
* and sent out to share God’s Love”
- Upcoming Dates
- Worship & Prayer: Children’s Sundays in Lent, Helping Out With Noonday Psalms & Prayers, Ongoing Pastoral Care & Support
- Stewardship: Stewardship Reflection, Community “Phone a Friend”
- Formation: Forward Day by Day, Lenten Book Study – “The Book of Forgiving”, Diocesan Lenten Resources
- Parish Matters: Limited Reopening of Parish Office & Buildings, Financial Status for November & December 2020, Parish Giving, Ongoing Updates Pages, E-Postle Submissions
- Parish Ministries: Food Bank Update
- Community News: Installation and Seating of the 10th Diocesan Bishop, Spring Street Community Kitchen
- Weekly Devotions: Prayer Cycle, Scripture Readings
- Important Contact Information
***Note: All gatherings below take place online via Zoom unless otherwise indicated.***
(Visit for connection information)
Sunday, March 7 8:30am & 10:00am – Sunday Morning Prayer + (at 10am) Children’s Talk
Meeting ID: 542 312 325
Password: 010729
Sunday, March 7 11:00am – 12:30pm – 2nd Sunday Lenten study – “The Book of Forgiving”
Tuesday, March 9 10:15am – 12:00pm – 3rd Tuesday Lenten study – “The Book of Forgiving”
Tuesday, March 9 7:00pm – 8:00pm – Prayer Group
Saturday, March 13 1:00– 5:00pm – Parish Council Retreat
Thursday, March 18 7:00pm – ACW meeting
Children’s Sundays in Lent
Younger friends are invited to join us on each of the remaining Sundays of Lent at the 10am service for a special kids’ program. Each week a video of the Godly Play theme “The Mysteries of Easter” will be offered at the Children’s Talk. Let’s learn about Lent together!
Helping Out With Noonday Psalms & Prayers
We are now just looking for one more person who can lead on Thursdays once a month for our Noonday Psalms & Prayers. All you have to do is read (out loud) a pre-selected psalm, and share a personal prayer focusing on something or someone in the world around us. Instructions will be provided. Please contact Vivian at if you’re interested.
For the past year we have been holding sacred space in this way for scripture and prayer each day – we see it as a small spiritual gift for our wider community during this pandemic time. Check out our Facebook page to see past videos.
Ongoing Pastoral Care & Support
A note from Vivian:
Please know that St. John’s is here for you as we continue to move through this pandemic. Now that I don’t see many of you as regularly, and with the limitations of virtual interactions, it is more challenging to know what everyone’s state of wellbeing and ongoing pastoral needs are. I invite and encourage you to reach out to me or to any of the other parish resources below, if and as you need.
Rector – Please contact me via or cell. I am happy to connect via phone, email, text, Facetime or Zoom, and, during this pandemic, in-person in urgent situations. I am here for support in crisis times (i.e. emergencies, hospital stays) and if you would like prayer for an upcoming medical procedure or other major circumstance. I am also available for general spiritual support and encouragement, and can offer a listening ear and prayer in the moment.
Community “Phone a Friend” – our Stewardship Team has set up phone teams to call folks each week to “check in” and help lessen isolation and foster connection. Connect with Kristin ( or 778-957-8987) or Natasha ( or 604-961-6630) if you’d like to receive or help make these calls.
Sunday Prayers of the People – If you would like to be prayed for in our Sunday intercessions, please email -Anne at You will be prayed for by first name, for whatever time period you indicate. If you are adding someone else, please be sure you have their OK to do so.
Prayer Circle – Please email Sue E. at This is a group of parishioners who commit to pray for prayer needs of parishioners and friends/families. All requests are kept confidential within the group, and you can let the group know as much or as little detail of the situation they’re praying for, as you wish. If you are requesting prayer for someone else, please be sure you have their OK to do so.
Parish Visiting Ministry – Members of this team focus on our parishioners who are homebound or living in care homes. During this pandemic time, they are praying for and connecting with these parishioners via phone, email, and mail. Please connect with Joanne W. or Alma at with needs in this area.
Stewardship Reflection
From Sunday by Sunday: Reflections on Stewardship, prepared by the Ven. Dr. Michael Pollesel:
John 2:13-22
Jesus displays anger at the way in which people have used his “Father’s house” for their own selfish ends. How do we, as faithful stewards, respond when we perceive injustice in our world?
Community “Phone a Friend”
The Stewardship Team is looking for volunteers to keep the phone a friend program going. If you have time to make a few calls once a week to help keep our community connected, please call Kristin (778-957-8987) or email Thanks to all the volunteers who have been so kind as to offer their assistance with this project so far. You have been appreciated greatly!
-Your Stewardship Team
Forward Day by Day
We have a few more copies left (both large and small print) of the February-April “Forward Day by Day” booklets. If you would be interested in having one mailed to you, please contact Deanna at (You may also read each day’s devotional online at )
Forward Day by Day is published every three months by Forward Movement, a ministry of the Episcopal Church in the U.S.; it is a daily devotional with an excerpt from scripture and a short meditation, with each month featuring a different author.
Lenten Book Study – “The Book of Forgiving”
This Lent, we are excited to be reading together Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s book, “The Book of Forgiving: the Fourfold Path for Healing Ourselves and Our World.”
There are 2 weekly opportunities to meet on Zoom for this book study:
- Tuesday mornings (through Mar. 23), 10:15am-noon at our Bible Study
- Sundays after the 10am service (through Mar. 28), with an extended coffee hour running from (roughly) 11am until 12:30pm – bring your lunch or a snack!
The reading schedule is (read these chapters before our gathering):
- Week #2 (Tues 3/2 or Sun 3/7) – Chapters 1, 2, 3 – Part 1 – Understanding Forgiveness
- Week #3 (Tues 3/9 or Sun 3/14) – Chs 4, 5 – Part 2a – The Fourfold Path – Telling the Story, Naming the Hurt
- Week #4 (Tues 3/16 or Sun 3/21) – Chs 6, 7 – Part 2b – The Fourfold Path – Granting Forgiveness, Renewing or Releasing the Relationship
- Week #5 (Tues 3/23 or Sun 3/28) – Chs 8, 9, 10 – Part 3 – All Can Be Forgiven
From the publisher: “Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace Prize winner, Chair of The Elders, and Chair of South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, along with his daughter, the Reverend Mpho Tutu, offer a manual on the art of forgiveness—helping us to realize that we are all capable of healing and transformation.”
As we explore this book together, we will pray and ponder about how forgiveness connects to our own lives and to the many issues that we and our wider communities grapple with, in the world around us. We will also practice living out more fully what we pray each week in the Lord’s Prayer – “forgive us our sins, as we forgive others who sin against us”.
Diocesan Lenten Resources
If you are looking for some additional spiritual meditation material for the Lenten season, the diocese has compiled a list of recommended resources at For individual study, check out the “Lenten Daily Emails/Calendar” section toward the middle of the page.
Limited Reopening of Parish Office & Buildings
The Parish Office is now open 3 partial days a week – generally on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 10am-2pm – but please note that this schedule may shift from time to time. For now, the office will not be open to walk-in visitors – anyone coming by the office for a necessary purpose will need to make an appointment beforehand and follow Covid safety protocols as directed.
Anyone planning to come inside the church buildings at this time must also check in beforehand with Deanna in the office at – even if you plan to be here just for a brief period of time. This is to enable necessary contact tracing, notification to anyone else in the building at the same time, and to review safety protocols as needed.
We have recently welcomed back two of our community 12-step groups; other outside user groups have opted to hold off on meeting in-person for the time being. The 12-step groups are following strict safety protocols and are permitted to meet under the current provincial health order.
You may view the full reopening plan, the most recent guide for outside user groups, as well as diocesan updates at
Financial Status for November & December 2020
We append below the Parish financial status for your information.
Statement of Income and Expenses ending 31st day of December 2020
November Actual $ |
December Actual $ | December Budget $ | December YTD Actual $ | December YTD Budget $ | |
Income | 15,913.20 | 25,963.70 | 19,083.37 | 198,432.00 | 229,000.00 |
Expenses | 14,170.73 | 18,026.57 | 19,089.30 | 166,152.00 | 229,000.00 |
Surplus (-) Loss |
1,742.47 | 7,937.13 | (5.93) | 32,280.00 | 0 |
November Actual $ | December Actual $ | December Budget $ | December YTD Actual $ | December YTD Budget $ | |
Offering for General Funds | 10,063.00 | 18,045.00 | 15,408.37 | 132,082.47 | 184,900.00 |
Offering for Property | 1,121.70 | 2,125.70 | 0 | 16,103.40 | 0 |
We continue to be able to fulfill our obligations, thanks to your contributions in these difficult and trying times. With a large increase in donations in December, we have a surplus for the month of December and the year as a whole.
Parish Giving
Thank you to all who have continued with your offerings via PADs and cheques. If you wish to e-transfer your contributions directly to the church account, please contact Ruby at or Amalia at for more details. There are also links on our website at if you would prefer to donate by PayPal or Credit Card.
Ongoing Updates Pages
There are 2 important pages on our parish website which will be updated regularly as we have new information (links to both pages can also be found at the top of our homepage
- Program & Worship Updates/Links – – current information on programs, including Zoom meeting information and the bulletin and scripture readings for Sunday worship.
- Updates on Covid-19 at St. John’s – – a collection of all special correspondence from Archbishop Melissa and from our parish re: actions that St. John’s and our greater diocese are taking with the Covid-19 virus.
E-Postle Submissions
If you have submissions for the E-Postle, please email them to Kathy by Wednesday at 9:00pm at
Food Bank Update
It looks like the St. John’s Food Bank will not be reopening in the near future, given the Covid-19 situation. However, our church continues to help needy people in our community through our support of the SHARE Food Bank. At our October Parish Council meeting, we carried a motion to donate $2000 to the SHARE Food Bank in November to help with their Christmas hampers. Thank you to all the parishioners at St. John’s who have made contributions to the Food Bank fund. We couldn’t do it without you!
We are still looking for a member of our congregation to take on the role of Food Bank coordinator. If you are interested, please send an email to
Installation and Seating of the 10th Diocesan Bishop
Bishop John Stephens was installed last Sunday as the 10th Bishop of our diocese.
Check out the diocesan article at, which includes links to a video recording of the liturgy and the Facebook photo album. Before the service, there is also a half hour video featuring music and images from parishes across the diocese (see if you can spot the 6 photos from St. John’s!) as well as a video after the service of greetings from each Deanery (thanks to the Stock family, who represented our parish during the welcome from our Tri-Cities and N. Burnaby Deanery).
Spring Street Community Kitchen
Check out the video for our last Spring Street Community Kitchen on “One Pot Meals” at If you go to our Facebook page at, you’ll also see links to the evening’s recipes as well as ones submitted by the wider community – feel free to add your own!
Funds raised in support of our Spring Street Community Kitchen are being re-gifted to the communities we serve, and for February’s kitchen, we will give to Crossroads Hospice Society, which provides compassionate care and support to people with life-limiting illnesses and their families. Donations can be given via Be sure to let us know that your donation is designated for our Community Kitchen project.
We would love your participation and feedback! We welcome you to send your one-pot recipes at and we will share them on our Facebook page. We are also looking for volunteers for future kitchens – planning, hosting, moderating, and tech support are just some of the roles available.
(The Spring Street Community Kitchen is a partnership between St. John’s, Inlet United Church, and All Saints’ Catholic Parish – be sure to like and follow us at
Prayer Cycle
The Anglican Church of Canada – the Most Rev. Linda Nicholls, Primate, and the Most Rev. Mark MacDonald, National Indigenous Anglican Archbishop.
The Diocese of New Westminster – the Rt. Rev. John Stephens, Bishop.
And this week:
- The Deanery of Sea to Sky – The Reverend Canon Jonathan Lloyd, Regional Dean;
- The Coming Home Society – Linda Adams, President;
- Urban Native Youth Association (UNYA);
- Our partner Diocese of Northern Philippines, Bishop Brent Alawas, and especially the people of our twin church at St. John the Evangelist Mission, Balugan;
- The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada – National Bishop Susan Johnson, BC Synod Bishop Greg Mohr;
- The brothers and sisters who share our worship space: The Port Moody Korean Presbyterian Church
Readings for March 7, 2021 – Third Sunday in Lent
Exodus 20:1-17; Psalm 19; 1 Corinthians 1:18-25; John 2:13-22
Readings for March 14, 2021 – Fourth Sunday in Lent
Numbers 21:4-9; Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22; Ephesians 2:1-10; John 3:14-21
Rector | The Rev. Vivian Lam | | 604-936-7762 (church voicemail) / 604-723-5029 (cell) |
Deacon | The Rev. Anne Anchor | | |
Parish Office | Deanna Lemke | | 604-936-7762 |
(No drop-in visitors at this time – please make an appointment to come in. General office hours are Tues/Thurs/Fri, 10am-2pm, but may occasionally change.) |
Rector’s Warden | Rich Thompson | | |
People’s Warden | Ruby Ng | | |
Treasurer | Amalia McGlashan | | |
Envelope Secretary | Sheila De Vaal | | |
Parish Council | Geri Grigg, Secretary | | |
Altar Guild | Brenda Binns | | |
Anglican Church Women | Alma Oldenburg | | 604-788-2562 |
Bible Study | Lynne Milner | | |
Building Repairs / Maintenance | Rich Thompson | | |
Children’s Ministry/Godly Play | Christina Anchor | | |
E-Postle | Kathy De Vaal | | |
Food Bank | | ||
Parish Visiting Ministry | Joanne Walton/Alma Oldenburg | | |
Prayer Circle | Sue Elliott | | |
Prayer Shawls | Rosa Weisensel | |
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