Indigenous Truth & Reconciliation Online Book Study

Indigenous Truth & Reconciliation Online Book Study

All are welcome at a 4-week online weekly book study on the intersection of our faith and our journey toward Indigenous Truth & Reconciliation.

There will be 2 groups, each covering the same material:

1 – Tuesday mornings (10:15am-12noon) – on July 13, 20, 27 and August 3.
2 – Wednesday evenings (7:30 – 9:00pm) – on July 14, 21, 28 and August 4.

Please visit for the Zoom link for each session.

The main book we will be exploring is In This Together: Fifteen Stories of Truth & Reconciliation, edited by Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail. In addition to reading and discussing selected stories from this book, we will also be supplementing with various other written and video resources.

From the book publisher: “What is real reconciliation? This collection of essays from both Indigenous and non-Indigenous contributors from across Canada welcomes readers into a timely, healing conversation… these reflective and personal pieces come from journalists, writers, academics, visual artists, filmmakers, city planners, and lawyers, all of whom share their personal light-bulb moments… Without flinching, they look deeply and honestly at their own experiences and assumptions about race.”

You can purchase the book at your favourite retailer, and we have also ordered a limited number of books, available at a discounted price of $10. (Help is available for those for whom this would be a financial hardship.) Please connect with the parish office at if you would like to purchase through the church.


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