The E-postle March 8, 2020

Second Sunday in Lent
March 8, 2020
“The Parish of St. John the Apostle is called to be
* A Spirited Community at the heart of Port Moody
* transformed through the experience of the presence of Christ
* and sent out to share God’s Love”
Upcoming Dates
Sunday, March 8 8:30 & 10am coffee hours – Dive Deeper: Loving Neighbour – Week 2: “The Courage to Grow”
Tuesday, March 10 10:15am–12noon (in the Parish Hall) – Dive Deeper: Loving God – Prayer Workshop #2 (AM)
Tuesday, March 10 7 – 8:30pm (online via Zoom) – Dive Deeper: Loving God – Prayer Workshop #2 (PM)
Tuesday, March 17 1pm – Stewardship Team Meeting
Thursday, March 19 1pm – A.C.W. Meeting
Wednesday, March 25 9:30am – Annual Church Spring Cleaning
Thursday, March 26 6 – 8pm – All-Ages Movie Night
Tuesday, March 31 7 – 9pm – Parish Council meeting
Stewardship Reflection
From Sunday by Sunday: Reflections on Stewardship, prepared by the Ven. Dr. Michael Pollesel:
Second Sunday in Lent. John 3:1-17
Jesus came to earth to help in God’s “rescue mission.” In other words, Jesus came to help work out God’s dream for creation. A faithful steward looks for ways through which s/he can also assist in helping to bring God’s dream closer to reality. How are you doing?
Stewardship Thank Yous
As part of our monthly program of thanks to all our many volunteers at St. John’s, this month we would like to send out a huge thank you to all the outgoing members of Parish Council. Thank you for your tireless service on our behalf.
We also wish to thank all the incoming members of Parish Council – both those who are continuing in the role and those who are new to it. Parish Council is a big commitment but a vital component of our thriving community.
In addition, this month we wish to thank all the participants who continue to ensure that our essential community food bank runs smoothly. From those who pick up the bread, those who pack it, to the team who shop and distribute the food through, to those who prepare and serve the lunch. Thank you so much for your service.
“The world is hugged by the faithful arms of volunteers.” (Terri Gulliemets)
Daylight Savings Time
A friendly reminder to turn your clocks forward one hour this weekend for Daylight Savings Time, so that you’re not late for church this Sunday, March 8!
Eucharist Adjustments re: Coronavirus
Archbishop Melissa Skelton has directed all parishes to take a few extra safety precautions during this time of concern re: the Coronavirus. Below are some simple, common-sense precautions that will help keep our community healthy, and as a bonus are good general guidelines anyway for cold and flu season.
- Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, and whenever possible avoid touching your hands to your face. Clean hands thoroughly after blowing your nose and coughing (try and cough into a tissue or into the crook of your arm).
- If you feel unwell, please stay home and rest until you are healthy again.
- Beginning this Sunday and until further direction from the diocese, we will not be offering intinction during Communion (dipping the bread in the wine) due to the higher risk of germ transmission via our hands – all are invited to simply refrain from taking wine during this period, or to sip wine from the chalice.
- You are also invited to try out ways of passing the peace that do not require hand contact!
Please speak to Vivian with any questions, and for more information, please see the Archbishop’s letter “Responding to the Coronavirus: Expressing our Unity in Christ, in our Church Communities and in the Holy Eucharist”, which answers several common questions and offers some practical guidelines for church communities re: the coronavirus. The letter can be found at
Lenten Learning Opportunities
We are excited to invite you into “Dive Deeper: Loving God and Loving Neighbour”, a 2-part journey of learning this Lent at St. John’s. Please connect with Vivian in person or at with any questions.
PART 1 – Dive Deeper: Loving God – Deepen your prayer life on the 5 Tuesdays in Lent (remaining days: March 10, 17, 24, & 31). Parishioner Christine Kesans will be leading us in exploring different prayer practices that will help deepen the ways we connect with God through readings, discussion, and practicing prayer techniques together.
2 ways to take part:
- In-person on Tuesday mornings, 10:15am-12noon in the Parish Hall.
- Online on Tuesday evenings, 7:00-8:30pm (Via the Zoom app – contact for instructions)
PART 2: Dive Deeper: Loving Neighbour – Explore how God calls us to faithful courage in our interactions with self and others, in all areas of our lives.
Take part in any or all of these 3 ways:
- Devotional booklet with daily meditations (available in electronic or printed format). Take a few minutes each day to read these and ponder what God might be saying to you about growing in courage.
- Coffee Hour Gatherings – Join us on 5 Sundays (remaining days: March 8, 15, 22, & 29) – we will gather after each worship service to share our insights and learn together. Sermons each Sunday will also connect to the week’s theme.
- Lenten Calendar – Visit where a new reflection by a member of our St. John’s community will be featured each day. Also see the paper version of the calendar that will be displayed in our parish hall throughout Lent. We are still looking for volunteers – sign up in the Parish Hall or speak with Vivian if you are interested!
Deanery Lenten Retreat
Our deanery is hosting a 1 ½ day Vita Retreat this Lent on Friday March 20 – Saturday March 21 at St. Laurence Anglican Church (825 St. Laurence St., Coquitlam). As Anglicans we know how to pray with words. But prayer is so much more! Explore with us and encounter the Spirit, as we walk in nature, play with art, and listen to Leonard Cohen.
Part 1 of the retreat will be Friday evening 5:00-9:30pm. Participants return on Saturday for Part 2 from 9:00am-5:00pm. Friday dinner and Saturday lunch are included in the $25 registration fee.
The Vita Retreat works to create an environment for people to encounter the Holy Spirit and reignite their lives of prayer and ministry. The core of the retreat is to introduce people to contemplative and creative prayer practices, provide time to reflect on their experiences, and begin and end with the daily office and worship of the Anglican tradition.
Space is limited so please register soon at Speak to Vivian at if you have any questions, or Anne Dennis from St. Laurence at
Administrator Transition
As we work to fill the Interim Office Administrator position again, the office will be on modified hours so please call before stopping by. Volunteer assistance with bulletin folding and fielding telephone and emails would also be appreciated.
Property Development Committee
Property Development will continue to take priority in 2020. Parish Council is seeking interested parties to form a part of a committee to support the parish through this process. Please see Ruby or Geri or email them at or if you are interested.
Anglican Church Women (A.C.W.) Meeting
We will be meeting in the church hall on Thursday March 19th at 1:00pm.
Cleaning of the Church
The A.C.W. are organizing a Spring Cleaning of the church on Wednesday March 25th at 9:30 am. If anyone feels inclined to shake up a little dust or sweep clean with a new broom, you would be more than welcome to join us.
Recycling & Bottle Drive
For several years, volunteer Juanita and her helper Myrna faithfully picked up our recycling products from the church on a Wednesday and returned them to the depot. We have been so thankful for this ministry.
We are requesting now those of you who support the drive to please do one of two things:
- Take your recycle products directly to Biggar Bottle Depot, at 2577 Kingsway Avenue in Port Coquitlam, and ask them to credit your refunds to St. John the Apostle’s account.
- Return it to whichever depot is nearest to you and donate your refunds to the church on Sunday.
Please do not bring them to the church as we do not have the manpower to handle this.
Grounds Coordinator’s Patch
If you have a working hedge trimmer that you no longer need, please donate it to the church. Should you wish to donate a brand new trimmer, the cost is around $250 and you will get a tax receipt. Please speak to Tony Lee with any questions. Thank you.
FoodSafe Course
St. John’s will be hosting a FoodSafe course on Saturday, April 25 from 9am to 5pm in the Parish Hall. Registration is free to parishioners involved in food ministry (i.e. Food Bank) and $35 to others. The course maximum is 25. We will be opening registration to other parishes on March 15 if we have not reached our maximum.
Register by contacting the office via or 604-936-7762.
March Cold Wet Weather MAT Program
Debbie Fell, the volunteer MAT coordinator for Eagle Ridge Bible Fellowship, advises that they are still looking for volunteers and meal providers for the MAT program in March. If you have any capacity to assist them, please contact Debbie Fell directly by email at or by phone 604-942-5622.
Sacredness of Creation Podcast
Check out the “Sacred Teachings: Wisdom of the Land” podcast, where Indigenous speakers share their insights, wisdom, traditions and stories about the sacredness of creation. This 8-part series began streaming February 3 and is made in partnership with the Anglican Church of Canada.
Spotify —
Podbean —
Vimeo —
Wellness Speakers Series
Inlet United Church is hosting a Wellness Speaker Series in March and April 2020. There will be 5 FREE Thursday evening (7-9 pm) sessions at the IOCO Site (1790 Ioco Rd., Port Moody). All speakers are local experts in their topics – hope you can join for one or all five! The remaining sessions are:
- March 19: Promoting Healthy Sleep through Traditional Cognitive-Behavioral and Acceptance-Based Methods
- April 2: Transforming Anxiety Mindfully
- April 16: What’s Your Gut Feeling?
- April 30: Ministry & Your Mental Health
Contemplative Outreach – United In Prayer Day
‘Healing Divisions’ will be on Saturday, March 21 at First Lutheran Church (5745 Wales Street, Vancouver). You are invited to join the worldwide network of Contemplative Outreach as we join in prayer with our Global Community. This is a day of prayer dedicated to whole-making in ourselves, our relationships and our world. For further information check out the Parish Hall bulletin board or, or contact Christine Kesans at
“The Recurring Grief of Family Caregivers” Workshop
Taking place on Saturday, May 30, this will be a one-day workshop to bring education and support to family caregivers. Facilitated by Jan Spillman, M.Ed., RCC, Chronic Sorrow and Compassion Fatigue Specialist. For further information see our Parish Hall bulletin board, or contact Jan at
Proteins needed for St. John’s Food Bank
Protein-rich foods are often the most expensive items for families to purchase when grocery shopping. People on limited budgets often cannot afford them and make do with stodgy foods to fill stomachs. Please help those who need them by donating the following to St. John’s Food Bank.
- tinned salmon, tuna, chicken, beef (not all can eat pork products)
- shelf stable nut butters
- dried or tinned beans and peas
- powdered or shelf-stable milks
- meaty stews or soups
- cans of vegetables
Bring your offerings on Sunday, arrange with the office to drop off during the week, or give some money to this ministry towards the purchase of fresh products.
Prayer Cycle
The Anglican Church of Canada – the Most Rev. Linda Nicholls, Primate, and the Most Rev. Mark MacDonald, National Indigenous Anglican Archbishop.
The Diocese of New Westminster – the Most Rev. Melissa Skelton, Archbishop, and Metropolitan of the Ecclesiastical Province of BC and Yukon.
And this week:
* The Deanery of Sea to Sky – The Reverend Canon Jonathan Lloyd, Regional Dean
* The Coming Home Society – Linda Adams (President)
* Our partner Diocese of Northern Philippines, Bishop Brent Alawas, and especially the people of our twin church at St. John the Evangelist Mission, Balugan;
* The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada – National Bishop Susan Johnson, BC Synod Bishop Greg Mohr;
* The brothers and sisters who share our worship space: The Port Moody Korean Presbyterian Church
Readings for March 8, 2020 – Second Sunday in Lent
Genesis 12:1-4a; Psalm 121; Romans 4:1-5, 13-17; John 3:1-17
Readings for March 15, 2020 – Third Sunday in Lent
Exodus 17:1-7; Psalm 95; Romans 5:1-11; John 4:5-42
Important Contact Information
Rector – The Rev. Vivian Lam – or 604-936-7762
Deacon – The Rev. Anne Anchor –
Office Administrator – Jennifer Green (currently on leave) – or 604-936-7762
(Office Hours during this interim time are modified – please call ahead before coming in)
Rector’s Warden- Geri Grigg –
People’s Warden – Ruby Ng –
Treasurer – Amalia McGlashan –
Envelope Secretary – Sheila de Vaal –
Parish Council – Kristin Kuhn, Secretary –
Altar Guild – Brenda Binns –
Prayer Circle – Sue Elliott –
Pastoral Visiting Ministry – Joanne Walton/Alma Oldenburg –
Anglican Church Women (ACW) – Alma Oldenburg – 604-788-2562 or
Children’s Ministry /Godly Play – Christina Anchor –
Prayer Shawls – Rosa Weisensel –
Bible Study – Lynne Milner –
Food Bank – Lynne Milner –
Building Repairs/Maintenance – Brian McGlashan, Building Coordinator –
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