The E-postle February 2, 2020
The Presentation of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple
February 2, 2020
“The Parish of St. John the Apostle is called to be
* A Spirited Community at the heart of Port Moody
* transformed through the experience of the presence of Christ
* and sent out to share God’s Love”
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday, February 4 10:15am–12noon – Bible Study (in the Parish Hall)
Wednesday, February 5 9:30am–12noon – Coffee & Crafts
Sunday, February 9 after the 10am service – Annual Vestry Meeting
Sunday, February 16 after the 10am service – Chinese New Year lunch
Saturday, February 22 5 – 8pm – Parish Games Night
Sunday, February 23 after the 10am service – Pastoral Visiting Ministry Team meeting
Tuesday, February 25 5:30pm – Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Wednesday, February 26 10am & 7pm – Ash Wednesday worship services
Stewardship Reflection
“Become a Light” by Guerric of Igny, c. 1070-1157 (taken from
Behold then, the candle alight in Simeon’s hands. You must light your own candles by enkindling them at his, those lamps which the Lord commanded you to bear in your hands. So come to him and be enlightened that you do not so much bear lamps as become them, shining within yourself and radiating light to your neighbours. May there be a lamp in your heart, in your hand and in your mouth: let the lamp in your heart shine for yourself, the lamp in your hand and mouth shine for your neighbours. The lamp in your heart is a reverence for God inspired by faith; the lamp in your hand is an example of a good life; and the lamp in your mouth are the words of consolation you speak.
Stewardship Thank Yous
The Stewardship Team would like to send out a big “thank you” to the people who work in the kitchen washing dishes after church on Sundays, to the counters who work in the background counting money after the service, and to the altar guild who worked so hard over Christmas decorating and making our building ready for the holidays and then clearing everything up again. The community of St. John’s is truly thankful for your hard work.
Flowers for the Altar
The Altar Guild would like to draw your attention to the flower chart in the Narthex by the Chapel door. Please consider signing up to place flowers at the Altar in thanksgiving for something, or in loving memory of a family member or friend. A member of the Altar Guild will contact you the week before the date you have chosen to see what type of flowers you would like and also the wording for the Bulletin. Thank you.
Counters Ministry – Volunteers Needed
URGENTLY NEEDED – Counters for the Sunday weekly collections!!! Two of our volunteers have resigned and we need to fill the roster. With a full roster of eight counters, you would only need to count once a month. Training will be provided. If you think you can serve in this very important ministry, please contact Bonnie SooChan at (604-945-8465) or in church on Sunday. Thank you.
Annual Vestry Meeting – 9th February
As we prepare for the Annual Vestry next Sunday, 9th February, after the 10am service, we bring to your attention that Vestry reports have been emailed out to all who are on the email distribution list. We will also have some printed copies available before, as well as at the meeting.
Please bring a dish/snack to share as we will most likely run into lunchtime.
Parish Council Openings
Wondering where you can serve? How about giving Parish Council a try?
Parish Council has four vacancies to fill for the 2020 Council as existing members rotate off and new recruits step in. A full member slate will optimize our Council’s ministry potential! Geri and Ruby are happy to answer any questions you might have about serving on Parish Council. The meetings are once a month on a Tuesday evening with infrequent duties between. If you are curious, please see Ruby or Geri or ask anyone else on Council. We thank you in advance for prayerfully considering, and for stepping up in faith.
Chinese New Year Lunch
We are ushering in the Year of the (White Metal) Rat this Chinese New Year. As with tradition at St. John’s, we will be having a celebration lunch on 16th February after the 10am service at Lougheed Wonton Restaurant. Due to inflation and higher cost of doing business, the restaurant will not be able to give us the same price as previous years. Tickets will be on sale from 2nd February at $17.00 by May Chin and Doris Lee.
Games Night, Redux
We had soooo much fun last time, we thought “LET’S DO IT AGAIN!!!!”
Having a hard time finding someone to play chess, cribbage, Sorry, Jenga, Monopoly, Scrabble, Battleship, Operation, or other games? Always wanted to learn? Maybe play something new you’ve never heard of?
Come join us for a St. John’s Games Night on Saturday February 22, 5-8pm, downstairs in the church hall. Stay for all 3 hours or just stop by for part of the time.
We will have all sorts of card and board games for adults and kids of all ages, and lots of conversation. What a relaxing and fun chance to get to know each other! We will provide refreshments. Bring a light dinner item, snack or dessert to share if you can. We hope to see some yummy things like last time!!
Please RSVP by February 17 to to help us plan well for space. Any questions, please email the office at or Amalia/Brian McGlashan at
Let’s play!!
FoodSafe Course
St. John’s will be hosting a FoodSafe course on Saturday, April 25 from 9 am to 5 pm in the Parish Hall. Registration is free to parishioners involved in food ministry (i.e. Food Bank) and $35 to others. The course maximum is 25. We will be opening registration to other parishes on March 15 if we have not reached our maximum.
Register by contacting Sarah at the office via or 604-936-7762.
Diocesan ACW Event on Human Trafficking
The Diocese of New Westminster Anglican Church Women (A.C.W.) are sponsoring an event at St. Dunstan’s Anglican Church (3025 – 264th Street, Aldergrove) entitled “MODERN SLAVERY – HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT” on Saturday, February 29, 2020 at 1:30pm. The presenter is Cathy Peters, a champion against human trafficking. Refreshments will be provided at the break.
Diocesan Youth Movement – Winter Retreat
Youth aged 13-18 are invited to take part in the Diocesan Youth Movement’s Winter Retreat, being held Friday, February 14 – Monday, February 17 in Sorrento.
The primary purpose of this weekend is to be a retreat: we want to give youth the chance to take a breath in and amongst the beauty of Sorrento Centre in the winter. We’ll also be taking time to gather as a community for inspiring worship, wonderful speakers, and some great games and meals together.
The retreat theme is “Know Thyself: Growing Up and Learning Yourself in Faith”. Learning ourselves is essential to living out our baptismal calling. This retreat is focused on who we are becoming as we grow, how to integrate faith in the process of learning ourselves, and what it means to be in our bodies and in the body of Christ. At this retreat, we will come together and find ways to bring our whole selves into our relationship with God, scripture, and each other.
For more information on the event, including a link for registration, please visit
The cost is $150.00 for the retreat (includes all meals and accommodation) + $15.00 for bus transport. Bursaries are available by contacting Jessica Schaap at
Proteins needed for St. John’s Food Bank
Protein-rich foods are often the most expensive items for families to purchase when grocery shopping. People on limited budgets often cannot afford them and make do with stodgy foods to fill stomachs. Please help those who need them by donating the following to St. John’s Food Bank.
- tinned salmon, tuna, chicken, beef (not all can eat pork products)
- shelf stable nut butters
- dried or tinned beans and peas
- powdered or shelf-stable milks
- meaty stews or soups
- cans of vegetables
Bring your offerings on Sunday, arrange with the office to drop off during the week, or give some money to this ministry towards the purchase of fresh products.
Prayer Cycle
The Anglican Church of Canada – the Most Rev. Linda Nicholls, Primate, and the Most Rev. Mark MacDonald, National Indigenous Anglican Archbishop.
The Diocese of New Westminster – the Most Rev. Melissa Skelton, Archbishop, and Metropolitan of the Ecclesiastical Province of BC and Yukon.
And this week:
* The Deanery of Golden Ears – The Reverend Kelly Duncan, Regional Dean
* The Mission and Ministry Development Committee – The Reverend David Edgerton (Chair), The Reverend Tellison Glover (Staff)
* Our partner Diocese of Northern Philippines, Bishop Brent Alawas, and especially the people of our twin church at St. John the Evangelist Mission, Balugan;
* The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada – National Bishop Susan Johnson, BC Synod Bishop Greg Mohr;
* The brothers and sisters who share our worship space: The Port Moody Korean Presbyterian Church
Readings for February 2, 2020 – The Presentation of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple
Malachi 3:1-4; Psalm 24:7-10; Hebrews 2:14-18; Luke 2:22-40
Readings for February 9, 2020 – Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
Isaiah 58:1-12; Psalm 112:1-10; 1 Corinthians 2:1-16; Matthew 5:13-20
Important Contact Information
Rector – The Rev. Vivian Lam – or 604-936-7762
Deacon – The Rev. Anne Anchor –
Office Administrator – Jennifer Green (currently on leave)
Interim Office Administrator – Sarah Golding – or 604-936-7762
(Office Hours during this interim time are Tues/Wed/Thurs, 9am-1:30pm & Fri, 9am-11:30am)
Rector’s Warden- Geri Grigg –
People’s Warden – Ruby Ng –
Treasurer – Cedric Miller –
Envelope Secretary – Sheila de Vaal –
Parish Council – Adelaine Miller, Secretary –
Altar Guild – Brenda Binns –
St. John Prayer Circle – Sue Elliott –
Pastoral Visiting Ministry – Joanne Walton/Alma Oldenburg –
Anglican Church Women (ACW) – Sue Hall – 604-936-0176 or
Children’s Ministry /Godly Play – Christina Anchor –
Prayer Shawls – Rosa Weisensel –
Bible Study – Lynne Milner –
Food Bank – Lynne Milner –
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