The E-postle August 23, 2020

The E-postle August 23, 2020

Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost
August 23, 2020

“The Parish of St. John the Apostle is called to be
*             A Spirited Community at the heart of Port Moody
*             transformed through the experience of the presence of Christ
*             and sent out to share God’s Love”



  • Upcoming Dates
  • Stewardship: Stewardship Reflection, Call for Stewardship Volunteers, Community “Phone a Friend”
  • Parish Matters: Rector Away, Property Redevelopment Committee, Call for New Leaders, New Online Options for Parish Giving, Financial Status for May & June 2020, Ongoing Updates Pages, E-Postle Submissions
  • Parish Ministries: Education for Ministry (EfM), Food Bank Update
  • Community News: Spring Street Community Kitchen–Seeking Volunteers, PWRDF Beirut Relief Efforts – Government Matching Grant, Sacred Teachings Podcast
  • Weekly Devotions: Prayer Cycle, Scripture Readings
  • Important Contact Information


***Note: All gatherings below take place online via Zoom unless otherwise indicated.***
(Visit for connection information)

Sunday, August 23                 8:30am & 10:00am – Sunday Morning Prayer

Meeting ID: 542 312 325

Password: 010729

Sunday, August 23                 following 8:30am and 10:00am worship – Informal Virtual “Coffee Hour”
Tuesday, August 25                10:15am – 12:00pm – Bible Study
Tuesday, August 25                7:00pm – 8:00pm – Prayer Group
Tuesday, September 15         7:00pm – 9:00pm – Parish Council meeting




Stewardship Reflection

From Sunday by Sunday: Reflections on Stewardship, prepared by the Ven. Dr. Michael Pollesel:

Matthew 16:13-20
Peter responds to the question of Jesus with what some might call an inspired answer. Jesus is God’s anointed – God’s chosen one. If someone were to ask you, as a follower of Jesus, and (hopefully) as a faithful steward, who or what would you say Jesus is?


Call for Stewardship Volunteers

The Stewardship Team is looking for new members to join our team. We are hoping you will join our team as we work together to reach out to our community and our church, to inspire one another to build community, and to encourage financial support within our church.

If you are interested in helping us with our fall campaign, we are hoping you will come and join us. We are also planning for events come the re-opening of the church and are still working on community building projects during this closure time.

We have been meeting by conference telephone calls during the closure. We usually meet weekly during the campaign itself (from now until October) and then monthly during the year. We would love to have you come join us! Please contact Kristin at or 778-957-8987.

Community “Phone a Friend”

Your St. John’s Stewardship Team have set up a “phone a friend” service for us all to keep from feeling a bit disconnected during these days of physical distancing. We have set up phone teams to call each week to “check in” and help relieve some of the loneliness that is inevitable in the current circumstances.

We would like to make sure no one out there is left out, so email or call Kristin ( or 778-957-8987) or Natasha ( or 604-961-6630) if you are not receiving a call and would like to, or if you are interested in helping to make these phone calls, and we will make sure you get hooked into the service.

We know that the caring community that is St. John’s will not leave any of its people feeling more separated than is absolutely necessary. “Distance means so little when people mean so much.”

-Your Stewardship Team



Rector Away

Vivian is taking vacation time from Monday, August 17 through Monday, August 31. Please connect with Ruby at or Geri at for routine parish matters during this time.

For pastoral emergencies, to be connected to the on-call priest, please call Ruby.

We are grateful to the Rev. Michael Chin and the Rev. Anne Anchor who will share the duties of officiant and preacher at Zoom worship services on August 23 and August 30.

Property Redevelopment Committee

Going forward into the next few years, pandemic notwithstanding, our property will be an ongoing theme for St. John’s. As we prepare to do more long-term discernment in this area, Parish Council has emailed to all a summary of the work our parish has done over the past few years. Please review this document, and if you would be interested in joining our Property Redevelopment Committee to assist with this discernment work, please connect with Ruby ( or Geri (

Call for New Leaders

As we prepare to say our goodbyes to the McGlashans, we invite all parishioners to pray for the new leadership that is needed as Amalia steps down as Treasurer and Godly Play teacher, and Brian steps down as Building Coordinator and Council Member-at-Large. Please spend some time discerning about whether you might be called to one of these roles, or if there might be someone else in our community whom you could invite to step up. Please speak to Ruby at or Geri at if you are interested or have any questions.

New Online Options for Parish Giving

We have a new page on our website outlining the different ways you can support our parish financially at (You can also access this page via the “Support Us” menu tab at the top of our homepage

Please note that we now have the ability to accept online donations via Paypal:

  1. Paypal Giving Fund – We receive 100% of your donation. You will need to have an existing Paypal account (or set one up as you make the donation).Please note that your donation will be to “Paypal Giving Fund Canada”, and your tax donation receipt will be generated by that charity organization and will not be recorded as an individual donation by St. John’s. (You do have the option to let us know your contact information and details of your donation at the time of giving. The tax donation receipt will still be issued by Paypal Giving Fund Canada, however.)
  2. Regular Paypal – We receive your donation minus some fees (1.6% + $0.30 per transaction). You do not need a Paypal account and can use your credit card (or give via your Paypal account). St. John’s will generate the tax donation receipt (after the end of the year).

Thank you also to all who have continued with your offerings via PADs and cheques. If you are interested to e-transfer your contributions directly to the church account, please contact Amalia at or Ruby at for more details.

Financial Status for May & June 2020

We append below the Parish financial status for your information.

Statement of Income and Expenses 30th June 2020

May Actual June Actual June Budget June YTD Actual June YTD Budget
Income $12,610 $13,661 $19,083 $86,423 $114,500
Expenses $2,789 $9,126 $19,079 $79,235 $114,473
(-) Loss
$9,821 $4,535 $4 $7,189 $27


  May Actual June Actual June Budget June YTD Actual June YTD Budget
Offering for General Funds $9,340 $10,261 $15,408 $62,976 $92,450
Offering for Property $1,380 $950 0 $7,651 0

Notes: Despite the Parish Assessment payment for June being waived, expenses went up from May because of the property taxes for the rectory on Viewmount Drive; the diocesan payment of the salaries of all stipendiary clergy through the end of May 2020 has also ended.  


Ongoing Updates Pages

There are 2 important pages on our parish website which will be updated regularly as we have new information (links to both pages can also be found at the top of our homepage

  1. Program & Worship Updates/Links – current information on programs, including Zoom meeting information and the bulletin and scripture readings for Sunday worship.
  2. Updates on Covid-19 at St. John’s – – a collection of all special correspondence from Archbishop Melissa and from our parish re: actions that St. John’s and our greater diocese are taking with the Covid-19 virus.


E-Postle Submissions

If you have submissions for the E-Postle, please email them to Kathy by Wednesday at 9:00pm at


Education for Ministry (EfM)

EfM restarts in a new way for now.

Starting in September 2020 we will be using the Zoom format for EfM – although it will be a little different, the content will still be the same.

The program is four years long, and will cover:

  • The Hebrew Scriptures (Year 1);
  • The Christian Testament (Year 2);
  • Church History (Year 3); and
  • Ethics, Liturgics and Theological Perspectives of this Century (Year 4).

Incorporated as a key component to the course material is learning a way to reflect theologically through life events and issues, something which is a very helpful tool in this day and age.

We meet on Wednesday evenings from September to May with the mentors, Anne Anchor and Debora Jones-Akiyama, as well as people from the deanery.  Anyone who wishes to attend may do so.

The cost is $350 per year plus the textbook.

If you are interested in joining EfM, please reach out to Anne Anchor at

Food Bank Update

At our last meeting, the members of the Food Bank decided to not resume the Food Bank until it can operate in a way similar to how it had in the past. We will be looking for a new coordinator and discussing ways in which we can divide and/or share the duties. If anyone is interested in joining the group of Foodbank and/or Lunch volunteers your help would be very much appreciated. Please connect with us at

Since these times are so economically difficult for many people, we are happy to continue to support SHARE with donations of $500 per month this summer, in addition to the food items that we are unable to use at this time.

-Mary Kyle


Spring Street Community Kitchen – Seeking Volunteers

Spring Street Community Kitchen, Virtual Edition, is in the final stages of planning.  We are seeking interested volunteers to be part of the planning committee, host a kitchen, moderate sessions, and offer tech support.

Planning involves about one meeting a month via Zoom (next meeting Friday, Sept. 4); hosting a kitchen involves preparing a recipe on camera, sharing the recipe, and answering questions; moderating supports the host so they can focus on cooking; and tech support involves helping with social media, filming, editing, or offering advice for any non-tech kitchen hosts.

No experience is required, just enthusiasm, ideas, and the courage to try something new! To sign up or for more information, contact Geri at

PWRDF Beirut Relief Efforts – Government Matching Grant

Our parish joins with the world in praying for the victims of the recent explosion in Beirut, Lebanon.

Our national church’s outreach agency, the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF), is working with partners on the ground in the region to provide support and assistance to local relief efforts.

Canada’s government will match every dollar donated by individuals to the Humanitarian Coalition and its members between August 4 and August 24, up to a maximum of $5 million. Donations to PWRDF marked for the Beirut explosion emergency response will be matched.

Please see for ways in which you can contribute financially toward these efforts.

Sacred Teachings Podcast

In “Dismantling Racism,” the new third season of the Sacred Teachings podcast, we venture into the timely discussion of racism and its place in the world. Raw discussions and teachings will be featured in eight episodes—all of which have been recorded remotely across Canada whilst we continue through the pandemic.

In the seventh episode of this season, “Haudenosaunee Law (Part 1)”, renowned Mohawk lawyer Dr. Beverley Jacobs talks about Haudenosaunee Law.  This and new episodes every Monday can be found at

The teachings, languages, traditions and stories of the Ancestors are shared in this podcast, which is sponsored by the Anglican Church of Canada. Highly respected Indigenous speakers are featured in this series, with a different theme for each season, including the sacredness of Creation and finding meaning in a global crisis.


Prayer Cycle

The Anglican Church of Canada – the Most Rev. Linda Nicholls, Primate, and the Most Rev. Mark MacDonald, National Indigenous Anglican Archbishop.

The Diocese of New Westminster – the Most Rev. Melissa Skelton, Archbishop, and Metropolitan of the Ecclesiastical Province of BC and Yukon.

And this week:

  • St. Augustine, Marpole – The Reverend Katherine Hough, The Reverend Christine Magrega;
  • Our partner Diocese of Northern Philippines, Bishop Brent Alawas, and especially the people of our twin church at St. John the Evangelist Mission, Balugan;
  • The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada – National Bishop Susan Johnson, BC Synod Bishop Greg Mohr;
  • The brothers and sisters who share our worship space: The Port Moody Korean Presbyterian Church

Readings for August 23, 2020 – Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost

Exodus 1:8-2:10; Psalm 124; Romans 12:1-8; Matthew 16:13-20

Readings for August 30, 2020 – Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost

Exodus 3:1-15; Psalm 105:1-6, 23-26, 45c; Romans 12:9-21; Matthew 16:21-28


Rector The Rev. Vivian Lam 604-936-7762 (church voicemail) / 604-723-5029 (cell)
Deacon The Rev. Anne Anchor
Parish Office 604-936-7762

(Office is closed at this time, but email and voice messages will be checked Tuesday – Friday)

Rector’s Warden Geri Grigg
People’s Warden Ruby Ng
Treasurer Amalia McGlashan
Envelope Secretary Sheila De Vaal
Parish Council Kristin Kuhn, Secretary
Altar Guild Brenda Binns
Anglican Church Women Alma Oldenburg 604-788-2562
Bible Study Lynne Milner
Building Repairs / Maintenance Brian McGlashan, Building Coordinator
Children’s Ministry/Godly Play Christina Anchor
E-Postle Kathy De Vaal
Food Bank
Parish Visiting Ministry Joanne Walton/Alma Oldenburg
Prayer Circle Sue Elliott
Prayer Shawls Rosa Weisensel



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