The E-Postle – June 17, 2018

The E-postle
June 17, 2018
The 7th Sunday after Pentecost
“The Parish of St. John the Apostle is called to be
* A Spirited Community at the heart of Port Moody
* transformed through the experience of the presence of Christ
* and sent out to share God’s Love”
Upcoming Dates
Thursday June 21 6 pm, Blessing Ceremony and Potlatch at Rocky Point Park
Applications close for position of incumbent for St. John the Apostle
Monday June 25 7 pm, Parish Council in the PMC. All welcome
Tuesday June 26 10:30-noon, Book Study in the parish hall begins
Thursday June 28 6 pm, Wind-up Dinner for A.C.W. in the parish hall
Wednesday July 4 9:30-noon, Coffee & Crafts in the parish hall
Sunday July 15 8:30 & 10 am, St. Johns welcomes Salal and Cedar Ministry in worship
Sunday July 22 8:30 & 10 am, Anglican Morning Prayer
Sunday July 29 after 10 am worship, Summer Potluck Lunch
Sunday September 9 Parish Welcome Back BBQ
Happy Fathers’ Day
On the third Sunday in June, our wider society celebrates those who take on the role of dad, and our Church gives thanks for all the fathers among us. This is a great time to reconnect with the men in your life who have mentored you, given you encouragement, and been there through your growing times. As Christians, we can also reclaim the concept that God is our Father- not in the sense of the one who dominates or punishes, but as our Creator and Protector. Jesus called God “Abba”, literally “Daddy”. Make Fathers’ Day an opportunity to reconnect with God as your daddy.
Visit from the Port Moody Foundation
The wardens and clergy met this week with Heidi Maddrell from the Port Moody Foundation. This is a society with a board of volunteers whose goal is to enhance the quality of life for citizens of Port Moody through local events and initiatives. The foundation has an endowment from which grants are made each year to other registered charities. There is great potential for partnering with others and making connections in the community, and parish council will be considering ways to be involved.
Safe Arrival of the Salami Family
Late last Wednesday evening on June 6, a group from the Deanery Refugee Ministry called Re-Sponse, was at Vancouver International Airport to welcome our first family of refugees from Syria. The Salamis- mother, father, and two teenage daughters, were exhausted but very happy to come to Canada and be reunited with their brother and aunt here. In the first two weeks, they will be assisted by Mosaic settlement workers and volunteers to fill out the right forms for benefits, enroll in English classes, and find their way around to appointments. Volunteer drivers will be needed, so if you have some ability and time, please talk to Mary Lou Kyle or one of the clergy to be put in touch with the Re-Sponse group. If you have a small dresser or desk, please take a picture and send it and the dimensions to the parish office.
In Memoriam: Norman Song
Beloved and long-time member of St. Margaret of Scotland Norman Song died peacefully on June 5th. He was predeceased by his wife Wan-Hing last year. A funeral service will be held at Ebenezer Baptist Church, 6858 Fraser Street, Vancouver, at 1 pm on Friday June 15, 2018. Cards may be sent via the parish office to reach Jen and Ming, his daughters.
The Search for a New Priest for St. Johns
Applications are open until Thursday June 21, 2018. The Parish Profile is here:
Summer Book Study
On Tuesday June 26, the Tuesday Bible Study will begin Lilian Daniel’s book “I’m Tired of Apologizing for a Church I don’t Belong To”. If you would like to join in or follow along on your own, the book is available as a download on Kindle. We will have a couple of extra copies of the first chapter available if you would like to drop in and see what it is about.
Stewardship Reflection
“I find you, Lord, in all things and in all. I find, you, Lord, in all things and in all my fellow creatures, pulsing with your life; as a tiny seed you sleep in what is small and in the vast you vastly yield yourself.
The wondrous game that power plays with things is to move in such submission through the world; groping in roots and growing thick in trunks and in treetops like a rising from the dead.”
- Rainer Maria Rilke trans. Stephen Mitchell
What new thing is growing in you this week? Is there a mustard seed that was planted earlier that is awakening into life?
Clothes for St. Paul’s Emergency
Street clothes and shoes for the cupboard at St. Paul’s hospital can be brought in to the Parish Ministry Centre this week or the church on Sunday morning. All items gathered will be delivered to St. Paul’s Hospital on Sunday afternoon, June 17th.
A.C.W. Wind Up Dinner
St. John’s A.C.W. will be hosting their Chinese Take-Out, ‘wind-up’ dinner on Thursday, June 28th at 6 pm. The cost will be $15. All are welcome to attend. Please speak to Sue Hall.
Summer Groups around the Place
During the summer months, some groups take a break from meetings, others keep going, and there are new users of our church facilities. Please check with the office to book space for your gatherings so St. Johns can keep track of who is in what room when. We are in the process of setting up a calendar that will be available through the website, and would appreciate updated contact information from all representatives of groups that meet in the church, hall, or Parish Ministry Centre. Thank you.
Prayer Cycle
In the Anglican Communion-
* Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby; Primate of Canada Fred Hiltz and Indigenous Archbishop Mark McDonald; BC & Yukon Archbishop John Privett;
* our partner Diocese of Northern Philippines, Bishop Brent Alawas, and especially the people of our twin church at St. Johns Mission, Bila, Mountain Province;
* Archbishop and Metropolitan Melissa Skelton and this week:
St. John the Baptist, Sardis and The Revs. Allan Carson and Larry Adkins
parishes in interim ministry, especially:
St. Alban, Richmond and the Rev. Maggie Rose Muldoon
St. Alban the Martyr, Burnaby and The Rev. Roberta Fraser
*In our parish: the Canonical Committee and Parish Council
priests prayerfully considering applying for incumbent
*The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada- National Bishop Susan Johnson, BC Synod Bishop Greg Mohr;
*The brothers and sisters who share our worship space: The Port Moody Korean Presbyterian Church and the Polish Evangelical Church.
Readings for June 17, 2018 4th Sunday after Pentecost
1 Samuel 15:34- 16:13; Psalm 20; 2 Corinthians 5:6-17; Mark 4:26-34
Important Contact Information
Interim Priest- The Rev. Stephanie Shepard
Parish Office- Kelly Million or 604-936-7762: 9 am- 1 pm Monday through Thursday
Wardens- Geri Grigg or Ruby Ng
Envelope Secretary- Sheila de Vaal
Parish Council- Adelaine Miller, Secretary
Altar Guild- Brenda Binns
St. John Prayer Circle- Sue Elliott
Pastoral Visiting Ministry- Joanne Walton terry&
or Alma Oldenburg
Anglican Church Women (ACW)- Sue Hall 604-936-0176
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