The E-Postle July 15, 2018
July 15, 2018
The 8th Sunday After Pentecost
“The Parish of St. John the Apostle is called to be
* A Spirited Community at the heart of Port Moody
* transformed through the experience of the presence of Christ
* and sent out to share God’s Love”
Upcoming Dates
Sunday July 15 8:30 & 10 am, St. Johns welcomes Salal and Cedar Ministry in worship
Tuesday July 17 10:30-noon, Book Study in the parish hall continues:
“Tired of Apologizing for a Church I Don’t Belong To”
Wednesday, July 18 9:30 am, Coffee & Crafts
Sunday July 22 8:30 & 10 am, the Rev. Michael Chin presides and preaches
Sunday July 29 8:30 am Eucharist, 10 am Holy Baptism and Eucharist,
Summer Potluck Lunch after worship
Sunday Sept. 9 Parish Welcome Back BBQ
Education for Ministry or Exploring Faith Matters
Have you ever thought it might be nice to spend some disciplined time in:
Reading Scripture and about Church History
Reflecting on these readings
Responding and discussing these with others through Theological Reflection
Discerning the implications of these on your life.
Then perhaps the EfM course may be for you
This four-year program is offered through EfM Canada at St. John’s Port Moody.
This year our focus will be “Living Faithfully in the Global Village”
Weekly we share community, worship, food and enriched discussion
Wednesday evenings September – May 6:45 – 9:15pm
If you are interested please contact Anne Anchor –
Goodie Donations for Sunday Coffee Time
Please consider donating goodies for the Sunday coffee times. There is a signup sheet in the kitchen. Even an offer of help every six months would be greatly appreciated!
A.C.W. Outreach Collection
If you are clearing out your closets this summer, please consider donating clean, gently used clothing and bedding to the A.C.W. Bales To The North outreach program. You can leave items outside the corner cupboard in the stage area. We are always in need of blankets and men’s clothing. Please label them ‘used clothing/bedding for A.C.W. We are also collecting: used stamps, used eye glasses, aluminum pull tabs and travel size toiletries for various other outreach programs. These can be placed in the collection baskets on the shelf in the church hall. With Thanks ~ A.C.W.
To Garage Sale!
Bob Kuhn has agreed to coordinate a Garage Sale. Please contact him or the Parish Office to volunteer to help.
Liturgical Ministries
Rotas for helpers in the Liturgical Ministries are in the process of being made and will be available shortly. Please check your email or pick up the lists from the table in the Narthex.
Flowers for the Altar
The Altar Guild would like to draw your attention to the flower chart in the Narthex by the Chapel door. August 5th and August 12th are still open. Please consider signing up to place flowers at the Altar in thanksgiving for something, or in loving memory of a family member, or friend. A member of the Altar Guild will contact you the week before the date you have chosen to see what type of flowers you would like and the wording for the Bulletin. Thank you.
Rectory Working Group
On June 13, 2018, Diocesan Council formally gave permission to the parish of St. John the Apostle to proceed with the sale of the Napier Street property in Burnaby and to invest in a new rectory property closer to the parish church. A working group is now being formed to assist in the process of sale and purchase. Parishioners with skills in any of the following areas are actively being sought for this important and time sensitive project:
– familiarity with municipal regulations
– real estate experience
– legal experience
– experience with tenanted properties
Please speak to one of the clergy or wardens to assist with this group.
Stewardship Reflection
An old Quaker saying “Let your life speak “Before you tell your life what you intend to do with it, listen to what it intends to do with you. Before you tell your life what truths and values you have decided to live up to let your life tell you what truths you embody, what values you represent”
In other words, your life is not about you. You are about a larger thing called life. You are not your own. You are an instance of universal and eternal pattern. Life is living itself in you. The myriad forms of life in the universe are merely parts of the one life that many of us call God. “You and I don’t have to figure it all out, fix everything or do life perfectly by ourselves. All we have to do is participate in this One life. To find our unique niche in that always Larger Life is what we mean by vocation.
Richard Rohr
Summer GODLY PLAY and how you can help
This summer, once again, we are simplifying our children’s program and will be having an Alternative Summer Children’s Ministry program for July & August. Many thanks to our volunteers for July. We are still looking for volunteers for August. Please contact Christina or Anne Anchor through the church office at if you are able to help.
Traffic and Parking Changes on Douglas Street
A reminder that you can park on Douglas Street on Sundays but not during the rest of the week due to construction.
Prayer Cycle
In the Anglican Communion-
* Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby; Primate of Canada Fred Hiltz and Indigenous Archbishop Mark McDonald; BC & Yukon Archbishop John Privett;
* our partner Diocese of Northern Philippines, Bishop Brent Alawas, and especially the people of our twin church at St. Johns Mission, Bila, Mountain Province;
* Archbishop and Metropolitan Melissa Skelton and this week:
The Diocesan Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund Unit – Peter Goodwin (Chair)
The Diocesan Ecumenical Multifaith Unit-The Reverend Robin Ruder-Celiz (Chair)
*In our parish: the Salami family
the meeting of the Bishop’s Advisory Committee on Appointments (BACA)
Candidates for baptism: Avery, and Makena
*The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada- National Bishop Susan Johnson, BC Synod Bishop Greg Mohr;
*The brothers and sisters who share our worship space: The Port Moody Korean Presbyterian Church and the Polish Evangelical Church.
Readings for July 15, 2018 8th Sunday after Pentecost
2 Samuel 6:1-5 and 12b-19; Psalm 24; Ephesians 1:3-14; Mark 6:14-29
Readings for July 22, 2018 9th Sunday after Pentecost
2 Samuel 7:1-14a; Psalm 89:20-37); Ephesians 2:11-22; Mark 6:30-34 and 53-56
Important Contact Information
Interim Priest- The Rev. Stephanie Shepard
Parish Office- Kelly Million or 604-936-7762: 9 am- 1 pm Monday through Thursday
Wardens- Geri Grigg or Ruby Ng
Treasurer- Cedric Miller
Envelope Secretary- Sheila de Vaal
Parish Council- Adelaine Miller, Secretary
Altar Guild- Brenda Binns
St. John Prayer Circle- Sue Elliott
Pastoral Visiting Ministry- Joanne Walton terry&
or Alma Oldenburg
Anglican Church Women (ACW)- Sue Hall 604-936-0176
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