The E-postle for the week orf January 14, 2018

The E-postle for the week orf January 14, 2018


“The Parish of St. John the Apostle is called to be

*          A Spirited Community at the heart of Port Moody

*          transformed through the experience of the presence of Christ

*          and sent out to share God’s Love”

  “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening“ -!

Samuel 3:10

What is Confirmation?

Most of us are so attuned to our mobile phones that our attention is directed to the smallest swoosh or beep as a text or message come in.  What would it be like if we were that attuned to God’s voice in our lives?  Confirmation is an act of opening the connections for the Holy Spirit within us.  Our intention to live out our baptismal ministry is met by God’s intention to empower us.  The sacramental moment of the Bishop’s hands laid upon an individual in prayer is the outward and physical sign of this inward and spiritual grace.

You may have been baptized years ago when your parents or sponsors promised to bring you up to know Christ in your life.  Or you may have made those promises for yourself, but found your spiritual journey has led you on many twists and turns since then.  The rite of Confirmation is the opportunity to invite the release of God’s spiritual gifts already within you and to mark the beginning of a deeper and more personal relationship with God.

If you have already been confirmed, perhaps this is a significant time in your life when you want to re-affirm your faith.  Or if your journey has brought you from another denominational tradition, you can mark that the Anglican Church is now your spiritual home by being formally received by the Bishop.  Our Diocesan Bishop, Melissa Skelton, will be coming to St. Johns on Sunday April 29th to celebrate the Eucharist and Confirmation, Re-Affirmation, and Reception. Prepare by joining the biweekly Catechism Group starting January 16 (see below).

Yours in Christ, Stephanie +


Upcoming Dates

January 14- 11:30 am Stewardship focus group

January 16- 4-5 pm, Catechism Group information session  in PMC

January 18- 1:30 pm, Anglican Church Women meeting in parish hall, all welcome

January 19-20- proposed painting of choir room

January 24- Group and Committee reports due to parish office for Annual Vestry

January 29- 6-9 pm, Parish Council meeting.  Note early start for council members

February 4- 11:30 am Parish Visiting Ministry meeting in PMC

February 7- 9:30 am-noon, Coffee & Crafts in the parish hall

February 14- Ash Wednesday:  pancake supper 6 pm, services 8:30 am and 7:30 pm

February 18- 11:30 am Annual Vestry Meeting

February 23-25- Spiritual Formation Weekend at Loon Lake “Prayer Beyond Words”

Catechism (Cat) Group

For those preparing for confirmation, reception, or reaffirmation in the Anglican Church of Canada, or anyone who wants to take a step deeper into exploring their baptismal promises.  Everyone is welcome to bring their questions to an information session on Tuesday January 16, from 4-5 pm in the Parish Ministry Centre.  If this time slot does not meet your schedule, talk to our priest or deacons about how you can come alongside the group in prayer and study.


Stewardship Reflection

“We must discover and accept what unique part of the divine mystery is ours to reflect. All each of us can give back to God is what God has already given to us. We must choose it, respect it and allow it to blossom. The most courageous thing we will ever do is to bear humbly the mystery of our own reality, to trust our divine image and grow in God’s likeness. It is simply a matter of becoming who we already are. “  –   Richard Rohr

What unique part of the Divine Mystery are we privileged to share with others?


Stewardship Priorities for 2018

Join a focus group discussion after the 10 am service on this coming Sunday January 14 about what St. Johns needs to do this year to deepen our commitment of resources to God’s work.  Ideas, energy, and talents will be directed to both year-round education and a financial campaign.

Budget Proposals Requested by January 14

The parish council will be preparing a draft budget for 2018 to present to the Annual Vestry Meeting.  If your group needs continued or new funding for materials or programming in 2018, please submit a proposal to our Treasurer Chelsea Belyk by January 14.

Vestry Reports Needed Now Too
You may now begin submitting your reports for the Annual Vestry meeting being held on February 18th following the 10 am service. Please be sure your reports are submitted no later than Monday January 29th, 2018. Please email your reports to Karen at . Your timely submissions are greatly appreciated.

Coffee & Crafts, Wednesday, Feb. 7th at 9:30

On this day, we will be sorting our crafts supplies.  These include ribbon, lace, wood craft items, yarn, fabric crochet cotton and probably many things we have forgotten are there!  Please come and join us if you are at all interested in crafting.  Maybe these items will give you crafting ideas or maybe you can give us ideas. We are hoping to downsize our supply so this maybe the last chance to see some of these items.  Look forward to seeing you on the 7th…………Ferne

Volunteers Needed for Parish Hall Refreshing Project

On Friday January 19 and Saturday January 20, work parties for the preparation and painting of the choir room are shaping up.  See sign up list on the choir room door or contact the office.

On Tuesday January 23 and Wednesday January 24, helpers are needed to strip and wax the floor of the hall.  Contact Rich Thompson through the parish office.

Flowers for the Altar

The Altar Guild would like to draw your attention to the new flower chart in the Narthex by the Chapel door. Please consider signing up to place flowers at the Altar in thanksgiving for something, or in loving memory of a family member, or friend. A member of the Altar Guild will contact you the week before the date you have chosen to see what type of flowers you would like and also the wording you would like to go in the Bulletin. Thank you.

Consider one of the coming weeks:  January 21, January 28, February 4, or February 11

Prayer Cycle

In the Anglican Communion-

* Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby; Primate of Canada Fred Hiltz and Indigenous Archbishop Mark McDonald; BC & Yukon Archbishop John Privett; Council of the North Diocese of Brandon and Henry Budd College;

* our partner Diocese of Northern Philippines, Bishop Brent Alawas, and especially the people of our twin church at St. Johns Mission, Bila, Mountain Province;

* Diocese of New Westminster Bishop Melissa Skelton, and this week:

Diocesan Council, officers and members, and diocesan staff resource people

*The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada- National Bishop Susan Johnson, BC Synod Bishop Greg Mohr;

*In our parish:

The work of the Canonical Committee as the first draft of the Parish Profile is prepared

*The brothers and sisters who share our worship space: The Port Moody Korean Presbyterian Church and the Polish Evangelical Church.


A huge thank you to everyone who came out to help assemble 23 Christmas goodie baskets for our seniors and others deserving of a little cheer. Thank you also to those who supported our outreach to the Mission to Seafarers. Over the past month we have delivered 22 Christmas shoe box parcels, 20 pairs of warm socks, 3 large bags of  stuffed toys and a large collection of cookies. They were all much appreciated. Thank you also to all those who donated unused Christmas cards. Approximately 200 cards were delivered to the Burnaby Youth Detention Services to enable detained youth to send cards to their families.
Our January meeting, which will be our A.G.M. will be held on Thursday January  18th at 1.30 pm. ~ Sue Hall
Readings for January 21, 2018   Epiphany 3

Jonah 3:1-5; Psalm 62:6-14; 1 Corinthians 7:29-31; Mark 1:14-20

A note from the Treasurer and the Sunday Counters

Just a reminder: Please fill out the amount on the collection envelopes this will greatly assist the counters in their work each Sunday. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Important Contact Information

Interim Priest– The Rev. Stephanie Shepard or 778-773-6816

Parish Office– Karen Evans or 604-936-7762

Wardens– Geri Grigg Terry Walton terry&

or through the parish office

Treasurer– Chelsea Belyk

Parish Council– Adelaine Miller, Secretary

Altar Guild– Brenda Binns

St. John Prayer Circle– Sue Elliott

Pastoral Visiting Ministry– Joanne Walton terry&

or Alma Oldenburg

Anglican Church Women (ACW)- Sue Hall 604-936-0176


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