The E-postle

March 11, 2018

The Parish of St. John the Apostle is called to be

*          A Spirited Community at the heart of Port Moody

*          transformed through the experience of the presence of Christ

*          and sent out to share God’s Love”

For God so loved the world that God sent the beloved Son  -John 3:16

Upcoming Dates

Sunday March 11- 12ish, Lunar New Year Lunch at Lougheed Wonton Restaurant, Take 2

Thursday March 15- 7 pm, Anglican Church Women meeting in hall (NOTE new meeting time)

Sunday March 18- 12:30 to 2:30 pm, Sexual Misconduct Policy workshop at St. Laurence

Wednesday March 21- 9:30 am onwards, Spring Clean-up of the church

Saturday March 24- Parish Council Retreat at deacon Anne’s home

HOLY WEEK     Sunday March 25- 8:30 & 10 am,Palm Sunday services

                        Tuesday March 27, 11 am Chrism Mass at Christ Church Cathedral

Thursday March 29- 6 pm supper, 7 pm Maundy Thursday worship

Friday March 30- 10 am Stations of the Cross, 11 am Good Friday worship

EASTER            Sunday April 1- 8:30 & 10 am, Easter Sunday services

Sunday April 29- Episcopal Visit and Confirmations with Bishop Melissa Skelton

Parish Profile for Perusal

The first draft of the parish profile to advertise for a new priest is ready to be submitted to Bishop Melissa.  Check your inbox for a preview.  Paper copies available by request at the parish office if you cannot open the document.  Any revisions will be based on diocesan feedback.

Anglican Church Women

A.C.W. Meeting: Thursday March 15th at 7pm in the church hall. The A.C.W. ladies are organizing a ‘Spring Cleaning’ of the church on Wednesday March 21st at 9.30 am. If anyone feels inclined to shake up a little dust or sweep clean with a new broom, you would be more than welcome to join us.

Spring Forward this Weekend

Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead 1 hour on Saturday evening so you can show up in time for worship on Sunday morning.

Sexual Misconduct Policy Workshop

All Anglicans who work in sensitive ministries with young, elderly, or vulnerable persons, or who serve in leadership roles in the Church are asked to attend a two-hour orientation clarifying what is acceptable/unacceptable behaviour as Christians. The closest and earliest workshop is at St. Laurence Coquitlam on Sunday March 18 from 12:30-2:30 pm.  This is open to Anglicans in our area, so take advantage. Phone 604-936-5423 or email stlaurence@telus.net to register.  Certification is for 5 years.


Camp Artaban Registration Opens

Come to camp for the time of your life!  This Anglican-rooted camp on Gambier Island is offering a full summer schedule of residential Christian camping.  Check out www.campartaban.com  Financial bursaries are available for campers.  Over 16 years old?  Family Camp, Visitor’s Day, or volunteer and paid staff positions make it possible for YOU to get to camp this summer.

 Chrism Mass and Renewal of Vows

Join with Bishop Melissa and clergy and laity from around the diocese as we renew our baptismal and ordination vows and ask God to bless the holy oils for baptism and healing.  This yearly event is followed by a lovely luncheon and a talk by the Rt. Rev. Terry Dance, retired Canadian bishop.   Please register at https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ef4tvjebd788e4b3&oseq=&c=&ch=

Stewardship Reflection

Will you proclaim by word and example the good news of God in Christ?

                                                            – baptismal covenant of the Anglican Church of Canada

 How and where can we be sharers of good news with our neighbours this week? Is there someone you know you could invite to the Holy Week or Easter services?

Prayer Cycle

In the Anglican Communion-

* Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby; Primate of Canada Fred Hiltz and Indigenous Archbishop Mark McDonald; BC & Yukon Archbishop John Privett; the Territory of the People (formerly the Anglican Parishes of the Central Interior of BC),

* our partner Diocese of Northern Philippines, Bishop Brent Alawas, and especially the people of our twin church at St. Johns Mission, Bila, Mountain Province;

* Diocesan Bishop Melissa Skelton and this week:

The Deanery of Sea to Sky – The Reverend Clarence Li, Regional Dean

The Coming Home Society – Linda Adams, ODNW (President)

*In our parish:

Those preparing for confirmation and reaffirmation:  Brianna, Sarah, Amelia, Breanna, Chelsea, Sue, Bryan, Joanne, Bob, Heather

*The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada- National Bishop Susan Johnson, BC Synod Bishop Greg Mohr;

*The brothers and sisters who share our worship space: The Port Moody Korean Presbyterian Church and the Polish Evangelical Church.

Readings for March 18, 2018      Lent 5

Jeremiah 31:31-34; Psalm 119:9-16; Hebrews 5:5-1-10; John 12:20-33

Important Contact Information

Interim Priest– The Rev. Stephanie Shepard rev.seshepard@gmail.com or 778-773-6816

Parish Office– Karen Evans stjohn7@shaw.ca or 604-936-7762

Wardens– Geri Grigg gerigrigg@gmail.com  or Ruby Ng rubyngchen@hotmail.com

Treasurer– Chelsea Belyk chelsea.belyk@gmail.com

Parish Council– Adelaine Miller, Secretary adelainemiller@shaw.ca

Altar Guild– Brenda Binns Brenda.Binns@hotmail.com

St. John Prayer Circle– Sue Elliott Elliott.sue1@gmail.com

Pastoral Visiting Ministry– Joanne Walton terry&joanne_walton@telus.net

or Alma Oldenburg almaolden@hotmail.com

Anglican Church Women (ACW)- Sue Hall 604-936-0176 sbhcat@hotmail.com


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