The Christmas E-postle

The Christmas E-postle

December 24, 2017


“The Parish of St. John the Apostle is called to be

*          A Spirited Community at the heart of Port Moody

*          transformed through the experience of the presence of Christ

*          and sent out to share God’s Love”

 A Christmas Message

In this season, hands are a little more generous, and hearts are a little kinder.  We are reminded once more of what it means to be loved and vulnerable when God is a child among us.  Why put away that Christmas spirit when we finish the holiday treats and take down the decorations?  Let’s keep the Christ Mass all year round, every time we gather as people of faith.  The origin of our feast is the Mass on the day of the Nativity when we see and hold Jesus in the bread and the wine blessed at the altar, hence “Christ-mass”. God is always with us in this sacrament we share.  Let the angels surround you on every side and rejoice as you receive in your hands what our Creator has given out of love.

Christmas Eve 7pm                Family service with pageant and communion

Christmas Eve 10 pm             Choral candlelight communion

Christmas Day 10 am             Quiet communion with carols

… and every Sunday at 8:30 am and 10 am in 2018!

Yours in Christ, Stephanie +

Upcoming Dates

December 24- 10 am Advent 4 service (no 8:30 am service this day)

December 24- 7 pm & 10 pm, Christmas Eve services

December 25- 10 am, Christ Mass for Christmas Day

January 3- 9:30-noon, Coffee & Crafts in the parish hall

January 24- Group and Committee reports due to parish office for Annual Vestry

February 14- Ash Wednesday

February 18- 11:30 am Annual Vestry Meeting

February 23-25- Spiritual Formation Weekend at Loon Lake “Prayer Beyond Words”

Stewardship Reflection

A Christmas Blessing

May Love come alive within your heart as Christmas time draws near.

May hope fill each room you decorate and bring joy to those you hold dear.

May peace be before you at every meal and faith ring through every song.

For Christ is alive, the light of the world, may he bless you all season long.

  • Author unknown

How will I share the gifts I receive of love, hope, peace, and faith?

Personal Hygiene Items needed for Ignite

Ignite is a women’s rights and activism club at Gleneagle Secondary in Coquitlam that has started a project to help women in need in the tri-cities area with care packages made of a variety of essential items (feminine hygiene products, dentist hygiene products, soap, shampoo, conditioner, etc).  A basket by the main doors of the church is available to receive your donations for the next three weeks.

Budget Proposals Requested

The parish council will be preparing a draft budget for 2018 to present to the Annual Vestry Meeting.  If your group needs continued or new funding for materials or programming in 2018, please submit a proposal to our Treasurer Chelsea Belyk by January 14.

 Order of the Diocese of New Westminster

Several suggestions for recognizing individuals have been received and will be considered by parish council for our one nomination to the Bishop.  It is not too late to submit your recommendation.  See

Prayer Cycle

In the Anglican Communion-

* Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby; Primate of Canada Fred Hiltz and Indigenous Archbishop Mark McDonald; BC & Yukon Archbishop John Privett; Council of the North Diocese of Athabasca (Alberta)

* our partner Diocese of Northern Philippines, Bishop Brent Alawas, and especially the people of our twin church at St. Johns Mission, Bila, Mountain Province;

* Diocese of New Westminster Bishop Melissa Skelton, and this week:

St. Stephen the Martyr, Burnaby – The Rev. April Stanley

St. Stephen, West Vancouver – The Rev. Jonathan Lloyd, The Rev. Ayoob Adwar

St. John the Apostle, Port Moody – The Rev. Stephanie Shepard, The Rev. Anne Anchor, The Rev. Trudi Shaw, The Rev. Michael Chin

St. John the Evangelist, North Vancouver – The Rev. Patrick Blaney

St. John the Divine, Maple Ridge – The Rev. Georgina Harris

St. John the Divine, Squamish – The Rev. Nicholas Parker

St. John, Shaughnessy – The Ven. John Stephens, The Rev. Liz Hamel, The Rev. Pitman Potter

*The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada- National Bishop Susan Johnson, BC Synod Bishop Greg Mohr;

*In our parish:

The work of the Canonical Committee as the first draft of the Parish Profile is prepared

*The brothers and sisters who share our worship space: The Port Moody Korean Presbyterian Church and the Polish Evangelical Church.

Readings for December 31, 2017          Epiphany & Feast of St. John the Apostle

Isaiah 60:1-6, Psalm 72; Ephesians 3:1-12; Matthew 2:1-12

Important Contact Information

Interim Priest– The Rev. Stephanie Shepard or 778-773-6816

Parish Office– Karen Evans or 604-936-7762

Wardens– Geri Grigg Terry Walton terry&

Maureen Simons or through the parish office

Treasurer– Chelsea Belyk

Parish Council– Adelaine Miller, Secretary

Altar Guild– Brenda Binns

St. John Prayer Circle– Sue Elliott

Pastoral Visiting Ministry– Joanne Walton terry&

or Alma Oldenburg

Anglican Church Women (ACW)- Sue Hall 604-936-0176


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