E-postle – September 10th, 2017
The E-postle
September 10, 2017
“The Parish of St. John the Apostle is called to be
* A Spirited Community at the heart of Port Moody
* transformed through the experience of the presence of Christ
* and sent out to share God’s Love”
– mission statement
Make the Parish Survey Your Voice in the Process
St. Johns is now at the 9 month point in the interim process towards a new rector. The parish survey has gone out by email with a link to “Survey Monkey”. Paper copies are now available in the church and the parish office, both for adults and younger members. The next stage of the canonical process depends on your prayerful responses. From all that we have explored in 2017, a parish profile will be prepared that reflects both the reality of St. Johns and where the parish believes God is calling it in the future.
Our task so far has been to:
- Encourage stories about the past
- Develop a narrative history
- Invite stories that advance a sense of strength and gratitude
- Assess the parish strengths and impediments
- Identify and begin to implement adaptive changes as needed
What does this mean in real terms for this fall? I will continue to sit down and talk to groups in the parish about how St. Johns can be open and responsive to engaging the wider community as apostles of Christ. Let’s discuss how we show the world God’s love through our values, our actions, and our physical presence here in Port Moody. What does our building, our website, our worship, and our outreach say about who we believe God is calling us to be? Readiness to invite, encourage, and support new partners in ministry will mark where this community is positioned to grow in faith and numbers.
St. Johns best gift to a new ordained leader is energy towards the possibilities that God is opening up. Your time and effort in answering the parish survey is part of your offering.
Yours in Christ,
Upcoming Dates
September 10- “Hats On” Sunday
September 12- 10:30-noon, First Nations 101 book study begins
September 17- 10 am, Baptism of Alexander Brian McGlashan
September 17- after 10 am service, “Back to Church” Parish Picnic
September 23- 3:30 pm, Wedding of Sherrill Hardy and Bruce Wise
September 24- beginning 9:30 am, Walk for Reconciliation at Queen Elizabeth Plaza
September 30- Orange Shirt Day (wear them to church on October 1 too!)
October 8- Thanksgiving Sunday
November 2- 7:30 to 9:30 pm, All Souls Night with Holden Evening Prayer
November 4- 10 am – 2:30 pm, Fall Bazaar
Stewardship Reflection
“Besides this, you know what time it is, how it is now the moment for you to wake up from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now that when we became believers” – Romans 13:11
What do I need to do today to show I believe in God’s generosity?
Hats On for September 10
This coming Sunday, September 10, everyone is invited to wear a hat to church. Just because.
First Nations 101 Book Study
On Tuesday September 12, the first session of our parish book study begins on Lynda Gray’s “First Nations 101: tons of stuff you need to know about First Nations people”. There is a large group meeting 10:30 am to noon. If there is sufficient interest, an evening group from 7:15-8:45 pm Tuesdays will be added. Books are $20 suggested donation available on Sunday or through the parish office. Please pre-read pages 1-19 in preparation.
Children’s Ministry
A huge “Thank You!” to all who helped out with our Children’s a Program this Summer. To those who stepped up to help out: Kathy Renehan, Rosemary Morrissey, Lilian Elliott, and Sheila De Vaal, and to our regular teachers/helpers: Amanda Stock, Chelsea Belyk, Kathryn De Vaal, Ruby Ng-Chen, we greatly appreciate you taking time out of your summer to commit to teaching our children! I even had a few people come up to me, after we had filled all of the weeks, wanting to help out. What a wonderful problem to have! That being said, we are now looking towards our regular program of Godly Play to start back up this week. We’ve had some changes over the past year and ended in June with only 3 teachers and 3 helpers. One of our helpers has agreed to become and teacher and we have thankfully had one helper return and another come forward. But we are still hoping to add a couple more teachers and helpers to our rotation! If you feel a calling to help out with our children’s spiritual education we would love for you to join us. Any and all are welcome. If you want to come observe a class before making a commitment, please come on down! If you want to help but are unsure about teaching, come be a helper for a while and then become a teacher when/if you feel comfortable. We will welcome help in any way you feel you can give it! To volunteer or if you have any questions, please contact Christina Anchor in person at church or by email at clanchor15@gmail.com or Deacon Anne after any service.
Back to Church Picnic
The parish picnic has been shifted to September 17 from this coming Sunday so that more people can be involved. Please sign up to help and so we have an idea of numbers attending. Contact Ruby Ng in church or by email at rubyngchen@gmail.com for more information.
All Souls Night November 2
In the darkness of the turning of the year near All Saints Day, we pause to remember those who have died. This has been a year of significance for the parish, and it would be good to mark both those family members and friends who have gone home to God and those souls in our world who have lost their lives. Whether you want to honour a loved one or pray for victims of violence and disaster, drop in to the church on Thursday November 2 between 7:30 and 9:30 pm. You can walk a labyrinth in meditation, light a candle, put a name or piece of artwork up on a board of remembrance, or simply let the music of Holden Evening Prayer wash over you at 9 pm.
Fall Bazaar November 4
We are looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday, November 4th between 10:00 am & 2:30 pm. In preparation, there are many ways you can help:
Raffle: Donate items for our Goodie Baskets to Grace Lieu. (No liquor, firearms or live animals, according to BC gaming regulations! How about non-perishable treats for Christmas?). Help sell books of Raffle tickets starting October to your friends and family.
Bake Table: Help bake, package, price, or sell items.
Handicrafts: Sew, knit, paint, craft, or assemble special gifts to sell.
Country Store: Donate homemade jellies, jams, relishes and all kinds of special little treats. Do you have a favourite treat that can be bottled or packaged?
Nu2U- Donate new or nearly new items like jewelry, china, linens or unused gifts.
White Elephant: Donate good quality items to recycle, be it books, kitchen treasures or maybe household items. Please test small appliances (No televisions or computer parts please!)
Soup and Sandwich Lunch: Help in the kitchen to prepare or serve sandwiches, soup, desserts and beverages.
Got something to donate? We have a little space in the PMC for White Elephant items so whatever can be brought in up to a week ahead would be great. Items for Crafts and Nu2U may be brought in on the Sunday before (October 29th ) or to Coffee & Crafts on Wednesday morning (Nov. 1st), Thursday afternoon or all day Friday. The earlier the better. Items for the Bake Table may be brought in on Friday or where that is not possible on Saturday morning.
Prayer Cycle
In the Anglican Communion- Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby; Primate of Canada Fred Hiltz; BC & Yukon Archbishop John Privett; our partner Diocese of Northern Philippines, Bishop Brent Alawas, and especially the people of our twin church at St. Johns Mission, Bila, Mountain Province; Diocese of New Westminster Bishop Melissa Skelton, and this week- Holy Cross Japanese Canadian, Vancouver – The Rev. Daebin Im,The Vancouver School of Theology – The Rev. Richard Topping, The Rev. Grant Rodgers and all faculty, staff and students.
The Diocese of the Seychelles (Indian Ocean)- the Rt. Rev. James Wong Yin Song and especially all people affected by climate change on Mah and Preslin islands
In the Anglican Church of Canada: The newly created Indigenous Spiritual Ministry of Mishamikoweesh with its First Nations communities in Northwestern Ontario and Northern Manitoba, Bishop Lydia Mamakwa, and for all the leadership of the diocese. Pray also for the Dr. William Winter School of Ministry, the developing diaconal program, and the increasing ministry collaboration with the dioceses of Brandon and Rupert’s Land.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada- National Bishop Susan Johnson, BC Synod Bishop Greg Mohr;
The brothers and sisters who share our worship space: The Port Moody Korean Presbyterian Church and the Polish Evangelical Church.
Readings for Pentecost 15, September 17, 2017
Exodus 14:19-31; Psalm 114; Romans 14:1-12; Matthew 18:21-35
Important Contact Information
Interim Priest– The Rev. Stephanie Shepard rev.seshepard@gmail.com or 778-773-6816
Parish Office– Karen Evans stjohn7@shaw.ca or 604-936-7762
Wardens– Geri Grigg gerigrigg@gmail.com Terry Walton terry&joanne_walton@telus.net
Maureen Simons mesimons@telus.net or through the parish office
Treasurer– Chelsea Belyk chelsea.belyk@gmail.com
Parish Council– Adelaine Miller, Secretary adelainemiller@shaw.ca
Altar Guild– Brenda Binns Brenda.Binns@hotmail.com
St. John Prayer Circle– Sue Ellliott Elliott.sue1@gmail.com
Pastoral Visiting Ministry– Joanne Walton terry&joanne_walton@telus.net
or Alma Oldenburg almaolden@hotmail.com
Anglican Church Women (ACW)- Sue Hall 604-936-0176 sbhcat@hotmail.com
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