E-postle – September 3rd, 2017
The E-postle
September 3, 2017
“The Parish of St. John the Apostle is called to be
* A Spirited Community at the heart of Port Moody
* transformed through the experience of the presence of Christ
* and sent out to share God’s Love”
– mission statement
Survey Out
Yours in Christ,
Stephanie +
Upcoming Dates
September 6-9:30 am – noon, Coffee & Crafts in the parish hall
September 17- after 10 am service, “Back to Church” Parish Picnic
September 17- 10 am Baptism of Alexander Brian McGlashan
September 23- 3:30 pm, Wedding of Sherrill Hardy and Bruce Wise
September 24- beginning 9:30 am, Walk for Reconciliation at Queen Elizabeth Plaza
September 30- Orange Shirt Day (wear them to church on October 1 too!)
October 8- Thanksgiving Sunday
November 4- 10 am – 2:30 pm, Fall Bazaar
EfM Start-up
On Wednesday September 13th at 6:45 we are having an open-house evening for anyone who may be interested in starting the Education for Ministry course this year, we will gather in the PMC, the house west of the church. This will be an opportunity to meet others in the program or those that are thinking of it. It will be an introductory evening for all that come, we will have discussion of the contents of each year with review of the Reading and Reflection Guide Year A entitled “Living Faithfully in Your World”, a schedule will be set, the group norms will be set and a discussion of our individual expectations. Oh yes of course there will be worship and snacks.
Stewardship Reflection
“We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us” – Romans 1 :6
“God’s spiritual gifts are a way of getting his work done. Gifts are a demonstration of God’s Grace” (from the book Making Love Happen). How can you put your gifts to work at St. Johns while being on the look-out for any other gifts God is giving you?
Summer Program for Young People
Children are invited to explore stories and activities during part of the 10 am service with Ts’uwtun, our helper bear. This week’s First People’s Principle of Learning is “Learning requires exploration of one’s identity”. The animal chosen for this week is the swan.
Coffee & Crafts
Whether you are a crafter or someone who glues their fingers together, join us on Wednesday September 6 from 9:30 am to noon in the parish hall. This group is gearing up for the St. Johns Fall Bazaar on Saturday November 4, and many hands are needed. Come for the business portion at the beginning (fueled by coffee or tea) and hear how you can help out in one of the many areas. For more information, speak to Ferne Malcolm.
Metro Vancouver Alliance Leadership Institute
This two day training event is being held Thanksgiving weekend, October 7 and 8 to raise up awareness and skills for community organizing. See the poster in the parish hall or contact the office for details.
Prayer Cycle
In the Anglican Communion- Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby; Primate of Canada Fred Hiltz; BC & Yukon Archbishop John Privett; our partner Diocese of Northern Philippines, Bishop Brent Alawas, and especially the people of our twin church at St. Johns Mission, Bila, Mountain Province; Diocese of New Westminster Bishop Melissa Skelton, and this week:
Mission to Seafarers – The Rev. Peter Smyth
Vancouver General Hospital – The Rev. Liz Hamel
St. Jude’s Anglican Home – The Rev. Melanie Calabrigo
St. Michael’s Centre, Burnaby – The Rev. Randolph Bruce
College and University Campus Ministries – The Rev. Alain-Michel Rocheleau
Chaplains to the Retired Clergy – Dorothy Mash and the Rev. John Mash
In the Anglican Church of Canada: The newly created Indigenous Spiritual Ministry of Mishamikoweesh with its First Nations communities in Northwestern Ontario and Northern Manitoba, Bishop Lydia Mamakwa, and for all the leadership of the diocese. Pray also for the Dr. William Winter School of Ministry, the developing diaconal program, and the increasing ministry collaboration with the dioceses of Brandon and Rupert’s Land.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada- National Bishop Susan Johnson, BC Synod Bishop Greg Mohr;
The brothers and sisters who share our worship space: The Port Moody Korean Presbyterian Church and the Polish Evangelical Church.
Readings for Pentecost 13, September 3, 2017
Exodus 3:1-15; Psalm 105; Romans 12:9-21; Matthew 16:21-28
Parish Picnic –Sunday September 17th (NOTE CHANGE OF DATE)
The Parish Picnic has been postponed to the following Sunday 17th September following the 10 am service. It will be on church grounds. Sign-up sheets will be posted on Sunday. We welcome everyone, but would really appreciate you signing up so that the organizers will have an idea on catering, etc. Burgers will be provided but you are welcome to bring salads and desserts to share.
Port Moody Welcome Post Project
This summer Trudi and I have had the opportunity to attend a few gatherings at the Noons Creek Hatchery of the Welcome Post Project. These events were planned by Tasha Faye Evans and sponsored by the Port Moody Ecological Society and TriCities SUCCESS. Included were a Nature Walk and Cedar Weaving Workshop by Cease Wyss; Reconciliation, A Community Dialogue by Brandon Gabriel (Kwantlen); First Voices, Stories of this Land by Reuben George; and other events with singers and drummers.
Tasha Faye led the way for Pleasantside Elementary students to participate in beginning to learn about the ancestral territory on which their school was built. The students also helped Squamish Nation carver Xwalacktun create and carve a Welcome Post for the school.
In this year of action called by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Tasha Faye created the Welcome Post Project for adults to have similar opportunities, as did the children at Pleasantside. Her dream is to have a Welcome Post carved and placed in Rocky Point Park that is the gateway (as I learned from Reuben George) to the Salish Sea. Ultimately Tasha Faye would like to see three more posts placed in other locations sacred to the Tsleil-Waututh around the waterfront.
In light of St. John’s ongoing commitment to Truth and Reconciliation and as this is an opportunity to do so in Port Moody, a motion was passed at Monday’s Council meeting to financially support the Welcome Post Project. We are hoping that during our Orange Shirt Day ‘Every Child Matters’, October 1st we will hear more about this project. Deacon Anne
Thrifty Smile Cards
The “Thrifty’s Smile Cards” are active and 5% of purchases made with the card will go to purchasing equipment for our church community kitchen.
A.C.W. Pot Luck Dinner and Meeting: Thursday, September 21st at 6pm. Please bring a contribution to the meal to share with everyone.
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4TH – 10:00 am – 2:30 pm
This is a parish event and something supported and enjoyed by most everyone in the parish. It is also not only a major fund raiser for St. John’s but one of our faces to the community at large so let us put the effort in to make this event special.
There are many ways you can help and contribute to the Bazaar, below are some ideas:
Raffle: Donating items for our Goodie Baskets. These need to be non perishable items that are special treats for Christmas. Books of Raffle tickets will be available after church and perhaps your friends might like the chance to win one of our great prizes.
Bake Table: This is always a popular area and one of the first visited by man of our guests. We have many wonderful bakers in our community so let’s show off a little!
Handicrafts: Once again we have many talented individuals and it is always interesting to see the many special creations. Our knitters, sewers and crafters are second to none!
Country Store: Our special little corner for homemade jellies, jams, relishes and all kinds of special little treats. Do you have a favourite treat that can be bottled or packaged?
Nu2U- This is where we feature new or nearly new items. We also have a great jewellery display. Do you have any unused gifts that you want to recycle or quality jewelry that may be someone else’s treasure?
White Elephant: We generally have a lot of good quality items to recycle, be it books, kitchen treasures or maybe household items. White Elephant is a popular destination for many of our guests. ( No TV or computer items, please!)
Soup and Sandwich Lunch: We believe this is one of the best values to be had at any bazaar. For only $6.00 you get soup, complete sandwich (4 fillings) dessert and tea or coffee. Come and bring your friends.
We have a little space in the PMC for White Elephant items so whatever can be brought in up to a week ahead would be great.
Items for Crafts and Nu2U may be brought in on the Sunday before (October 29th ) to Coffee & Crafts on Wednesday morning (Nov. 1st), Thursday afternoon or all day Friday. The earlier the better.
Items for the Bake Table may be brought in on Friday or where that is not possible on Saturday morning.
Looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday, November 4th between 10:00 am & 2:30 pm.
Important Contact Information
Interim Priest– The Rev. Stephanie Shepard rev.seshepard@gmail.com or 778-773-6816
Parish Office– Karen Evans stjohn7@shaw.ca or 604-936-7762
Wardens– Geri Grigg gerigrigg@gmail.com Terry Walton terry&joanne_walton@telus.net
Maureen Simons mesimons@telus.net or through the parish office
Treasurer– Chelsea Belyk chelsea.belyk@gmail.com
Parish Council– Adelaine Miller, Secretary adelainemiller@shaw.ca
Altar Guild– Brenda Binns Brenda.Binns@hotmail.com
St. John Prayer Circle– Sue Ellliott Elliott.sue1@gmail.com
Pastoral Visiting Ministry– Joanne Walton terry&joanne_walton@telus.net
or Alma Oldenburg almaolden@hotmail.com
Anglican Church Women (ACW)- Sue Hall 604-936-0176 sbhcat@hotmail.com
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